Saturday, October 29, 2016
Rumor Has It ...
That Fox News plans on dumping Megyn Kelly and replacing the 9 pm slot with Judge Jeanine Pirro. Hope so!
Friday, October 28, 2016
FBI Reopening Hillary Email Investigation
First heard about this from a friend this afternoon. My jaw dropped. Then I gasped.
No doubt there has to be something pretty impressive for the FBI to do so after basically shutting the case down.
Here's Carl Bernstein's take on the news. For those not familiar with him. He, along with Bob Woodward were the reporters who broke the Watergate scandal involving President Richard Nixon.
So far, no direct response from Hillary Clinton.
Stayed tuned...
First heard about this from a friend this afternoon. My jaw dropped. Then I gasped.
No doubt there has to be something pretty impressive for the FBI to do so after basically shutting the case down.
Here's Carl Bernstein's take on the news. For those not familiar with him. He, along with Bob Woodward were the reporters who broke the Watergate scandal involving President Richard Nixon.
So far, no direct response from Hillary Clinton.
Stayed tuned...
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
New Cable News Network Needed ....
Just a passing thought.
Wouldn't it be great if Roger Ailes and a few others created another news network to challenge Fox and the others?
Or maybe take an existing online network such as Newsmax and make it bigger and better?
Since more and more of us are NO longer watching cable/tv and get our news and entertainment via the internet and our computers, it might just work.
Something to ponder...
Wouldn't it be great if Roger Ailes and a few others created another news network to challenge Fox and the others?
Or maybe take an existing online network such as Newsmax and make it bigger and better?
Since more and more of us are NO longer watching cable/tv and get our news and entertainment via the internet and our computers, it might just work.
Something to ponder...
Megyn & Newt Battle It Out On Her FNC Show
I no longer watch Megyn Kelly's show on the FNC. In fact, I don't watch a whole lot of Fox News period anymore. Ever since Roger Ailes left, little by little its programming, pundits and guests have changed. No doubt it's leaning more to the center and left.
This is sad.
For years, there was no alternative to MSM. Then Fox came along and I felt like I found a home. A channel that fostered republican/conservative values.
No longer.
Though I did not watch Kelly's show last night, while perusing the online news sites, I discovered quite a few headlines about her battle w/Newt Gingrich. So I decided to watch the segment.
Doing so confirmed my decision that FNC is not what it used to be w/the exception of a few of their commentators. Wonder how long it'll be before they're fired and replaced with MSM types...
Here's the link to watch for yourself:
This is sad.
For years, there was no alternative to MSM. Then Fox came along and I felt like I found a home. A channel that fostered republican/conservative values.
No longer.
Though I did not watch Kelly's show last night, while perusing the online news sites, I discovered quite a few headlines about her battle w/Newt Gingrich. So I decided to watch the segment.
Doing so confirmed my decision that FNC is not what it used to be w/the exception of a few of their commentators. Wonder how long it'll be before they're fired and replaced with MSM types...
Here's the link to watch for yourself:
Monday, October 24, 2016
WikiLeaks: Podesta Email On Over Sampling To Rig Polls
Yep, it's not just paranoia from the Trump camp. Polls are being rigged. Read on...
Maine Ballot Initiatives
Here is a list of ballot initiatives that Mainer's can vote on November 8th. List was put together by Ballotopia.
For more detail click on the blue highlighted links.
Type | Title | Subject | Description |
IndISS | Question 1 | Marijuana | Legalizes, regulates, and taxes marijuana as an agricultural product |
IndISS | Question 2 | Education | Establishes a 3 percent tax on household income over $200,000 |
IndISS | Question 3 | Firearms | Requires specific background checks for gun sales and transfers |
IndISS | Question 4 | Min Wage | Increases minimum wage to $12 per hour by 2020 |
IndISS | Question 5 | Elections | Establishes statewide ranked-choice voting |
BI | Question 6 | Bonds | Issues $100 million in bonds for transportation projects |
For more detail click on the blue highlighted links.
What's With The Push To Vote Early???
There has been a constant cacophony from both sides of the aisle to vote early. Why?
Are candidates afraid of negative news that might come to light just before the traditional voting day, consequently ruining their chances of winning?
