Sunday, August 9, 2015

Can't Take The Heat ....

Get out of the kitchen! But that won't happen with The Donald and most likely to his own detriment.

A while back I wrote a blog about The Donald titled 'Clarion Call'. I discussed way before the Media  did, that Mr. Trump's rise in the polls and popularity might be due to his saying what many thought  but didn't have the platform or courage to do so. For telling it like it is. For being honest, blunt and direct. I wrote that he tapped into a lot of anger and frustration felt by We The People. I was right. Well..... sorta.

Fast forward to Thursday night's debate and two different sets of questions by FoxNews Hosts Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace. These questions challenged him and he didn't handle them well.

The questions I'm referring to are where Megyn Kelly asks him about various tweets and/or comments that were quite derogatory about particular women. Trump responded at first trying to make a joke about Rosie O'Donnell. But as she pressed on, the candid, direct and honest candidate seethed with anger, hostility and thinly veiled threats toward Kelly.

When I watched this back and forth, for a second time last night on the Fox News Business Network, it confirmed in my mind the following. That though The Donald continued to be honest and blunt with his derogatory comments about particular women, he had gone too far. Instead of saying yes, I made these comments, they were inappropriate and I'm sorry, he showed a petty, mean spirited and vindictive side to him. Not presidential in my book.

Then when Chris Wallace asked about his 4 previous bankruptcies, once again The Donald was  honest and direct. However, it exposed again, a side of Mr. Trump that is not flattering. They also showed traits that I do not want to see in a possible leader of our country. His response was that sure, he declared bankruptcies, but was just using the system like many other citizens and companies have done. And basically that there was nothing wrong in doing so. He also added that he personally hadn't declared bankruptcy. Just his companies. Like they were totally separate entities.

So yes, Mr. Trump continues to be open, honest and direct. And many people present those traits as to why they're still in his camp and would like to see him as president.  I've spoken with several people who say yes, he was wrong to call women derogatory names, but he's flawed, just like everyone else and should be given some slack.

Bottom line is that I feel we've been a given a gift by the Fox News panel by exposing The Donald for the nasty, petty, thin skinned and vindictive man he is. Saying this gives me no pleasure. Not one iota. In fact it saddens me,  as I too had hopes that maybe Mr. Trump might be what we've been looking for. That his business talents and outspokenness could  possibly turn the economy around and restore this country's integrity and reputation.

Of course, the story's not over. Candidate Trump is supposed to turn up this morning on all the political talking head shows, except of course Fox News. Doesn't that say something? That he can't take the heat? That he can't handle those who point out his shortcomings? So he gets out of the kitchen and runs to other rooms where he may not be so directly challenged? Where there might not be any heat?

My fear is that the opposition, the Democrat party will feed on The Donald, encourage him, praise him with hopes he'll win the nomination. Or even run as a third party candidate. Then they'll have someone just as questionable as their own candidate, Hilary Clinton. With the added plus of Mr. Trump splitting the GOP vote and thus landing Mrs. Clinton a win.

Only time will tell how all this plays out but I'm hoping that somehow, someway The Donald decides he's had enough and drops out of the race. But that would go against the very grain of who he is ie a fighter and one with a lot of money, ego and pride who would never want to be seen as backing down.


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