Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Blog Issues

Hello to all.

A friend recently emailed to say they had major problems trying to comment on posts while on the blog itself. Said no matter what they did, my blog wouldn't let them comment. From what I understand, Google may be a part of the problem for whatever reason. This may explain why all comments come to my personal inbox vs showing up on the public blog itself.

I am perplexed by all of this.

My settings have NO restrictions about commenting on the site itself. You don't have to have a google a/c or any other specific qualification.  All you need is an email address in order to post. But keep in mind that whatever email address you provide will NOT be shown publically. In addition, when you comment, you have to do a word verification. That's it and you should be good to go.

Plans are to look into things further and if I figure out what the problem is, I'll fix it and let you know.

Meanwhile, thanks to everyone who takes the time to read my blog and comment. So nice to chat with fellow republicans/conservatives/independents and libertarians. As I've said in my profile, I have precious few friends who are Not Democrats and/or Liberals and thus this blog provides a true outlet for communicating with those of the same political outlook.

Keep reading and responding. Love hearing from you!


Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Testing. Testing. Testing.

August 9, 2016 at 7:41 AM  

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