Monday, May 7, 2018

We May Have Turned A Corner ...

With 3 judges now having rebuked Mueller and his witch hunt investigation against President Trump, I think the entire fiasco may have turned a corner.

Not that the Deep State participants will drop the case or close it anytime soon, but they've been put on notice and that's a good thing.

With requests for Mueller to provide the scope of the investigation by a judge, Congress' subpoena of the FBI memo that kick started the Russia Collusion issue and the Dems thinking ahead to the mid-term elections and not wanting to be saddled with the mess, we could see a break from it all. At least temporarily.

The above doesn't mean the Dems will stop trying to bring POTUS down, but they may have to try new and/or different tactics.

Here's an excellent piece from The Hill by Alan Dershowitz on the topic.


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