Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Little Humor ...

The Ballad of Big Bad Don aka Donald Trump as sung to the tune of Big Bad John. This is a hoot!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Means by Douglas Brunt

Page turning political thriller. Highly recommend!

White House & IRS

Finally, someone with some guts and I guess no connection with President Obama,  has opened the door to an investigation into the misuse of the IRS by his administration. Read on:

However,  I'm quite skeptical of any success getting the White House or the IRS to cooperate. Most likely either or both will come up with some caveat that lets them both off the hook. But one can hope ...

Friday, August 28, 2015

Jobs, Illegal Immigrants, etc.

I've been thinking about this topic for quite awhile and just now have a few minutes to write about.

Trump, Cruz, Rubio and just about all of the current GOP candidates running for POTUS are focusing on how we need to fix the illegal immigrant problem and the border. Well, duh.

They also talk about how industry and manufacturing shouldn't be going to Mexico, China, etc. That it's hurting our economy. Duh, again.

Consequently, most candidates offer various solutions, some good, some not so good.

What I haven't heard from any of our current candidates or those currently in office,  is that one of the real issues to be solved in order to bring jobs back to the U.S. has to do with high corporate taxes (I think the highest in the world or close to it) and the unions.

Because corporate taxes are so high, it forces private industry to look elsewhere to locate its factories, etc. Add to this high salaries and benefit costs of union workers and corporations will move their factories and industry to where it's cheaper to do business ie Mexico, China.

Can you blame them? You might. But you sure wouldn't like having to pay a whole lot more for your new car, clothing, washing machine or whatever if it were to remain here at current costs.

So building a better wall, deporting illegals, using e-verify solutions, drone security along the border, etc.  to help with the illegal immigrant problem is needed. No doubt about it. However, we also need tax relief and a show down with the unions so we can entice manufacturing and jobs to stay here.

Will this happen? Not if many can help it. The Left certainly wouldn't go for it. They need to keep illegals and the unions in their voting pockets. And the Right seem to go along with whatever the Left want these days. As many have said, the GOP no longer follows their own mission, they follow the Lefts'.

Obama Threatens to Filibuster No Votes on Iran Deal

My headline says it all. In case you need someone to vent for you about this, here's Mark Levin to do it for you : ).

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Soap Opera Continues ...

Recently we've learned that The Donald tweeted more disparaging remarks about Megyn Kelly (called her a bimbo, etc.) during her show on FoxNews Monday night. Needless to say he's evidently still carrying a grudge against her for questions asked during the first GOP debate a few weeks back. Tough questions. Questions that in my mind, she or any other journalist had every right to ask of anyone running for public office. 

In response, Roger Ailes,  Chairman and CEO of Fox News issued a statement basically saying The Donald owes Megyn Kelly an apology. 

Of course the Trumpster shot back that Kelly is not a quality journalist and that he disagrees with Mr. Ailes.

My opinion?

The Donald is once again showing what a thin-skinned, somewhat childish and vindictive man he can be. That Megyn Kelly's questions were fair game. That Roger Ailes should have stayed out of the fray. That the Donald, Kelly, Ailes and Fox News should chalk it all up to the rough and tumble game of politics and move on.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Obama Calls Economy Strong

Sunday, August 23, 2015

48 Laws of Power

Thought provoking article by the Weekly Standard in regards to Robert Green's 48 Laws of Power  and Donald Trump. Even without The Donald analogy, it's an interesting take on achieving power in general.

One Heck of a Resume !!!

 Really worth the few minutes checking out the resume of Ted Cruz. I knew he had graduated top of his class at Princeton and Harvard and was Solicitor General of Texas. Mr. Cruz impressed me right from the beginning when I first met him at the GOP Leadership Summit in the Spring. But now I'm really impressed. He blows everyone else running for president out of the water. Not only does he have the incredible resume but he also has a solid conservative record. I don't think anyone else running can equal this candidate.

Friday, August 21, 2015

2016 Presidential Race Polls

Here's a link to the most recent Real Clear Politics' 2016 presidential race polls. Seems we have a good chance of beating Hilary... that's if she even runs given the current rap sheet against her.


The above is a headline from a CNBC article below.

With China devaluing its'  currency, the Feds propping up our economy with low interest rates and  high unemployment (don't let this administration fool you with numbers that say it's not that bad),  I am not surprised that we are having a major correction in the market.

