Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Feds Taking Over Elections Security

I am really concerned and alarmed that Homeland Security is basically going to monitor the upcoming elections supposedly due to Russian hacking and possible interference.

Is there anyone out there who truly believes the current administration means well? Or is competent enough? Call me paranoid, but I suspect that this is a way to dispute the outcome should Mr. Trump win and Hillary loses.

Read on.


Monday, August 29, 2016

As Seen On Drudge ....

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Technology, The Economy & Politics Part #2

Not too long ago I wrote an entry titled Technology, The Economy & Politics. I spoke about how technology and robotics (in addition to high corporate taxes, regulations & bad trade deals) were part of the equation in driving job loss in the U.S., thus negatively affecting our economy and ultimately politics.

I also noted that these issues were only going to become more prominent in the future and that neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump were acknowledging or addressing them. They just keep harping on the impediments mentioned above.

In light of this, here's an article by Gizmodo about Facebook that gives a direct example of technology reducing the role of humans. This is just a microcosm of what I imagine is happening in many, many businesses throughout the U.S. and around the world in general.

So not only do we need legislative problem solving ie cutting corporate taxes, regulations, better trade deals, etc. to help sustain and add jobs back to the U.S. We also need to understand that technology is pushing us forward to an unknown future where humans become replaceable to a certain extent and in turn create additional job loss and a completely different economy.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Nigel Farage UK BREXIT Leader Supports Trump

Former leader of the UK's Independent Party and BREXIT supporter spoke at last night's Trump rally in Mississippi. Here's the best of what was said:

"You can beat the pollsters, you can beat the commentators, you can beat Washington," Farage said to cheers. "If you want change, you better get your walking boots on.  Anything is possible if enough decent people want to fight the establishment."

Three cheers for Farage!

Sadly True ....

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

College Students Can Unionize

Yep, you read the title right. According to the Washington Times and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), graduate students can now unionize and all that comes with doing so ie demand benefits, higher wages, etc. No doubt this is another power grab by the left and their union members in order to gain control and influence over another voting block.

I'm disgusted.

Globalism Vs. Nationalism

Here's a link to the printed version of an excellent monologue by Rush Limbaugh.  He talks about globalism vs nationalism, the European Central Bank, the stock market & Wall St. big business and the parts Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are representing ie Hillary for globalism, the Donald for nationalism. Very, very interesting and informative. Worth the few minutes reading.


Monday, August 22, 2016

Are The Loss Of U.S. Jobs Really About Trade, Taxes, Etc.?

Or does technology and other advancements taking over the work of humans have something to do with our current issues? Yes, there's problems with our current trade deals and corporate taxes, etc. but here's a link to a blog I wrote on May 4th of this year titled Technology, the Economy & Politics.  In this entry I talk about some of the real reasons behind job loss in the U.S.of which neither Trump nor Hillary are talking about and should be. Just scroll down till you see my post on said date.


Saturday, August 20, 2016

Wait Till You Watch This ....

A friend of mine passed this short, April, 2016 3 minutes or so video on to me recently. It's about what's happening with illegal immigrants in relation to Homeland Security. When you listen to Chairman Chaffetz rattle off stats about the release of illegals after committing major crimes, including murder, it'll blow your mind!


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Does Trump Have A Prayer Of Winning The Presidency?

Regardless of the various polls, pundit predictions and MSM coverage that The Donald hasn't a chance to win the presidency, I think he just might pull it off.  I have friends, whom I NEVER thought would vote for Trump tell me confidentially that they plan on doing so. That they're sick of the status quo and want change. That it's worth taking a chance on the successful businessman even with all his flaws.

Why the confidentiality requests?

Fear of reprisal by those who oppose him and even close friends and family members. Plain and simple.

How sad is that?

Bottom line is that I think my small town experience might just be a microcosm of what's really happening all across the country. However, it's not being reported. That there are more people who support Trump over Hillary but won't say so in a poll, when interviewed or even to friends and family for fear of reprisal. Consequently, The Donald just might win the race to the great surprise of many... Only time will tell of course.

