Day # 3 GOP Convention : Cruz Steals The Spotlight
Last night's convention theme was supposed to be Make America First Again. Not quite sure that label and/or goal was met.
Rather it was another evening where supporters of Donald Trump once again, waxed poetic about his accomplishments, character, work ethic, wanting to give back and turn things around for America.
However, there was a bit of drama when Newt Gingrich and Ted Cruz got up to speak.
But first let me preface things with the fact that I watched the entire speeches of both of the above. I listened carefully, noticed how the audience reacted and took notes. I mention this because what I've seen and heard on the news and on the internet will contradict what I'm about to write. This is one of the reasons I've been watching the convention on CSPAN rather than Fox, CNN or any other network. This way I am able to watch all the speeches, audience reactions, body language, etc. without interruption or commentary to cloud or influence my thoughts.
My take away from Cruz's and Gingrich speeches are these.
When it was announced that Cruz would be the next speaker, the crowd stood, clapped and roared their approval. The atmosphere was electrified. CSPAN spanned the audience and there were few seated or whom looked upset about Ted taking the stage.
Once he began speaking, the crowd was completely silent at times. You could hear a pin drop. Then it would break out into standing ovations and roars of agreement and approval of what was said. I even found myself standing up and clapping.
There's no doubt the crowd loved Cruz and related to much of what he said.
Then 3/4 of the way through his speech, a video was shown of The Donald arriving, shaking hands, smiling, etc. He was there to watch his son Eric and also Mike Pence, VP choice speak.
From that moment on, the focus was OFF of Cruz and on Trump. Camera's went back and forth between the two and the spell that Cruz had cast over the audience was over.
To wrap up his speech, Cruz announced that people should vote their conscious. He did not directly endorse Trump. The audience did NOT boo him off the stage as reported by so many. Yes, he was not applauded and yes, there was discontent and some boos but not the sort talked about by just about every news outlet.
Before I go on to Newt's speech, I want to say Cruz opened his speech by congratulating The Donald on winning the nomination. So though he did NOT endorse Trump as everyone wanted him to, he did not bash or insult him either. Basically he didn't talk much about him period. His speech was more about how America's in trouble and that we as citizens have to take charge and do what's right come November.
One last note. Ted spoke again this morning. Just caught a bit of it on Fox. He said distinctly that he will NOT vote for Hillary. But that he'll be watching and following the race closely and will then cast his vote come November.
More about Cruz and the role he continues to play and why in another entry...
Moving on.
Newt was the next speaker on my list to write about. As always he was articulate, savvy and somewhat reprimanded Cruz, but in a nice way for not saying directly that he would endorse The Donald. Then he went on to talk a lot about terrorism and of course bashed Hillary.
However, he did outline in a brief bullet type way how Trump is going to rebuild the military, build a wall, enforce immigration laws, help our vets, rebuild the education system and that The Donald would have zero tolerance for people who would hurt our police officers. Kudos to Newt for listing the Donald's objectives in a quick and easily understandable way.
Others who spoke were Rick Scott, Fla. Gov; Laura Ingrahm, talk show host; Phil Ruffin, Casino RE investor who has known Trump for years; Ilene Collins, first woman to command a space shuttle; Darell Scott, Sr. Pastor; Harold Hamm, CEO of Cont'l Resources Shale Oil Co.; Scott Walker, Wis. Gov; Lynn Patton, VP of the Eric Trump Fdtn.; Marco Rubio who spoke via a video (he also did NOT endorse The Donald but no one's talking about that); Eric Trump; Paul Ryan and Mike Pence.
I watched them all and was most impressed with Laura Ingraham who gave an incredibly spirited speech and had the audience with her all the way; Sr. Pastor, Darell Scott who was patriotic and inspirational; and last but not least, Mike Pence, who pleasantly surprised me. What a likeable guy and I can now see why The Donald chose him.
What about Eric Trump? His speech was fine but nothing compared to his brother, Donald Jr's oration. However, it was clearly heartfelt and no doubt he gave it his all.
So another convention night has come and gone and we have one more to go. Of course the theme will be Make America Great Again. The Donald himself will speak, along with his daughter Ivanka and others. Looking forward to it and will write all about it the following morning. Stay tuned.
