Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Soap Opera Continues ...

Recently we've learned that The Donald tweeted more disparaging remarks about Megyn Kelly (called her a bimbo, etc.) during her show on FoxNews Monday night. Needless to say he's evidently still carrying a grudge against her for questions asked during the first GOP debate a few weeks back. Tough questions. Questions that in my mind, she or any other journalist had every right to ask of anyone running for public office. 

In response, Roger Ailes,  Chairman and CEO of Fox News issued a statement basically saying The Donald owes Megyn Kelly an apology. 

Of course the Trumpster shot back that Kelly is not a quality journalist and that he disagrees with Mr. Ailes.

My opinion?

The Donald is once again showing what a thin-skinned, somewhat childish and vindictive man he can be. That Megyn Kelly's questions were fair game. That Roger Ailes should have stayed out of the fray. That the Donald, Kelly, Ailes and Fox News should chalk it all up to the rough and tumble game of politics and move on.


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