Maine November Ballot Initiative To Raise Minimum Wage

On the surface raising Maine's minimum wage looks good and sounds fair as so many in our state barely make ends meet. A few extra dollars in their pockets could go a long way toward paying bills, increasing upward mobility and fueling the economy by Mainer's having more money to spend.

However, the other side of the coin is that it could really hurt SMALL businesses who barely get by as it is and thus hurt Maine's economy.

How so?

It could force these small businesses to cut back on their work force or  hours of their employees in order to help make up the difference of paying the higher wages. Worse yet, some may have to downsize or close altogether.

Then what would happen to those whose hours were cut or were let go? Will they be able to find other jobs or could they possibly end up on unemployment, welfare and food stamps thus burdening the state economically?

And what about the small businesses whose bottom line becomes more difficult to meet? Will they continue to prosper or will they barely get by or even possibly have to shut down due to having to pay increased wages?

Tough, tough decision to make come November....

ISIS Member Collected Welfare While Living In Maine

"An ISIS fighter killed on the battlefield last year collected welfare while living in Maine as he was being self-radicalized over the internet, the Herald has learned."

The above is an excerpt from a Boston Herald article.

Nowhere it seems is immune to the spread of terror ....

For more of the story click below:


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Donald Shakes Up Campaign Management

Let's see if the new management can keep The Donald on message and score a win. I certainly hope so. This race is for his to lose. If he can't beat Hillary, we're in deep 'do-do' as Bush 41 would say.

Here's the scoop:


Trump On Foreign Policy and Law and Order

The Donald should stick to the teleprompter more often.

Here are links to his speeches on Foreign Policy and Law and Order. Both were very well done.

Foreign Policy:

Law & Order

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Hillary & Sales of Weapons To Islamic State/s

"Although Hillary Clinton has repeatedly denied that she sold weapons to the Islamic Stats while serving as Secretary of State, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange claims he has proof to the contrary.

Thepoliticalinsider.com reported: In Obama’s second term, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton authorized the shipment of American-made arms to Qatar, a country beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood, and friendly to the Libyan rebels, in an effort to topple the Libyan/Gaddafi government, and then ship those arms to Syria in order to fund Al Qaeda, and topple Assad in Syria.

Clinton took the lead role in organizing the so-called “Friends of Syria” (aka Al Qaeda/ISIS) to back the CIA-led insurgency for regime change in Syria.

Under oath Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony in early 2013 after the Benghazi terrorist attack.

In an interview with Democracy Now, Wikileaks’ Julian Assange is now stating that 1,700 emails contained in the Clinton cache directly connect Hillary to Libya to Syria, and directly to Al Qaeda and ISIS."

The above is an excerpt of an article by the Daily Sun which in turn cited The Political Insider.

Only time will tell whether Hillary authorized sales of weapons to bad actors. However, where there's smoke, there's often fire...

Monday, August 15, 2016

13 Hours ...

Powerful, powerful movie and one with a message.  Highly recommend.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

DOJ Refuses To Look Into The Clinton Foundation

"The Obama administration rejected requests from three FBI field offices that wanted to open public corruption probes of the Clinton Foundation, according to a report that added to headaches for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Alerted by banks to suspicious transactions, the FBI wanted to investigate conflicts of interest involving foreign donors to the foundation while Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state. But the Justice Department put the kibosh on the it, CNN reported.

The report added to questions about the blurred line between the activity at the Clinton Foundation and the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure, which included email made public earlier this week that showed foundation donors getting special treatment at the agency."

The above is an excerpt from an article by the Washington Times. For more click here:


ICANN To Globalize

The Obama administration currently has plans for ICANN, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, an American entity,  to hand over power to an international governance body. This means countries like Russia, China and Iran's despots could have access and gain control over communications including censorship of the internet. This is NOT good news.

I've tried finding current stories on the topic and they seem to be almost non-existent. The most recent article I can find was from 2015. More to come on this issue when I can locate reputable sources for more detail.


According to an article by the UK Telegraph, all the dreadful predictions due to passing BREXIT have not come to pass.  In fact, just the opposite seems to have happened. Read on for the details:


Saturday, August 13, 2016

What Do You Think ???

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Truth Or Tabloid Politics ???

