Hostility At Home
I should have heeded my instincts that I was being baited and possibly set up but didn't want to believe it. Couldn't believe it. So I got sucked in.
So what happened? Here's the scoop...
While out and about the other day, I ran into a couple of friends. Well to be exact a friend and her brother. Both nice, nice people whom I like a lot. Both are Democrats. Liberal ones at that. We rarely talk politics knowing it could be a sore subject and possibly turn ugly.
However, on this particular day, the brother started telling a story that he had heard from a friend who had escaped Nazi Germany and his experience thereof.
I respectively listened. I have to admit that every time I hear these stories about the brutality of Hitler back in the day, it saddens me deeply. And always makes me wonder how it all could have happened.
But these stories also make me thankful that I live in the United States. A free country.
Once the brother of the friend finished the story about Hitler and how awful he was, he went on to compare Donald Trump to the infamous leader of Nazi Germany.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Of course I had read about these comparisons on the internet and had also heard discussions on tv and radio comparing the Trumpster to Hitler. However, I basically ignored them thinking it was crazy talk. Plus it was a way for the Liberals to label The Donald and scare people off from supporting him.
Moving on.
The brother then asked if I was planning on voting for this monster. I said I was, even though I wasn't a huge fan of his.
He then went on to say he was voting for Hillary. How wonderful she is. Smart as heck. And on and on.
Consequently, I asked 'what about the classified emails sent on a private server? What about how she handled the mess at Benghazi? What about how Hillary lied to the mother of one of the Benghazi victims who was brutally murdered? What about the Clinton Foundation scandal? How about her contradictions and lies while being questioned by the FBI in regard to the email issue? What about Whitewater?' The list went on and on.
Guess how my friend and her brother responded?
They both brushed aside every incident I mentioned, said it was just made up conspiracy stuff and that I read too much on Drudge.
I couldn't believe how easily they white washed all the unsavory acts Hillary Clinton has committed, lied about and/or swept under the rug.
To add insult to injury they mentioned another reason why they'll vote for Hillary. What was it? That she would continue Obama's agenda and be his third term. I thought to myself, yep, you're certainly right and that's just another reason I could never vote for her.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak and I had the sense to walk away. No one could win this argument so I was going to move on. But not before saying that that's exactly one of the reasons that I would never vote for Mrs. Clinton. That I do not want a 3rd term of President OBama. That hell would freeze over before doing so. Then I politely made my exit.
As a side note. I rarely talk politics with those who I know can't have a civil conversation. But I never suspected the above from these two people. Not in a million years. The superior attitude, the insults and the incredible vitriol were so unlike them in any other situation.
Thus the above conversation/confrontation really hit home. It represented a microcosm of the hostility and divide that exists between the right and the left in our country as a whole. The animosity. The hostility. The inability to discuss differences rationally and factually. It surrounds us everywhere. Never have I remember it being so bad.
No doubt these friends and I will see each other again. And most likely we'll act as though nothing was said. But who knows. I may get the same hostile treatment again for no reason other than I disagree with them.
One last word.
I have NEVER attacked anyone with hostility for their politics. Ever. I treat everyone with respect and when disagreements occur I say vive la difference! And that everyone is entitled to their opinion and that's part of what makes America great.
As for my friends' accusations that Mr. Trump is the second coming of Hitler.
It is not The Donald who inhibits free speech. It's Hillary and her minions. It's the Obama people. The left wing. The main stream media. Academia who block speeches made by those holding a political belief system unlike their own. It's the mindless low information voter (thanks Rush for that term) who really doesn't pay attention to the news and politics on a regular basis yet spews uninformed opinions left and right. They may listen now and again to the nightly news, watch their favorite rock star or actor/actress spew left wing opinions on the internet or entertainment show, but are they really paying attention? Do they really understand what they're talking about?
One more thing I want to note.
I am NOT a huge fan of The Donald. Anyone who has read this blog or knows me, knows that. But I will vote and support him for POTUS because I believe he wants to do what's right for this country. He doesn't need this job. He's a very wealthy man. If he loses, he can walk away, undamaged and go back to making even more money.
Does he have his flaws? You betcha!
He's thin skinned. He doesn't seem to have a filter on his mouth at times. He's immature with how he handles insults with his tweeting dumb stuff. He's NOT a politician. And yes, he can be quite the petty and vindictive man.
But with all of the above being said, Donald Trump is an American who I think believes in free enterprise, capitalism, freedom of speech, gun rights and making America Great Again. Of these things I'm sure. So I'm willing to give him a chance. I mean what other choice do we have?
