Saturday, August 27, 2016

Technology, The Economy & Politics Part #2

Not too long ago I wrote an entry titled Technology, The Economy & Politics. I spoke about how technology and robotics (in addition to high corporate taxes, regulations & bad trade deals) were part of the equation in driving job loss in the U.S., thus negatively affecting our economy and ultimately politics.

I also noted that these issues were only going to become more prominent in the future and that neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump were acknowledging or addressing them. They just keep harping on the impediments mentioned above.

In light of this, here's an article by Gizmodo about Facebook that gives a direct example of technology reducing the role of humans. This is just a microcosm of what I imagine is happening in many, many businesses throughout the U.S. and around the world in general.

So not only do we need legislative problem solving ie cutting corporate taxes, regulations, better trade deals, etc. to help sustain and add jobs back to the U.S. We also need to understand that technology is pushing us forward to an unknown future where humans become replaceable to a certain extent and in turn create additional job loss and a completely different economy.


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