Tuesday, August 11, 2015

One Smart Guy

Ted Cruz is one smart guy. His handling so far of The Donald has been right on the money. By not feeding into the current vitriol that Mr. Trump seems to invite, he presents quite the positive contrast. He also knows that if he bashes the Trumpster, he'd risk losing possible future voters should The Donald not make the cut. And Mr. Cruz also massages Mr. Trumps ego a bit when he credits him for bringing attention to the immigration problem. Which I'm sure The Donald appreciates and mentions to all who will listen.

Whether Mr. Cruz is the genuine article and by that I mean a politician who sincerely wants what's best for the country and has the courage of his convictions, I don't know. His filibuster in regards to ObamaCare, his writing of Kate's Law and standing up to GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and calling him out about his unethical behavior shows that he might be the real deal. Or it might be that he's just a really smart guy who understands and knows how to play the game. Only time will tell.


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