Here's a link to a short article by the Gateway Pundit where Julian Assange of WikiLeaks fame says that a DNC staffer who was murdered in DC not too long ago, was the one who leaked info about  Hillary's email.

If there is any truth to this, I'll have to say, as I've said before, that House of Cards has got nothing on the Clintons... Read on.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

"Our Country Is In Serious Decline"

The above title was taken from the transcript of today's Rush Limbaugh radio show. I wasn't able to listen to all of it, so I checked his website and there was the entire segment. Though I've known all along that Obama's all about divide and conquer in order to acquire power and his fantasy of utopia, it's never been explained quite as well as it was today by Mr. Limbaugh. Worth the few minutes reading...


P.S. Blog Issue Post

For those having problems commenting on the site.

I just checked it out and there's a section that says: Comment as. You can click on that and there are numerous choices, anonymous being one of them, along with wordpress, AIM, open id, etc. If you don't want your name out there, try anonymous and see if that works.

Blog Issues

Hello to all.

A friend recently emailed to say they had major problems trying to comment on posts while on the blog itself. Said no matter what they did, my blog wouldn't let them comment. From what I understand, Google may be a part of the problem for whatever reason. This may explain why all comments come to my personal inbox vs showing up on the public blog itself.

I am perplexed by all of this.

My settings have NO restrictions about commenting on the site itself. You don't have to have a google a/c or any other specific qualification.  All you need is an email address in order to post. But keep in mind that whatever email address you provide will NOT be shown publically. In addition, when you comment, you have to do a word verification. That's it and you should be good to go.

Plans are to look into things further and if I figure out what the problem is, I'll fix it and let you know.

Meanwhile, thanks to everyone who takes the time to read my blog and comment. So nice to chat with fellow republicans/conservatives/independents and libertarians. As I've said in my profile, I have precious few friends who are Not Democrats and/or Liberals and thus this blog provides a true outlet for communicating with those of the same political outlook.

Keep reading and responding. Love hearing from you!

"Oh What A Tangled Web We Leave , When First We Practice To Deceive"

The above quote is from the poem Marmion by Sir Walter Scott. It perfectly fits the mess Hillary finds herself in. The link below is to a video that shows her directly contradicting herself on different occasions in reference to the email issue.


Monday, August 8, 2016

The Fox News Channel

I've been meaning to write about this for quite awhile. I don't know if anyone else has noticed, who watches the FNC on a regular basis, but boy has their Fox N Friends morning show gotten more and more like The Today Show and the other MSM morning talk venues.

With the above being said, nothing wrong with segments about how to make the best bbq chicken, entertain your kids or model the latest new women's fashion every now and again. We could certainly use the break from all the hard news that shouts at us daily.

But I think they're now going overboard and there's too much of the above.

In other words, there seems to be more fluff and less hard news stories.

On the other hand, maybe I'm too serious, too much of a news junkie and should lighten up.

However, it just seems to me that there's enough superficial shows on tv as it is, why should FNC play that game on their morning talk show?

In addition, I've noticed that they have been having more and more Democrat leaning guests, journalists from the MSM and Democratic politicians on their opinion shows. They also recently were able to secure a Hillary Clinton interview which I was quite surprised about.

I understand what a coup that was. And I applaud them for having her on.

What I'm questioning and noticing is that FNC seems that is becoming more mainstream, more like the other cable news networks and in an ever so subtle way, becoming more to the center rather than the conservative news station I rely on.

Don't we have enough of left leaning television channels? Do we need another one?

Or maybe the reason more middle of the road and Democrats/Liberals are coming on FNC is because they realize in order to reach more of an audience, they need to make an appearance even though they detest the station.

I heard somewhere and I can't confirm where exactly,  that FNC's majority audience identify themselves as either Independent or Democratic. Something like 56% or thereabout! I was stunned when I heard this. I thought surely the majority of viewers were republican and/or conservatives.

Maybe that's why I'm seeing this subtle shift away from conservatism and towards middle of the road and more left leaning guests, etc. Or maybe that's why more left leaning/Democrats are watching because there's more of their kind on FNC. Hmmmmm...

