Fox News Presidential Debate Hosted By Chris Wallace
Don't have a lot of time but wanted to quickly write about my take on last night's presidential debate before the barrage of media input is splashed all over the place.
Overall, I think The Donald did very well. Better than Hillary. No doubt about it. He remained calm, didn't let Hillary rattle him and got in a few zingers that brought home Mrs. Clinton's true nature.
Here is where the candidates stood on each of the issues asked about by Chris Wallace.
On Immigration. Trump wants a strong border. Is concerned about heroin and/or other dangerous drugs flooding into our country and wants to stop that. Does not support amnesty.
Hillary in turn talked about how Donald's plan would rip apart families. Then brought up the past twitter war between Trump and the Mexican president awhile back. Which Donald refuted and said all is well between them. Mrs. Clinton then mentioned how Donald has bashed immigrants in the past and had also hired them and didn't pay them well. Trump then pivoted and talked about how Hillary's had over 30 years to accomplish things and that she's done nothing.
Chris Wallace then asked about the WikiLeaks issue where it was pointed out that in a speech to Wall St., Hillary said how she would like open borders. Mrs. Clinton ignored answering the question and pointed out how Russia is behind all the WikiLeaks stuff and is trying to influence the election. She then said she wanted Trump to admonish the Russian espionage.
Donald then points out how Hillary did not want to talk about her statement of wanting open borders. Hillary then said how Donald loves Russian President Putin. At this point, Hillary looked a bit unhinged.
Chris Wallace went on to ask about the economy and how they would improve things. Hillary went on to talk about how she's for the middle class and growing the economy. That she would put forth the largest jobs program ever. That she's for clean energy and believes in the climate change scenario. Would raise the national minimum wage. Enforce women getting equal pay. Would make college debt free. And last, have the wealthy pay their fair share.
Donald Trump mentioned how the national debt has doubled under Obama. Blamed NAFTA enacted by Bill Clinton for a lot of the nation's current woes. Talked about how so many jobs have gone to Mexico and elsewhere. That he would cut taxes on businesses as well as for individuals. And also lower regulations.
Both candidates briefly touched on TPP with Donald saying he was against it from the beginning and that Hillary was for it before she was against it. Hillary then talked about creating a position for a Trade Prosecutor if she were to become president.
Next was the fitness to become president issue where Wallace asked Trump about the women who have accused him of sexually assaulting them. Donald then said that all were false accusations that have been proven to be false. He then brought up the 33,000 Hillary related emails that were deleted and that anyone else would be in jail for lesser offenses, yet she gets away with it. He also talked about the conflict of interest with the Clinton Foundation and how Hillary has taken money from countries like Saudi Arabia where women are abused constantly.
Hillary counter acted by saying how the Clinton Foundation gives 90% of the money it receives to charity.
Wallace went on to talk about foreign hotspots and the issue in Mosul. Asked each candidate if they would put troops into this area.
Mrs. Clinton said she would not. Donald intimated that he would.
At this point Hillary started to look out of it w/ jerking movements, etc.
Entitlements were then talked about and how they were 60% of the National debt. Wallace asked each candidate how they would address the issue.
Donald said he would work out a deal to save social security.
Hillary said she would raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for social security.
Last, Wallace asked Mr. Trump if he would support the winner of the race. Donald basically said he'd have to think about it and will keep everyone in suspense. Don't remember how Hillary responded or even if she was asked the same question.
I'm sure I've missed some of the topics discussed but the above pretty much gives the highlights of what was discussed and also gives an idea about where each of the candidates stand.
Bottom line.
Donald did better than Hillary. Put her on the defensive often. Came off more human, passionate and genuine vs Hillary who was robotic and politically correct w/canned answers. If I had to choose who won, I would say Trump did. But no doubt the MSM is going to say different. They will spin, spin, spin to make it seem that Hillary put in a stellar performance and that the Donald was a buffoon or worse.
Overall, I think The Donald did very well. Better than Hillary. No doubt about it. He remained calm, didn't let Hillary rattle him and got in a few zingers that brought home Mrs. Clinton's true nature.
Here is where the candidates stood on each of the issues asked about by Chris Wallace.
On Immigration. Trump wants a strong border. Is concerned about heroin and/or other dangerous drugs flooding into our country and wants to stop that. Does not support amnesty.
Hillary in turn talked about how Donald's plan would rip apart families. Then brought up the past twitter war between Trump and the Mexican president awhile back. Which Donald refuted and said all is well between them. Mrs. Clinton then mentioned how Donald has bashed immigrants in the past and had also hired them and didn't pay them well. Trump then pivoted and talked about how Hillary's had over 30 years to accomplish things and that she's done nothing.
Chris Wallace then asked about the WikiLeaks issue where it was pointed out that in a speech to Wall St., Hillary said how she would like open borders. Mrs. Clinton ignored answering the question and pointed out how Russia is behind all the WikiLeaks stuff and is trying to influence the election. She then said she wanted Trump to admonish the Russian espionage.
Donald then points out how Hillary did not want to talk about her statement of wanting open borders. Hillary then said how Donald loves Russian President Putin. At this point, Hillary looked a bit unhinged.
Chris Wallace went on to ask about the economy and how they would improve things. Hillary went on to talk about how she's for the middle class and growing the economy. That she would put forth the largest jobs program ever. That she's for clean energy and believes in the climate change scenario. Would raise the national minimum wage. Enforce women getting equal pay. Would make college debt free. And last, have the wealthy pay their fair share.
Donald Trump mentioned how the national debt has doubled under Obama. Blamed NAFTA enacted by Bill Clinton for a lot of the nation's current woes. Talked about how so many jobs have gone to Mexico and elsewhere. That he would cut taxes on businesses as well as for individuals. And also lower regulations.
Both candidates briefly touched on TPP with Donald saying he was against it from the beginning and that Hillary was for it before she was against it. Hillary then talked about creating a position for a Trade Prosecutor if she were to become president.
Next was the fitness to become president issue where Wallace asked Trump about the women who have accused him of sexually assaulting them. Donald then said that all were false accusations that have been proven to be false. He then brought up the 33,000 Hillary related emails that were deleted and that anyone else would be in jail for lesser offenses, yet she gets away with it. He also talked about the conflict of interest with the Clinton Foundation and how Hillary has taken money from countries like Saudi Arabia where women are abused constantly.
Hillary counter acted by saying how the Clinton Foundation gives 90% of the money it receives to charity.
Wallace went on to talk about foreign hotspots and the issue in Mosul. Asked each candidate if they would put troops into this area.
Mrs. Clinton said she would not. Donald intimated that he would.
At this point Hillary started to look out of it w/ jerking movements, etc.
Entitlements were then talked about and how they were 60% of the National debt. Wallace asked each candidate how they would address the issue.
Donald said he would work out a deal to save social security.
Hillary said she would raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for social security.
Last, Wallace asked Mr. Trump if he would support the winner of the race. Donald basically said he'd have to think about it and will keep everyone in suspense. Don't remember how Hillary responded or even if she was asked the same question.
I'm sure I've missed some of the topics discussed but the above pretty much gives the highlights of what was discussed and also gives an idea about where each of the candidates stand.
Bottom line.
Donald did better than Hillary. Put her on the defensive often. Came off more human, passionate and genuine vs Hillary who was robotic and politically correct w/canned answers. If I had to choose who won, I would say Trump did. But no doubt the MSM is going to say different. They will spin, spin, spin to make it seem that Hillary put in a stellar performance and that the Donald was a buffoon or worse.
Go Trump!
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