No doubt we live in a global economy and are affected by what happens elsewhere.  Plus, what goes up, must come down. The markets go in cycles and we've had one heck of a long ride with the Dow, etc. rising, rising, rising. It's been a bubble and now the bubble's in its infancy stage of bursting. There's more to come, though we'll see along the way, upward movement at times which might give false hope that things aren't as bad as portrayed.

However, tough as it might be, I think a MAJOR market correction will be a good thing over the long run. We need it. We have to face the reality of what's been happening so we can take care of business.

No doubt Obama will encourage the powers that be to continue to prop up the sagging economy and thus the markets. He won't want to leave office with a black mark against him that'll reflect in a negative way his legacy.  So we'll continue having corrections since the market is a free one... but the final fall may not come till the next president takes office.

I just hope whomever we elect, most likely one of the very capable GOP candidates,  will make the hard choices that need to be made in order to fix our economy regardless of unpopularity. That'll take a very special person, one who communicates well and is inspiring. And no doubt someone we can trust to do what's right. Who that'll be, I haven't a clue.

Meanwhile, we'll continue to struggle with a worsening economy, troubles on the border and the Middle East and an anger and frustration with our current government. It'll feel like we're in a holding pattern of sorts till the next president of the United States is elected.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Another Nail in the Coffin

Hilary Clinton's aides' government issued blackberry's have most likely been destroyed... Jeez. How convenient.  Read on:

UN Allows Iran To Inspect Itself

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday Morning Chuckle

Words are not needed!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Best Rant About Current Times ...

If you have about 10 minutes or so, take a listen to Mark Levin's spin on what's happening within the GOP, politics, the current administration and society in general. Powerful.

One Smart Guy

Ted Cruz is one smart guy. His handling so far of The Donald has been right on the money. By not feeding into the current vitriol that Mr. Trump seems to invite, he presents quite the positive contrast. He also knows that if he bashes the Trumpster, he'd risk losing possible future voters should The Donald not make the cut. And Mr. Cruz also massages Mr. Trumps ego a bit when he credits him for bringing attention to the immigration problem. Which I'm sure The Donald appreciates and mentions to all who will listen.

Whether Mr. Cruz is the genuine article and by that I mean a politician who sincerely wants what's best for the country and has the courage of his convictions, I don't know. His filibuster in regards to ObamaCare, his writing of Kate's Law and standing up to GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and calling him out about his unethical behavior shows that he might be the real deal. Or it might be that he's just a really smart guy who understands and knows how to play the game. Only time will tell.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Watch Out

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Can't Take The Heat ....

Get out of the kitchen! But that won't happen with The Donald and most likely to his own detriment.

A while back I wrote a blog about The Donald titled 'Clarion Call'. I discussed way before the Media  did, that Mr. Trump's rise in the polls and popularity might be due to his saying what many thought  but didn't have the platform or courage to do so. For telling it like it is. For being honest, blunt and direct. I wrote that he tapped into a lot of anger and frustration felt by We The People. I was right. Well..... sorta.

Fast forward to Thursday night's debate and two different sets of questions by FoxNews Hosts Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace. These questions challenged him and he didn't handle them well.

The questions I'm referring to are where Megyn Kelly asks him about various tweets and/or comments that were quite derogatory about particular women. Trump responded at first trying to make a joke about Rosie O'Donnell. But as she pressed on, the candid, direct and honest candidate seethed with anger, hostility and thinly veiled threats toward Kelly.

When I watched this back and forth, for a second time last night on the Fox News Business Network, it confirmed in my mind the following. That though The Donald continued to be honest and blunt with his derogatory comments about particular women, he had gone too far. Instead of saying yes, I made these comments, they were inappropriate and I'm sorry, he showed a petty, mean spirited and vindictive side to him. Not presidential in my book.

Then when Chris Wallace asked about his 4 previous bankruptcies, once again The Donald was  honest and direct. However, it exposed again, a side of Mr. Trump that is not flattering. They also showed traits that I do not want to see in a possible leader of our country. His response was that sure, he declared bankruptcies, but was just using the system like many other citizens and companies have done. And basically that there was nothing wrong in doing so. He also added that he personally hadn't declared bankruptcy. Just his companies. Like they were totally separate entities.

So yes, Mr. Trump continues to be open, honest and direct. And many people present those traits as to why they're still in his camp and would like to see him as president.  I've spoken with several people who say yes, he was wrong to call women derogatory names, but he's flawed, just like everyone else and should be given some slack.