Hostility At Home

I should have heeded my instincts that I was being baited and possibly set up but didn't want to believe it. Couldn't believe it. So I got sucked in.

So what happened? Here's the scoop...

While out and about the other day, I ran into a couple of friends. Well to be exact a friend and her brother. Both nice, nice people whom I like a lot. Both are Democrats. Liberal ones at that. We rarely talk politics knowing it could be a sore subject and possibly turn ugly.

However, on this particular day, the brother started telling a story that he had heard from a friend who had escaped Nazi Germany and his experience thereof.

I respectively listened. I have to admit that every time I hear these stories about the brutality of Hitler back in the day, it saddens me deeply. And always makes me wonder how it all could have happened.

But these stories also make me thankful  that I live in the United States. A free country.

Once the brother of the friend finished the story about Hitler and how awful he was, he went on to compare Donald Trump to the infamous leader of Nazi Germany.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Of course I had read about these comparisons on the internet and had also heard discussions on tv and radio comparing the Trumpster to Hitler. However, I basically ignored them thinking it was crazy talk. Plus it was a way for the Liberals to label The Donald and scare people off from supporting him.

Moving on.

The brother then asked if I was planning on voting for this monster. I said I was, even though I wasn't a huge fan of his.

He then went on to say he was voting for Hillary. How wonderful she is. Smart as heck. And on and on.

Consequently, I asked 'what about the classified emails sent on a private server? What about how she handled the mess at Benghazi? What about how Hillary lied to the mother of one of the Benghazi victims who was brutally murdered? What about the Clinton Foundation scandal? How about her contradictions and lies while being questioned by the FBI in regard to the email issue? What about Whitewater?' The list went on and on.

Guess how my friend and her brother responded?

They both brushed aside every incident I mentioned,  said it was just made up conspiracy stuff and that I read too much on Drudge.

I couldn't believe how easily they white washed all the unsavory acts Hillary Clinton has committed, lied about and/or swept under the rug.

To add insult to injury they mentioned another reason why they'll vote for Hillary. What was it? That she would continue Obama's agenda and be his third term. I thought to myself, yep, you're certainly right and that's just another reason I could never vote for her.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak and I had the sense to walk away. No one could win this argument so I was going to move on. But not before saying that that's exactly one of the reasons that I would never vote for Mrs. Clinton. That I do not want a 3rd term of President OBama. That hell would freeze over before doing so. Then I politely made my exit.

As a side note. I rarely talk politics with those who I know can't have a civil conversation. But I never suspected the above from these two people. Not in a million years. The superior attitude, the insults and the incredible vitriol were so unlike them in any other situation.

Thus the above conversation/confrontation really hit home.  It represented a microcosm of the hostility and divide that exists  between the right and the left in our country as a whole. The animosity. The hostility. The inability to discuss differences rationally and factually. It surrounds us everywhere. Never have I remember it being so bad.

No doubt these friends and I will see each other again. And most likely we'll act as though nothing was said. But who knows. I may get the same hostile treatment again for no reason other than I disagree with them.

One last word.

I have NEVER attacked anyone with hostility for their politics. Ever. I treat everyone with respect and when disagreements occur I say vive la difference! And that everyone is entitled to their opinion and that's part of what makes America great.  

As for my friends' accusations that Mr. Trump is the second coming of Hitler.

It is not The Donald who inhibits free speech. It's Hillary and her minions. It's the Obama people. The left wing. The main stream media. Academia who block speeches made by those holding a political belief system unlike their own. It's the mindless low information voter (thanks Rush for that term) who really doesn't pay attention to the news and politics on a regular basis yet spews uninformed opinions left and right. They may listen now and again to the nightly news, watch their favorite rock star or actor/actress spew left wing opinions on the internet or entertainment show, but are they really paying attention? Do they really understand what they're talking about?

One more thing I want to note.

I am NOT a huge fan of The Donald. Anyone who has read this blog or knows me, knows that. But I will vote and support him for POTUS because I believe he wants to do what's right for this country. He doesn't need this job. He's a very wealthy man. If he loses, he can walk away, undamaged and go back to making even more money.

Does he have his flaws? You betcha!

He's thin skinned. He doesn't seem to have a filter on his mouth at times. He's immature with how he handles insults with his tweeting dumb stuff. He's NOT a politician. And yes, he can be quite the petty and vindictive man. 

But with all of the above being said, Donald Trump is an American who I think believes in free enterprise, capitalism, freedom of speech, gun rights and making America Great Again. Of these things I'm sure. So I'm willing to give him a chance. I mean what other choice do we have?

Saturday, August 6, 2016

A Little Humor

Friday, August 5, 2016

Negative Interest Rates

After quite the discussion with a very knowledgeable investment advisor about the global economy, the stock market and where we're headed, I became quite alarmed.

Many former economic powers such as China, Japan, Germany and 'safe financial haven' Switzerland along with several other countries as well as central banks, are all in financial trouble. Big time. Thus the reason banks and governments are charging negative interest rates on loans with hopes of lighting a fire under the economies of these particular countries.

To put it succinctly in the words of a Bloomberg article, 'borrowers get paid, while savers are penalized.' Can someone please tell me how this makes sense?

The U.S. is one of only a few countries that haven't gone this route ... yet.  But we very well could especially if we continue to grow the deficit.

Health Insurance Companies Wanting To Merge

Here's a link to an interesting and thought provoking article about how major health insurance companies want the Justice Department to approve mergers in order to maintain and expand ObamaCare.


10K Sunni Syrians Coming To A Town Near You

Obama is close to accomplishing his goal of the U.S. taking in 10,000 Sunni Syrian refuges in 2016. In connection, he'll make an appearance at the United Nations soon to encourage other world leaders to increase their numbers also.

With the influx of these refuges will come added economic stress to our system along with a need to increase budgets to help transition and support these refuges. If you've read about this situation, you'll know (and I've written about this before) and wonder why the wealthy Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc. aren't taking in anywhere NEAR the amount of refugees we and  the Europeans are when they could well afford to. Something to think about ...

In addition, according to the WSJ, we 've recently learned that the administration, back in January, had forked over $400 million in CASH to Iran in order to free hostages via  an unmarked cargo plane. The payment was made in foreign currency as it is ILLEGAL under U.S. laws to deal with Iran in dollars.

Keep in mind that Iran still faces sanctions limiting its access to global markets yet the president can, in a clandestine manner or under the table so to speak,  bypass law anyone else would have been thrown into prison for. 

Obama in response to the above has made light of the situation. He said in a nutshell that it was  NOT payment for hostages. That it was just a coincidence that money was exchanged the day the hostages were set free. And last, that nothing nefarious has happened. 

According to a NYT's article "Mr. Obama said the payment was part of a decades-old dispute with Iran that had been litigated before an international tribunal, adding that his administration publicly disclosed the agreement in January."
Okay, what decades old dispute? Give us some details.

Keep in mind that in addition to all of the above, we have recently lifted $100 billion in Sanctions to Iran as part of the Iran deal made with 6 other nations.

Bottom line.

When you think about all of the above ... the money and deals the Obama Administration has made with Iran and accepting Syrian refuges, the U.S. does  NOT benefit in any way, shape or form that I can see or think of.  

Why is that? Why does it seem that at every turn the president continues to make decisions that hurt rather than help the U.S.?

Oh, one last thought. While making all of the said deals and encouraging Syrian and Middle East refuges, Mr. Obama continues to make soaring speeches about how we'll defeat ISIS and other terrorist groups on a regular basis.

How can that happen if we continue to basically fund these middle eastern countries who support and/or sponsor terrorism?

What's wrong with this picture???

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Check Out The Headlines On Breitbart

Not much time today to read and analyze the news. But wow, just checking the headlines and articles of a couple of reliable news sites made my head spin.

Especially of note and worth checking out are the stories about the Obama Administration handing over tidy sums of money to Iran and a back round check on Khizr Khan whose son was a war hero and spoke at the DNC in a patriotic manner while also attacking Trump.

The above two stories can be read on Breitbart. Here's the link below. Definitely worth the few minutes to read:


Monday, August 1, 2016

NSA Has Access To All Of Hillary's Missing Email ....