If that's the case and my guess is, it is. Why would anyone do so?
Why not wait till November 8th when you've got as much information on the candidates as possible?
I just don't get it, unless you're going to be out of town. But then again, absentee ballots have been available forever. Any guesses out there?
Are candidates afraid of negative news that might come to light just before the traditional voting day, consequently ruining their chances of winning?
If that's the case and my guess is, it is. Why would anyone do so?
Why not wait till November 8th when you've got as much information on the candidates as possible?
I just don't get it, unless you're going to be out of town. But then again, absentee ballots have been available forever. Any guesses out there?
Sunday, October 23, 2016
A Word About Down Ballot Future Voting
All this talk by the establishment GOP and the Media about the possible loss of the GOP majority in the House & Senate is driving me crazy.
Because it's been implied by most that if this happens, it'll be Donald Trump's fault.
Not one pundit has said that if seats were lost, it could be that We The People are NOT happy with the performance of our representatives and are choosing to vote them out of office...
Because it's been implied by most that if this happens, it'll be Donald Trump's fault.
Not one pundit has said that if seats were lost, it could be that We The People are NOT happy with the performance of our representatives and are choosing to vote them out of office...
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Cyber Attacks Across the U.S.
Wonder who is behind this current stream of cyber attacks which have shut down huge sites on/off such as Twitter & Amazon, throughout the day yesterday. No doubt this is just the beginning of cyber warfare and that things will only get worse.
Armed Guards Outside Ecuadurian Embassy
Yep, Obama and the Clintons sure don't want the email whistle blower Julian Assange/WikiLeaks to continue the drip, drip, drip exposing their corruption for all the public to see.
Read on:
Friday, October 21, 2016
Lou Dobbs On The Donald
Video lasts about 4 minutes or so. So well said ....
Must Watch!!! Donald & Hillary's Speeches At Fundraiser After Debate
If you have some time, watch the speeches of both The Donald and Hillary at the Alfred E. Smith Fundraising Dinner last night. They're scathing, funny, truth filled and very telling about each candidate. Definitely worth the time. The video from CSPAN runs a bit over an hour. But note, the speeches last less time than that. I cannot stress how worth it is to watch this.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Day After The Debate Polls
If you watch or listen to the media, including Fox News, they all say how Hillary's poll numbers are wiping the floor with Trump. That The Donald doesn't have a chance and that Hillary's basically a shoe in to win the presidency.
Not sure WHAT polls they're quoting but here are the most recent ones, taken today after the debate as shown on the Real Clear Politics website.
IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40%; Trump 41%;
Johnson 7%; Stein 5%
Trump +1%
LA Times/USC Tracking Clinton 44%; Trump 44%
Rasmussen Clinton 40%; Trump 43%;
Johnson 6%; Stein 3%
Trump +3%
IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 43%; Trump 41%
Clinton +2%
Do the above numbers show Hillary wiping the floor with Trump? I don't think so. Looks pretty darn close to me...
Not sure WHAT polls they're quoting but here are the most recent ones, taken today after the debate as shown on the Real Clear Politics website.
IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40%; Trump 41%;
Johnson 7%; Stein 5%
Trump +1%
LA Times/USC Tracking Clinton 44%; Trump 44%
Rasmussen Clinton 40%; Trump 43%;
Johnson 6%; Stein 3%
Trump +3%
IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 43%; Trump 41%
Clinton +2%
Do the above numbers show Hillary wiping the floor with Trump? I don't think so. Looks pretty darn close to me...
Fox News Presidential Debate Hosted By Chris Wallace
Don't have a lot of time but wanted to quickly write about my take on last night's presidential debate before the barrage of media input is splashed all over the place.
Overall, I think The Donald did very well. Better than Hillary. No doubt about it. He remained calm, didn't let Hillary rattle him and got in a few zingers that brought home Mrs. Clinton's true nature.
Here is where the candidates stood on each of the issues asked about by Chris Wallace.
On Immigration. Trump wants a strong border. Is concerned about heroin and/or other dangerous drugs flooding into our country and wants to stop that. Does not support amnesty.