Bottom line is that I feel we've been a given a gift by the Fox News panel by exposing The Donald for the nasty, petty, thin skinned and vindictive man he is. Saying this gives me no pleasure. Not one iota. In fact it saddens me,  as I too had hopes that maybe Mr. Trump might be what we've been looking for. That his business talents and outspokenness could  possibly turn the economy around and restore this country's integrity and reputation.

Of course, the story's not over. Candidate Trump is supposed to turn up this morning on all the political talking head shows, except of course Fox News. Doesn't that say something? That he can't take the heat? That he can't handle those who point out his shortcomings? So he gets out of the kitchen and runs to other rooms where he may not be so directly challenged? Where there might not be any heat?

My fear is that the opposition, the Democrat party will feed on The Donald, encourage him, praise him with hopes he'll win the nomination. Or even run as a third party candidate. Then they'll have someone just as questionable as their own candidate, Hilary Clinton. With the added plus of Mr. Trump splitting the GOP vote and thus landing Mrs. Clinton a win.

Only time will tell how all this plays out but I'm hoping that somehow, someway The Donald decides he's had enough and drops out of the race. But that would go against the very grain of who he is ie a fighter and one with a lot of money, ego and pride who would never want to be seen as backing down.

Friday, August 7, 2015

First GOP Presidential Debates

Was up till the wee hours last night watching the debate along with analysis and chosen sound bites afterward. And what a debate and night it was! Never a dull moment. Not one. So much to say about it all,  but so little time.

Here are my thoughts.

First, let me say since I regretfully missed the 5 o'clock debate, I can't really comment. Though I hope to watch it in it's entirety online sometime soon. What I do know is that most commentators, even those from the left,  thought Carly Fiorina hit the ball out of the park. I'm happy about that.

She's been one of my  favorites ever since I saw her speak at the 'First in the Nation GOP Leadership Summit in NH' held this Spring. She was sharp, articulate and wasn't afraid to say what needed to be said. She also wasn't afraid to point out Hilary's flaws. No doubt she'll remain on my favorite's list after I watch the earlier debate.

Moving on to the 9 o'clock debate last night.

I have to commend Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace and all those who put it together. Considering that there were 10 candidates, thus not giving much time for each one, they managed to hit all the major issues, pack a lot in and give each candidate a chance to articulate how and where they stand on various issues.

Next I have to say that every candidate, whether I liked them or not was impressive in one way or the other. All EXCEPT Donald Trump. Yep, that's what I said. Regardless of overnight polling that says he won the debate by far. When I saw these results, I was stunned to say the least.


In comparison to the all the other candidates, he did not seem to have a command of the issues. All he did was repeat the same talking points about how he'll fix this, that and the other thing. How China and Japan and illegal aliens are a problem. Not once did he give any specifics on HOW he would fix the border, trade issues, the economy, the VA problems or the Middle East situation. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Basically he just complained.

Add to that a very negative and defensive attitude and he blew it for me. Not that I ever really considered voting for him, but I did feel that he was somewhat of a wake up call to the rest of the field about how angry and frustrated the average American is with today's politics and politician. In fact I wrote about this in a post a few weeks ago, title Clarion Call.

All the other candidates, even Rand Paul, who I'm not a big fan of, were class acts for the most part. Sure they argued, debated, etc. but that's what it's all about. No one else got down and dirty and just plain ugly as The Donald did. Not my idea of someone who would make a good president.

So who do I think did well and has a real shot at the nomination?

Very hard to choose. But as of right now, I still like Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich and Marco Rubio. Next in line would be Scott Walker, Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee.

My least favorite, other than The Donald is Rand Paul. There's something bitter, nasty and petty about him that I can't quite put my finger on. In fact I felt this way when first hearing him speak at the GOP Leadership Summit. Even when we shook hands, I felt he was just going through the motions and really didn't like mixing with the crowd. Very strange...

The rest are basically off my radar.

That's about it for my initial thoughts about last night's debate. Definitely more to come when time allows. Much more !!!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Gotta Check This Out !!!

Here's a link to a google map that shows who's in the GOP presidential lead by county. Check out who is represented in red. Wow!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Voter's First Forum - GOP Presidential Debate tonight Live in NH NOW !

Hello all. If you'd like to get a bit of a preview of the upcoming FoxNews GOP presidential debates Thursday night, tune into CSPAN to watch the Voter's First Forum, GOP presidential debate, live from Manchester, NH. All the candidates will debate with the exception of Donald Trump. Coverage is starting as I write.

For those without cable tv,  live stream from your computer the link below: