Friday, August 28, 2015

Jobs, Illegal Immigrants, etc.

I've been thinking about this topic for quite awhile and just now have a few minutes to write about.

Trump, Cruz, Rubio and just about all of the current GOP candidates running for POTUS are focusing on how we need to fix the illegal immigrant problem and the border. Well, duh.

They also talk about how industry and manufacturing shouldn't be going to Mexico, China, etc. That it's hurting our economy. Duh, again.

Consequently, most candidates offer various solutions, some good, some not so good.

What I haven't heard from any of our current candidates or those currently in office,  is that one of the real issues to be solved in order to bring jobs back to the U.S. has to do with high corporate taxes (I think the highest in the world or close to it) and the unions.

Because corporate taxes are so high, it forces private industry to look elsewhere to locate its factories, etc. Add to this high salaries and benefit costs of union workers and corporations will move their factories and industry to where it's cheaper to do business ie Mexico, China.

Can you blame them? You might. But you sure wouldn't like having to pay a whole lot more for your new car, clothing, washing machine or whatever if it were to remain here at current costs.

So building a better wall, deporting illegals, using e-verify solutions, drone security along the border, etc.  to help with the illegal immigrant problem is needed. No doubt about it. However, we also need tax relief and a show down with the unions so we can entice manufacturing and jobs to stay here.

Will this happen? Not if many can help it. The Left certainly wouldn't go for it. They need to keep illegals and the unions in their voting pockets. And the Right seem to go along with whatever the Left want these days. As many have said, the GOP no longer follows their own mission, they follow the Lefts'.


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