Hillary in turn talked about how Donald's plan would rip apart families. Then brought up the past twitter war between Trump and the Mexican president awhile back. Which Donald refuted and said all is well between them. Mrs. Clinton then mentioned how Donald has bashed immigrants in the past and had also hired them and didn't pay them well. Trump then pivoted and talked about how Hillary's had over 30 years to accomplish things and that she's done nothing.
Chris Wallace then asked about the WikiLeaks issue where it was pointed out that in a speech to Wall St., Hillary said how she would like open borders. Mrs. Clinton ignored answering the question and pointed out how Russia is behind all the WikiLeaks stuff and is trying to influence the election. She then said she wanted Trump to admonish the Russian espionage.
Donald then points out how Hillary did not want to talk about her statement of wanting open borders. Hillary then said how Donald loves Russian President Putin. At this point, Hillary looked a bit unhinged.
Chris Wallace went on to ask about the economy and how they would improve things. Hillary went on to talk about how she's for the middle class and growing the economy. That she would put forth the largest jobs program ever. That she's for clean energy and believes in the climate change scenario. Would raise the national minimum wage. Enforce women getting equal pay. Would make college debt free. And last, have the wealthy pay their fair share.
Donald Trump mentioned how the national debt has doubled under Obama. Blamed NAFTA enacted by Bill Clinton for a lot of the nation's current woes. Talked about how so many jobs have gone to Mexico and elsewhere. That he would cut taxes on businesses as well as for individuals. And also lower regulations.
Both candidates briefly touched on TPP with Donald saying he was against it from the beginning and that Hillary was for it before she was against it. Hillary then talked about creating a position for a Trade Prosecutor if she were to become president.
Next was the fitness to become president issue where Wallace asked Trump about the women who have accused him of sexually assaulting them. Donald then said that all were false accusations that have been proven to be false. He then brought up the 33,000 Hillary related emails that were deleted and that anyone else would be in jail for lesser offenses, yet she gets away with it. He also talked about the conflict of interest with the Clinton Foundation and how Hillary has taken money from countries like Saudi Arabia where women are abused constantly.
Hillary counter acted by saying how the Clinton Foundation gives 90% of the money it receives to charity.
Wallace went on to talk about foreign hotspots and the issue in Mosul. Asked each candidate if they would put troops into this area.
Mrs. Clinton said she would not. Donald intimated that he would.
At this point Hillary started to look out of it w/ jerking movements, etc.
Entitlements were then talked about and how they were 60% of the National debt. Wallace asked each candidate how they would address the issue.
Donald said he would work out a deal to save social security.
Hillary said she would raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for social security.
Last, Wallace asked Mr. Trump if he would support the winner of the race. Donald basically said he'd have to think about it and will keep everyone in suspense. Don't remember how Hillary responded or even if she was asked the same question.
I'm sure I've missed some of the topics discussed but the above pretty much gives the highlights of what was discussed and also gives an idea about where each of the candidates stand.
Bottom line.
Donald did better than Hillary. Put her on the defensive often. Came off more human, passionate and genuine vs Hillary who was robotic and politically correct w/canned answers. If I had to choose who won, I would say Trump did. But no doubt the MSM is going to say different. They will spin, spin, spin to make it seem that Hillary put in a stellar performance and that the Donald was a buffoon or worse.
Overall, I think The Donald did very well. Better than Hillary. No doubt about it. He remained calm, didn't let Hillary rattle him and got in a few zingers that brought home Mrs. Clinton's true nature.
Here is where the candidates stood on each of the issues asked about by Chris Wallace.
On Immigration. Trump wants a strong border. Is concerned about heroin and/or other dangerous drugs flooding into our country and wants to stop that. Does not support amnesty.
Hillary in turn talked about how Donald's plan would rip apart families. Then brought up the past twitter war between Trump and the Mexican president awhile back. Which Donald refuted and said all is well between them. Mrs. Clinton then mentioned how Donald has bashed immigrants in the past and had also hired them and didn't pay them well. Trump then pivoted and talked about how Hillary's had over 30 years to accomplish things and that she's done nothing.
Chris Wallace then asked about the WikiLeaks issue where it was pointed out that in a speech to Wall St., Hillary said how she would like open borders. Mrs. Clinton ignored answering the question and pointed out how Russia is behind all the WikiLeaks stuff and is trying to influence the election. She then said she wanted Trump to admonish the Russian espionage.