Rather it was another evening where supporters of Donald Trump once again, waxed poetic about his accomplishments, character, work ethic, wanting to give back and turn things around for America.
However, there was a bit of drama when Newt Gingrich and Ted Cruz got up to speak.
But first let me preface things with the fact that I watched the entire speeches of both of the above. I listened carefully, noticed how the audience reacted and took notes. I mention this because what I've seen and heard on the news and on the internet will contradict what I'm about to write. This is one of the reasons I've been watching the convention on CSPAN rather than Fox, CNN or any other network. This way I am able to watch all the speeches, audience reactions, body language, etc. without interruption or commentary to cloud or influence my thoughts.
My take away from Cruz's and Gingrich speeches are these.
When it was announced that Cruz would be the next speaker, the crowd stood, clapped and roared their approval. The atmosphere was electrified. CSPAN spanned the audience and there were few seated or whom looked upset about Ted taking the stage.
Once he began speaking, the crowd was completely silent at times. You could hear a pin drop. Then it would break out into standing ovations and roars of agreement and approval of what was said. I even found myself standing up and clapping.
There's no doubt the crowd loved Cruz and related to much of what he said.
Then 3/4 of the way through his speech, a video was shown of The Donald arriving, shaking hands, smiling, etc. He was there to watch his son Eric and also Mike Pence, VP choice speak.
From that moment on, the focus was OFF of Cruz and on Trump. Camera's went back and forth between the two and the spell that Cruz had cast over the audience was over.
To wrap up his speech, Cruz announced that people should vote their conscious. He did not directly endorse Trump. The audience did NOT boo him off the stage as reported by so many. Yes, he was not applauded and yes, there was discontent and some boos but not the sort talked about by just about every news outlet.
Before I go on to Newt's speech, I want to say Cruz opened his speech by congratulating The Donald on winning the nomination. So though he did NOT endorse Trump as everyone wanted him to, he did not bash or insult him either. Basically he didn't talk much about him period. His speech was more about how America's in trouble and that we as citizens have to take charge and do what's right come November.
One last note. Ted spoke again this morning. Just caught a bit of it on Fox. He said distinctly that he will NOT vote for Hillary. But that he'll be watching and following the race closely and will then cast his vote come November.
More about Cruz and the role he continues to play and why in another entry...
Moving on.
Newt was the next speaker on my list to write about. As always he was articulate, savvy and somewhat reprimanded Cruz, but in a nice way for not saying directly that he would endorse The Donald. Then he went on to talk a lot about terrorism and of course bashed Hillary.
However, he did outline in a brief bullet type way how Trump is going to rebuild the military, build a wall, enforce immigration laws, help our vets, rebuild the education system and that The Donald would have zero tolerance for people who would hurt our police officers. Kudos to Newt for listing the Donald's objectives in a quick and easily understandable way.
Others who spoke were Rick Scott, Fla. Gov; Laura Ingrahm, talk show host; Phil Ruffin, Casino RE investor who has known Trump for years; Ilene Collins, first woman to command a space shuttle; Darell Scott, Sr. Pastor; Harold Hamm, CEO of Cont'l Resources Shale Oil Co.; Scott Walker, Wis. Gov; Lynn Patton, VP of the Eric Trump Fdtn.; Marco Rubio who spoke via a video (he also did NOT endorse The Donald but no one's talking about that); Eric Trump; Paul Ryan and Mike Pence.
I watched them all and was most impressed with Laura Ingraham who gave an incredibly spirited speech and had the audience with her all the way; Sr. Pastor, Darell Scott who was patriotic and inspirational; and last but not least, Mike Pence, who pleasantly surprised me. What a likeable guy and I can now see why The Donald chose him.
What about Eric Trump? His speech was fine but nothing compared to his brother, Donald Jr's oration. However, it was clearly heartfelt and no doubt he gave it his all.
So another convention night has come and gone and we have one more to go. Of course the theme will be Make America Great Again. The Donald himself will speak, along with his daughter Ivanka and others. Looking forward to it and will write all about it the following morning. Stay tuned.
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