As reported by Brietbart:

"The National Security Agency (NSA) has “all” of Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails and the FBI could gain access to them if they so desired, William Binney, a former highly placed NSA official, declared in a radio interview broadcast on Sunday.

Speaking as an analyst, Binney raised the possibility that the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s server was done not by Russia but by a disgruntled U.S. intelligence worker concerned about Clinton’s compromise of national security secrets via her personal email use.

Binney was an architect of the NSA’s surveillance program. He became a famed whistleblower when he resigned on October 31, 2001, after spending more than 30 years with the agency. "


Hillary's America Aborted

Yesterday I headed to the theatre to see Hillary's America. Was really looking forward to it.

So I bought a ticket and grabbed a seat.  When just before the movie was about to start, a young man with a HUGE duffle bag almost as big as he, walked down the center aisle and sat in one of the front row seats closest to the screen.

My heart skipped a beat. I thought, what's this guy doing with the HUGE duffle bag and why would he need it at the movies? It was all very odd, curious and somewhat creepy also.

Memories of theatre shootings reported in the media flooded my consciousness, not to mention the most recent acts of violence in Belgium, Paris, Orlando, San Bernadino and on and on.  Consequently, my mind raced with thoughts of whether to stay or get up and leave.

Maybe the young man with the HUGE duffle bag was just an eccentric and there was nothing harmful in it. Maybe not. Maybe it held weapons of some sort. Or maybe not. Thoughts went flying back and forth trying to make sense of it all.

While trying to decide what to do I noticed that one by one,  people were leaving their seats.  I thought it was too much of a coincidence that so many had to go to the bathroom, make a call, etc right after this guy entered and the movie was about to begin.

Finally I thought to myself,  better safe than sorry and I too got up to leave and also to alert and question those in charge about the man with the HUGE duffle bag.

Upon arriving in the lobby near the ticket booth, dozens of people, maybe more were lined up. I wondered if they're the same people who up and left Hillary's America or just in line to purchase tickets for a different movie?

Consequently, once I got in line, I overheard various conversations and yes, all these people were waiting to alert the powers that be about the suspicious man with the HUGE duffle bag. They also were looking for refunds as they didn't intend on taking a chance as long as he was there.

As a result, I started chatting with a few of the people and just about all of them had plans to contact the Manager about the incident afterward via email and/or to post about it on social media.

Finally it was my turn at the ticket counter.  I questioned the clerk about the man with the duffle bag. Was it checked I asked? The clerk answered that yes, it was. I asked what was in it as the clerk was not going to further enlighten me.

Turned out the man had a huge tarp in the bag. I said that that was really odd. And asked why he wasn't asked to leave it behind the counter just as a precaution? I mean who needs a large tarp in a duffle bag at the movies? Maybe he had a gun or some other sort of weapon also on his body for all we know. Didn't the clerk think it all was a bit suspicious?

The clerk said all was fine. It was just a tarp in the bag and he saw no reason to retain it.

I replied again that I thought it was all quite odd and politely asked for a refund.

At first the clerk fought me on this. Then finally he relented and refunded the cost of the ticket.

While pocketing the cash and slowly exiting the admission counter,  I noticed there was still a line of people behind me and while lingering, listening and watching the whole scene, I realized they were doing exactly what I had done ie asking about the duffle bag, why it wasn't confiscated and asking for a refund.

In total, I'd say half, maybe even more than half of the people seated in viewing room #9 to see Hillary's America had exited,  all with the same trepidations I had and then some.

Finally I left the theatre. I was glad to get out of there.

After having time to absorb and digest the incident, it  made me realize what a changed, volatile world we now live in.  Terrorism has taken hold and could strike anywhere. Even in a small town on the coast of Maine, far from the crowds of big cities and their neighboring suburbs. No place is truly safe anymore.

That so many people got up and left a movie they wanted to see is a symptom of that fear. Is this how it's going to continue to be? Will we ever completely conquer terrorism or crazy lone wolf's who for whatever reasons want to obliterate as many people as possible? If so, how do we deal with it? What can we do? What is the answer? Questions to ponder ....

One last note. So far I haven't heard anything about a shooting or any other kind of incident at that particular that location. Thank God.