Donald then points out how Hillary did not want to talk about her statement of wanting open borders. Hillary then said how Donald loves Russian President Putin. At this point, Hillary looked a bit unhinged.
Chris Wallace went on to ask about the economy and how they would improve things. Hillary went on to talk about how she's for the middle class and growing the economy. That she would put forth the largest jobs program ever. That she's for clean energy and believes in the climate change scenario. Would raise the national minimum wage. Enforce women getting equal pay. Would make college debt free. And last, have the wealthy pay their fair share.
Donald Trump mentioned how the national debt has doubled under Obama. Blamed NAFTA enacted by Bill Clinton for a lot of the nation's current woes. Talked about how so many jobs have gone to Mexico and elsewhere. That he would cut taxes on businesses as well as for individuals. And also lower regulations.
Both candidates briefly touched on TPP with Donald saying he was against it from the beginning and that Hillary was for it before she was against it. Hillary then talked about creating a position for a Trade Prosecutor if she were to become president.
Next was the fitness to become president issue where Wallace asked Trump about the women who have accused him of sexually assaulting them. Donald then said that all were false accusations that have been proven to be false. He then brought up the 33,000 Hillary related emails that were deleted and that anyone else would be in jail for lesser offenses, yet she gets away with it. He also talked about the conflict of interest with the Clinton Foundation and how Hillary has taken money from countries like Saudi Arabia where women are abused constantly.
Hillary counter acted by saying how the Clinton Foundation gives 90% of the money it receives to charity.
Wallace went on to talk about foreign hotspots and the issue in Mosul. Asked each candidate if they would put troops into this area.
Mrs. Clinton said she would not. Donald intimated that he would.
At this point Hillary started to look out of it w/ jerking movements, etc.
Entitlements were then talked about and how they were 60% of the National debt. Wallace asked each candidate how they would address the issue.
Donald said he would work out a deal to save social security.
Hillary said she would raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for social security.
Last, Wallace asked Mr. Trump if he would support the winner of the race. Donald basically said he'd have to think about it and will keep everyone in suspense. Don't remember how Hillary responded or even if she was asked the same question.
I'm sure I've missed some of the topics discussed but the above pretty much gives the highlights of what was discussed and also gives an idea about where each of the candidates stand.
Bottom line.
Donald did better than Hillary. Put her on the defensive often. Came off more human, passionate and genuine vs Hillary who was robotic and politically correct w/canned answers. If I had to choose who won, I would say Trump did. But no doubt the MSM is going to say different. They will spin, spin, spin to make it seem that Hillary put in a stellar performance and that the Donald was a buffoon or worse.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Latest Presidential Polls
For all the left keep trying to convince everyone that Donald Trump doesn't have a prayer of winning the presidency, others say different.
Check out the link below to the Real Clear Politics compendium of presidential polls.
If time, look at the results going back to a week or so ago. Hillary is NOT doing as well as the media says she is other than in a few states like Virginia, etc.
Most polls show Clinton/Trump close or within the margin of error.
Check out the link below to the Real Clear Politics compendium of presidential polls.
If time, look at the results going back to a week or so ago. Hillary is NOT doing as well as the media says she is other than in a few states like Virginia, etc.
Most polls show Clinton/Trump close or within the margin of error.
Obama Wants Funding For Group That Views Israel As Our Enemy!
Unbelievable. Here's the link to the story from the Daily Signal/Heritage Foundation..."&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkROa056ZGpaalZtWWpkaCIsInQiOiJpTms3eVJHOTJ5bmlXZnowamc1b1lSaEJOa01WRytyekY3b3ZGUDlIV1p5ekFhUFlMKzU2clNEQjFyMTNaQnRkckV6VjVqZWlhbXBzdUNsdWdMQjZcL0Z0b2Qrck90TnQ0MDY5aVpFSmM4Vjg9In0%3D"&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkROa056ZGpaalZtWWpkaCIsInQiOiJpTms3eVJHOTJ5bmlXZnowamc1b1lSaEJOa01WRytyekY3b3ZGUDlIV1p5ekFhUFlMKzU2clNEQjFyMTNaQnRkckV6VjVqZWlhbXBzdUNsdWdMQjZcL0Z0b2Qrck90TnQ0MDY5aVpFSmM4Vjg9In0%3D
Julian Assange's Internet Connection Cut Off
Just read that Julian Assange's internet connection has been cut by a 'state party' or 'state actor'. After lots of research, it seems no one really knows where the 'state party' or 'state actor' are from ie the U.S.? Russia? Uk? I'm sure someone will figure it out eventually.
