Friday, July 29, 2016

Last Night OF The DNC: Chelsea & Hillary Take The Stage

Finally .... the last night of the DNC. The crowds were pumped and ready to cheer; popular tunes were playing, Hillary signs were waving and eventually, after a long night of listening to way too many speeches espousing the same campaign slogans & themes over and over again, the delegates were able to watch and listen to what their nominee Hillary Clinton, would have to say.

But not before listening to the Rev. William Barber, NC NAACOP who spoke about the power of love; Kareem Absul Jabar/Michael Jordan, retired professional basketball player; CA Rep, Ted Leu, the first and only Asian American I've seen speaking at either convention; Four Star General John Allen, who reminded me of actor George C. Scott playing Patton in a Hollywood movie; Captain Groberg, US Army war veteran; Actress Chloe Grace Movetz and parents of fallen police officers to name a few.

At last, Chelsea Clinton took the stage and introduced her mother, Hillary Clinton, candidate for POTUS while also giving a brief speech where she talked about her two young children, how wonderful a grandmother Hillary is and her fond memories of her mother as a child herself.

After citing the above, Chelsea went on to extol Hillary's accomplishments as an advocate for children, as a former NY Senator and also as former Secretary of State. We heard what a fighter she has been during her vast public career and how she is someone who never gives up.

Hillary then rose to the podium and began her speech by thanking Biden, the Obama's and Tim Kane and how Kane will make them proud.

Then she went on to speak directly to Bernie Sanders and said how 'how he inspired all of us'. That 'Your cause is our cause'. And last that 'the country needs your ideas'.

Worthy of note was the look on Bernie's face when the camera's focused on him while Hillary spoke ... He did NOT look like a happy camper. And who could blame him after what the leaks discovered about the push to take him down? Though for one brief shining moment Bernie somewhat cracked a smile. However, it looked forced. Guess he thought the camera's might focus on him and he should at least try and look a little grateful that the queen thought to acknowledge and praise him somewhat.

One of the many themes that was laced throughout the last night of the convention was how Donald Trump is not fit to become the next president of the United States. She cited his unfair business practices,  bankruptcies,  poor temperament,  statements made about what a mess our armed forces are in, how he's in the pockets of the gun lobby and last but not least, she mentioned his name calling and insults to those like John McCain via tweets and other means. She also talked about how he's a divider and a fear mongerer. The list went on and on.

Dispersed throughout the Trump bashing, Hillary made positive comparisons about how she knows how to work with people, get things done and is a uniter and will work with all Americans. She cited how she's visited 112 countries to help others. Then she went on and listed what she hopes to achieve once she becomes POTUS ie that she will overturn Citizens United, will hold Wall St. and private corporations responsible and make sure they pay their fair share of taxes, will help to create clean energy jobs, will stand up to unfair trade deals, expand social security and protect a woman's right to make her own healthcare decisions.

She also mentioned how her and Bernie plan on working together to make college tuition free for all and will liberate millions of people who already have student debt.

How is she going to pay for all of the above? Her answer to her own question was that she will make Wall St. and the super rich pay their fair share of taxes.

Mrs. Clinton then went on to talk about national security and how the terrorists must be defeated and that the U.S. will keep supporting Israel.

At home, she will fight to deal with racism that still exists and appealed to police officers to help rebuild trust between them and the communities they serve.

She ended with how she'll do better than Trump and that the choice is clear on who America should elect.

My takeaways.

The convention's goals were to humanize and soften the image of Hillary Clinton. To cut The Donald down to size. To extol the virtues of Hillary's long political history. To show what a strong leader and a what a fighter she would be for all.

Did the convention provide any inspiration that could possibly change the independent or republican voter's mind or for that matter,  the Bernie supporter to vote  for her? Who knows. Only time will tell but my guess is that I don't think so.

In closing,  I want to say I am glad I watched every night of the DNC, tortuous as it often was. Even though I already knew where the Democrats stood on just about every issue and also all about Hillary Clinton and her background, watching reminded me even more than ever,  that this woman can not be president.

Yes, she can talk a good game, but her history speaks louder than her words. A history filled with criminal activity, lies, her incredible hypocrisy and sense of entitlement cannot be erased with 4 days of many extoling her so-called positives.

If anything, I am even more determined to do what little I can to help defeat Mrs. Clinton while taking a crap shoot on The Donald in that he may actually be able to follow through on his slogan and promise to 'Make America Great Again'.  Because in this case,  I don't think it's a good idea to 'go with the devil you do know versus the one you don't.' There would be too high a price to pay.


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