So what happened? Here's the scoop...
While out and about the other day, I ran into a couple of friends. Well to be exact a friend and her brother. Both nice, nice people whom I like a lot. Both are Democrats. Liberal ones at that. We rarely talk politics knowing it could be a sore subject and possibly turn ugly.
However, on this particular day, the brother started telling a story that he had heard from a friend who had escaped Nazi Germany and his experience thereof.
I respectively listened. I have to admit that every time I hear these stories about the brutality of Hitler back in the day, it saddens me deeply. And always makes me wonder how it all could have happened.
But these stories also make me thankful that I live in the United States. A free country.
Once the brother of the friend finished the story about Hitler and how awful he was, he went on to compare Donald Trump to the infamous leader of Nazi Germany.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Of course I had read about these comparisons on the internet and had also heard discussions on tv and radio comparing the Trumpster to Hitler. However, I basically ignored them thinking it was crazy talk. Plus it was a way for the Liberals to label The Donald and scare people off from supporting him.
Moving on.
The brother then asked if I was planning on voting for this monster. I said I was, even though I wasn't a huge fan of his.
He then went on to say he was voting for Hillary. How wonderful she is. Smart as heck. And on and on.
Consequently, I asked 'what about the classified emails sent on a private server? What about how she handled the mess at Benghazi? What about how Hillary lied to the mother of one of the Benghazi victims who was brutally murdered? What about the Clinton Foundation scandal? How about her contradictions and lies while being questioned by the FBI in regard to the email issue? What about Whitewater?' The list went on and on.
Guess how my friend and her brother responded?
They both brushed aside every incident I mentioned, said it was just made up conspiracy stuff and that I read too much on Drudge.
I couldn't believe how easily they white washed all the unsavory acts Hillary Clinton has committed, lied about and/or swept under the rug.
To add insult to injury they mentioned another reason why they'll vote for Hillary. What was it? That she would continue Obama's agenda and be his third term. I thought to myself, yep, you're certainly right and that's just another reason I could never vote for her.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak and I had the sense to walk away. No one could win this argument so I was going to move on. But not before saying that that's exactly one of the reasons that I would never vote for Mrs. Clinton. That I do not want a 3rd term of President OBama. That hell would freeze over before doing so. Then I politely made my exit.
As a side note. I rarely talk politics with those who I know can't have a civil conversation. But I never suspected the above from these two people. Not in a million years. The superior attitude, the insults and the incredible vitriol were so unlike them in any other situation.
Thus the above conversation/confrontation really hit home. It represented a microcosm of the hostility and divide that exists between the right and the left in our country as a whole. The animosity. The hostility. The inability to discuss differences rationally and factually. It surrounds us everywhere. Never have I remember it being so bad.
No doubt these friends and I will see each other again. And most likely we'll act as though nothing was said. But who knows. I may get the same hostile treatment again for no reason other than I disagree with them.
One last word.
I have NEVER attacked anyone with hostility for their politics. Ever. I treat everyone with respect and when disagreements occur I say vive la difference! And that everyone is entitled to their opinion and that's part of what makes America great.
As for my friends' accusations that Mr. Trump is the second coming of Hitler.
It is not The Donald who inhibits free speech. It's Hillary and her minions. It's the Obama people. The left wing. The main stream media. Academia who block speeches made by those holding a political belief system unlike their own. It's the mindless low information voter (thanks Rush for that term) who really doesn't pay attention to the news and politics on a regular basis yet spews uninformed opinions left and right. They may listen now and again to the nightly news, watch their favorite rock star or actor/actress spew left wing opinions on the internet or entertainment show, but are they really paying attention? Do they really understand what they're talking about?
One more thing I want to note.
I am NOT a huge fan of The Donald. Anyone who has read this blog or knows me, knows that. But I will vote and support him for POTUS because I believe he wants to do what's right for this country. He doesn't need this job. He's a very wealthy man. If he loses, he can walk away, undamaged and go back to making even more money.
Does he have his flaws? You betcha!
He's thin skinned. He doesn't seem to have a filter on his mouth at times. He's immature with how he handles insults with his tweeting dumb stuff. He's NOT a politician. And yes, he can be quite the petty and vindictive man.
But with all of the above being said, Donald Trump is an American who I think believes in free enterprise, capitalism, freedom of speech, gun rights and making America Great Again. Of these things I'm sure. So I'm willing to give him a chance. I mean what other choice do we have?
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