Obviously someone wants Assange out of the picture completely. Sounds crazy, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Clinton's/Dems had something to do with it since they are the ones' most damaged by every leak.
Stay tuned...
Obviously someone wants Assange out of the picture completely. Sounds crazy, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Clinton's/Dems had something to do with it since they are the ones' most damaged by every leak.
Stay tuned...
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Local Color
While at the hairdresser's yesterday, the subject of politics and the presidential race came up. My hairdresser and I often talk politics and are pretty much of the same political bent. BUT we usually discuss things quietly as she's afraid of possibly alienating other customers and also likes to keep politics out of the loop. Not this time.
Here's the scoop.
I walked into the busy shop. It was hustling and bustling with customers as usual, music was playing in the background and everyone was chatting up a storm. In other words, it was a typical day like many others.
My hairdresser as well as a few of the other hairdresser's said hi as I walked in. No need to say who I was as it's a small, friendly shop where everybody knows your name.
My hairdresser then asked how I was doing. I replied that I wasn't in the greatest of moods. My hairdresser said, I bet you're disgusted with the presidential race. I was surprised to say the least. Was she psychic or what?
Anyway, I said, to be honest, yes I am.
My hairdresser, along with the others said they felt exactly the same and the conversation took off from there. Or should I say the venting took off from there. Big time.
Each of these gals have been employed at the shop for quite awhile. They all work hard. Many days are spent standing on their feet for 10 to 12 hours, with only short breaks in between to gobble down a bite or two of lunch or a quick sip of coffee. Yet they are always pleasant, polite and helpful. They are a part of the backbone of America.
This was the first time I ever heard them talk with such passion but also a bit of anger.
All four are voting for Trump. All acknowledged the Donald's flaws, potty talk, etc. But they didn't care. Thought it was insignificant when there are so many more important issues at hand ie the economy, taxes, regulations (my hairdresser knows all about this being a small business owner), immigration, terrorism, ObamaCare and on and on.
They went on to elaborate how they feel that American values are quickly slipping away. That politics has gotten so corrupt and negative. That we're going down the tubes.
They also talked about how they can't trust a good portion of the media anymore to tell the truth.
All of us sited frustration with the above.
All of us also found ourselves to be completely puzzled as to how anyone could vote for the Clinton's and the corruption they represent.
Though the above is all anecdotal, from a small group of WOMEN (whom are supposed to be outraged with Trump's locker room talk and thus NOT vote for him) and took place in a tiny town on the coast of Maine that does not have the political power and/or impact of say NYC or even Boston nearby.
However, as I've said before in other entries that we are a microcosm of a much larger portion of the country who are frustrated, exasperated and angry with the current political system led by President Obama, the Democrat party, Establishment Republicans and the MSM.
I know Mrs. Clinton, along with most Dems think a lot of us belong in that basket of deplorables. That we are stupid and uneducated.
Bottom line.
Though I do get discouraged and often outraged with all the mud slinging, misrepresentation, spin, etc. coming from the left, I do believe that a good portion of the population are flying under the radar and will vote for the Trumpster come November 8th. Not because we think he's the ideal candidate but because we are so angry and disgusted with the last 8 years of the Obama administration, the corruption of the Clinton's, political correctness and the direction our country is taking. That we feel we have NO other choice. Not the most inspirational reason, but a legitimate one.
Here's the scoop.
I walked into the busy shop. It was hustling and bustling with customers as usual, music was playing in the background and everyone was chatting up a storm. In other words, it was a typical day like many others.
My hairdresser as well as a few of the other hairdresser's said hi as I walked in. No need to say who I was as it's a small, friendly shop where everybody knows your name.
My hairdresser then asked how I was doing. I replied that I wasn't in the greatest of moods. My hairdresser said, I bet you're disgusted with the presidential race. I was surprised to say the least. Was she psychic or what?
