Thursday, October 20, 2016

Day After The Debate Polls

If you watch or listen to the media, including Fox News, they all say how Hillary's poll numbers are wiping the floor with Trump. That The Donald doesn't have a chance and that Hillary's basically a shoe in to win the presidency.


Not sure WHAT polls they're quoting but here are the most recent ones, taken today after the debate as shown on the Real Clear Politics website.

IBD/TIPP Tracking            Clinton 40%; Trump 41%;
                                            Johnson 7%; Stein 5%       
                                            Trump +1%

LA Times/USC Tracking   Clinton 44%; Trump 44% 

Rasmussen                          Clinton 40%; Trump 43%;
                                            Johnson 6%; Stein 3%      
                                            Trump  +3%

IBD/TIPP Tracking            Clinton 43%; Trump 41% 
                                            Clinton +2%

Do the above numbers show Hillary wiping the floor with Trump? I don't think so. Looks pretty darn close to me...


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