Anyway, I said, to be honest, yes I am.
My hairdresser, along with the others said they felt exactly the same and the conversation took off from there. Or should I say the venting took off from there. Big time.
Each of these gals have been employed at the shop for quite awhile. They all work hard. Many days are spent standing on their feet for 10 to 12 hours, with only short breaks in between to gobble down a bite or two of lunch or a quick sip of coffee. Yet they are always pleasant, polite and helpful. They are a part of the backbone of America.
This was the first time I ever heard them talk with such passion but also a bit of anger.
All four are voting for Trump. All acknowledged the Donald's flaws, potty talk, etc. But they didn't care. Thought it was insignificant when there are so many more important issues at hand ie the economy, taxes, regulations (my hairdresser knows all about this being a small business owner), immigration, terrorism, ObamaCare and on and on.
They went on to elaborate how they feel that American values are quickly slipping away. That politics has gotten so corrupt and negative. That we're going down the tubes.
They also talked about how they can't trust a good portion of the media anymore to tell the truth.
All of us sited frustration with the above.
All of us also found ourselves to be completely puzzled as to how anyone could vote for the Clinton's and the corruption they represent.
Though the above is all anecdotal, from a small group of WOMEN (whom are supposed to be outraged with Trump's locker room talk and thus NOT vote for him) and took place in a tiny town on the coast of Maine that does not have the political power and/or impact of say NYC or even Boston nearby.
However, as I've said before in other entries that we are a microcosm of a much larger portion of the country who are frustrated, exasperated and angry with the current political system led by President Obama, the Democrat party, Establishment Republicans and the MSM.
I know Mrs. Clinton, along with most Dems think a lot of us belong in that basket of deplorables. That we are stupid and uneducated.
Bottom line.
Though I do get discouraged and often outraged with all the mud slinging, misrepresentation, spin, etc. coming from the left, I do believe that a good portion of the population are flying under the radar and will vote for the Trumpster come November 8th. Not because we think he's the ideal candidate but because we are so angry and disgusted with the last 8 years of the Obama administration, the corruption of the Clinton's, political correctness and the direction our country is taking. That we feel we have NO other choice. Not the most inspirational reason, but a legitimate one.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Not Good ...
Here's a link to a brief article about how President Obama would like to limit freedom of the press via the internet. Scary stuff...
Thursday, October 13, 2016
WikiLeaks, Anti-Trump MSM, Etc. & The Presidential Race
The more I watch, listen and read about the current presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the more I'm convinced that there's a revolution of sorts against the status quo and one that will continue into the future. Mr. Trump and his supporters are the leaders of this revolution. They are the Protagonists. Julian Assange & WikiLeaks play supporting roles.
The Main Stream Media, universities and colleges, public schools, Hollywood, the Democrat Party, Washington D.C. and the establishment Republicans are the Antagonists.
This revolution has been in the making for quite awhile but a leader was missing.
Enter Donald J. Trump. The blue collar billionaire whom has been described as bold, brash, unafraid, egotistical, thin skinned, a womanizer and majorly flawed. Many more descriptions come to mind but I'll hold off on those for now.
Is he all of the above? Most definitely and then some.
But the Trumpster is exactly what this revolution needs. Someone who has the guts and self confidence to stand up to those who would knowingly or even unknowingly destroy the United States of America as we know it.
Awhile back I wrote a blog about Ayn Rand and her novel Atlas Shrugged. I described how this book shed light on how Communism, Socialism and Marxism work slowly to erode the individual and their rights to freedom, independence and the pursuit of happiness.
Anyone who has read this novel could see that these very rights have been eaten away little by little over the last 40 or so years in America.
Bottom line, is we're ready for a current day John Galt to step in, make Atlas Shrug and then hopefully restore the United States status as the beacon of freedom and opportunity it has been for centuries.
Donald Trump is the current day John Galt. Flaws and all. And we should support him come hill or high water.
Would we like someone more eloquent? A bit more politically savvy? Not so easily rattled and thin skinned? Absolutely. But since we knocked Ted Cruz out of the race, whom I considered the only other individual with the courage of his convictions and a fearless personality to go with it, who could beat the status quo, The Donald is it.
There's now less than 30 days till we vote. I pray that the Donald can continue to hold his own and win the presidency. That the extremely powerful forces against him do not prevail.
The Main Stream Media, universities and colleges, public schools, Hollywood, the Democrat Party, Washington D.C. and the establishment Republicans are the Antagonists.
This revolution has been in the making for quite awhile but a leader was missing.
Enter Donald J. Trump. The blue collar billionaire whom has been described as bold, brash, unafraid, egotistical, thin skinned, a womanizer and majorly flawed. Many more descriptions come to mind but I'll hold off on those for now.
Is he all of the above? Most definitely and then some.
But the Trumpster is exactly what this revolution needs. Someone who has the guts and self confidence to stand up to those who would knowingly or even unknowingly destroy the United States of America as we know it.
Awhile back I wrote a blog about Ayn Rand and her novel Atlas Shrugged. I described how this book shed light on how Communism, Socialism and Marxism work slowly to erode the individual and their rights to freedom, independence and the pursuit of happiness.
Anyone who has read this novel could see that these very rights have been eaten away little by little over the last 40 or so years in America.
Bottom line, is we're ready for a current day John Galt to step in, make Atlas Shrug and then hopefully restore the United States status as the beacon of freedom and opportunity it has been for centuries.
Donald Trump is the current day John Galt. Flaws and all. And we should support him come hill or high water.
Would we like someone more eloquent? A bit more politically savvy? Not so easily rattled and thin skinned? Absolutely. But since we knocked Ted Cruz out of the race, whom I considered the only other individual with the courage of his convictions and a fearless personality to go with it, who could beat the status quo, The Donald is it.
There's now less than 30 days till we vote. I pray that the Donald can continue to hold his own and win the presidency. That the extremely powerful forces against him do not prevail.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Facebook & Friends Presidential Preferences
Want to know who your friends favor in the presidential race? Here's one avenue to find out.

USC/LA Times Poll Numbers
The USC/LA Times daily polls have been quite the anomaly in regards to presidential polls. More often than not they show Trump ahead in the general election in contrast to almost all other polls. The article below, in addition to showing the latest poll numbers, includes links as to the criteria used for their polls along with other interesting stats. Read on:
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Obama's Executive Actions
As many know, President Obama has taken advantage of executive actions. However, many are at the mercy of the courts in regard to whether they will stand since some have been challenged. Just another reason to vote for Trump, whom has stated that he will nominate a Supreme Court Judge in the style of Antonin Scalia who could tip the scales.
Read on for all the cases still open in regard to the POTUS's executive actions:
Read on for all the cases still open in regard to the POTUS's executive actions:
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Pence/Kane Debate: What Debate???
I settled in to watch last night's debate thinking it would be quite interesting. Instead it was so annoying with the constant interruptions by Kane and the Moderator, that I had to turn it off.
So my question now is, was it really a debate?
I don't think so.
And that's exactly how the Dems wanted it.
Do not let Pence get a word in edgewise and maybe, just maybe Hillary and all her transgressions, lies, missteps, health issues, email problems and Benghazi debacle, etc. will not be the focus of media attention in the days leading up to the next presidential debate to be held Sunday night.
Pretty smart move.
As I peruse the morning political talk shows, read the headlines online and check my twitter feed, it's all about how obnoxious Kane was. Nothing really about Hillary.
Mission accomplished.
So my question now is, was it really a debate?
I don't think so.
And that's exactly how the Dems wanted it.
Do not let Pence get a word in edgewise and maybe, just maybe Hillary and all her transgressions, lies, missteps, health issues, email problems and Benghazi debacle, etc. will not be the focus of media attention in the days leading up to the next presidential debate to be held Sunday night.
Pretty smart move.
As I peruse the morning political talk shows, read the headlines online and check my twitter feed, it's all about how obnoxious Kane was. Nothing really about Hillary.
Mission accomplished.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Pence Vs Kaine VEEP Debate Tonight
Click on the link below to learn all you need to know about tonight's debate starting at 9.
Not mentioned in the above article is that the debate can be live streamed via CSPAN and/or YouTube on your computer as well as other outlets.
Not mentioned in the above article is that the debate can be live streamed via CSPAN and/or YouTube on your computer as well as other outlets.