Thursday, February 25, 2010

Health Care Summit

Heard bits and pieces of the Health Care Summit on the radio and tv. Obama sure loves the sound of his voice, likes to lecture and man, the look on his face when challenged, could kill. More to come ...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Massachusetts Factor

Scott Brown, newly elected MA Senator and Mitt Romney, former MA Governor and Presidential Candidate have both made news recently for what is seen by many Conservatives as being disloyal and traitorous to the ideology.

Brown's yes vote for the recent pared down jobs bill has caught the ire of radio talk show hosts, tea party members, bloggers, and people who believed he was a true Conversative. To say they feel betrayed is putting it mildly. Having just listened to Scott Brown on the Howie Carr radio show explain and defend his vote was informative and makes me think that many have not even read the bill. I confess I haven't read it myself, but right from the get-go I decided not to pass judgement as so many have done without learning more. And if what Brown has said about the bill is accurate, I don't have a problem with him voting for it.

According to the Senator, the bill provides tax credits for businesses hiring new people or purchasing new equipment and will not raise taxes. It was pared down from $87 to $15 billion and contains no pork. He said it was revenue and tax neutral. He also said that if the bill becomes laden down with pork once it reaches the House, he will not vote for it.

All of that sounds good on the surface, but I'll reserve judgement till I have more information.

The other piece of interesting news is Mitt Romney's support of Senator John McCain in the race to keep his Senatorial seat. On the one hand I can't imagine why he would even speak to the guy after the way McCain treated him during the 2008 Presidential race. McCain was incredibly mean spirited and petty. I know in order to be in politics one has to suck it up sometimes, compromise and bury the hatchet. That's the reality of the game. But I'm guessing the reason Mitt is backing McCain is all about keeping your enemies close. I can't imagine any other palatable reason. This strategy has worked well for Obama, having appointed Hillary Secretary of State and thus has kept her and Bill in check. Consequently I imagine it'll work for Romney if he runs in 2012 and McCain is relected. However, once again many Conservatives are not happy about Mitt's support and feel betrayed. I think he's just looking to the future and getting his ducks in a row. If so I think its a smart move and in the big scheme of things, not a bad move.

So here we have two Massachusetts pols playing the game as well as anyone. Only time will tell if either are true Conservatives or have, like many other Republicans, run on a Conservative platform but vote like a RINO. I hope the latter turns out NOT to be true, but they are from Massachusetts ...

Friday, February 19, 2010


Continuing to watch CPAC on Michele Bachman, Congresswoman from Minnesota just finished a rousing patriotic speech. She told stories about historical, unsung heroes who gave their lives for freedom. Incredibly moving.

Before Michele spoke, a doctor, whose name I did not get, spoke about health care reform and was very informative. Unfortunately I was late to the game and only heard a few lines of what he had to say. But what I did hear was that the AMA only represents 17% of our doctors. That the AMA does not speak for the majority in the medical profession as the Obama administration would have us believe.

The doctor also offered a few other suggestions such as hospitals posting their fees visably for all to see. And in combination with tort reform, no fault insurance. I wish I was able to hear the entire speech and comments from the panel, which I gather were all in the medical profession. Maybe I'll be able to hunt it down. Nothing like hearing from doctors who really understand the healthcare industry vs a bunch of eggheads operating out of D.C.

CPAC Cont'd

This year's CPAC event has offered one great speaker after another. There was barely time to use the rest room or grab a bite for fear of missing something good.

Marco Rubio, U.S. Senate candidate for Florida was the opening speaker and what a dynamic one he was. There's no doubt in my mind that he'll win and is a true up and comer.

Jim DeMint, Senator out of South Carolina was next. He was witty, charming and full of interesting facts. Did you know that in the original constitution there was no allowance for federal taxes? Geez, I wonder what happened...

Next big name was Lynn Cheney with a surprise appearance by her father, Dick Cheney. What a powerful pair they make. Dick Cheney predicted that Obama would be a one term president and of course the crowd roared.

Several other, less well known republicans got up to speak such as Joshua Mandel who had an incredibly inspiring story to tell. He is an Ohio State Rep who also served 2 terms in Iraq with the Marine Corp. His story and message was one of never giving up, endurance and passion in the face of strong opposition. I found myself standing up clapping and cheering him on.

Jason Mattera, head of the Young Americans Foundation also spoke and was young, scrappy and funny.

One of the highlights and surprises of the day's speakers, was Scott Brown, newly elected U.S. MA Senator. He introduced Mitt Romney. The both of them lit the crowd on fire! Romney was particularly on his game and gave a fiery speech like I've never heard before. Add to that some great jokes about an Olympian and Obama and once again, I stood up and cheered! My favorite line from him was his crack about when it comes time to pin the blame about the economy, we should pin the tail on the donkey.

Dick Armey, former House Majority Leader from Texas ragged on Obama's income redistribution mantra and drew lots of applause.

The last of the big names to speak was Representative John Boehner and Minority Leader from Ohio. I've watched him battle the Dems over the last year and he's tough. He and Mitch McConnel, Senate Republican Leader from Kentucky, have had to fight Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for the last year and have done a pretty good job. Its so easy for us arm chair politicians sitting at home to advise, criticize and complain about what has or hasn't happened in DC and place blame on our leaders. But we're not there, in the belly of the beast having to do battle. Kudos to Boehner and McConnell for putting their best forward and not backing down in the face of overwhelming pressure.

There were several minor speakers, reps of the Tea Party and various other groups, but to name them all here would take up too much space. Overall, it was an exciting day for those of us who have conservative beliefs. I look forward to listening to the next round of speakers such as Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachman, Santorum and Newt.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Glued to CSPAN watching coverage of CPAC.

More to come ...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Drudge Report and Political Influence

The Drudge Report has got to be one of the most influential websites and news sources of the New Media in the world. Its compendium of headlines, links to news stories, columnists and other media outlets is one stop shopping for anyone covering politics, the weather and whats happening. With the click of a mouse anyone from a lowly blogger such as myself, to the president of the U.S. or our worst enemies over in the Middle East can access news and information on whatever topic of interest. But it is Matt Drudge who decides WHICH stories or links are to be posted to the site. He chooses, along with Andrew Breitbart what's important and/or newsworthy and therein lies the key to Drudge's power.

By highlighting or headlining a story he is able to drive the coverage of what the rest of the media report, whether it be New Media or old. There truly is no other news source quite like it. Yes, there are newspapers, tv stations, magazines, bloggers and talk radio but no one else holds the sweet spot that Drudge does. He's fast, he's driven and he's not afraid to be controversial. Consequently, his is the go to site for everyone else. This makes for one heck of a powerful influence in the political arena.

If one is to doubt Drudge's ability to drive stories or coverage of any given topic, note what headline's take priority on his homepage on a regular basis. Then watch and or listen to the cable tv outlets, talk radio, mainstream media, the newspapers, other news websites and bloggers. Chances are they'll mention headlines taken directly from the Drudge Report (though they usually don't credit the source). Rarely will you hear a cutting edge story or newsworthy item that hasn't been first on Drudge.

Why write about this? I find it fascinating that along with Fox News and talk radio (both conservative outlets) Drudge is the third leg in the successful takeover of power and news coverage from the Old Media. Drudge is a conservative. But as I've mentioned in a blog awhile back, conservative news outlets would not be successful UNLESS there are people who want to buy what they have to sell. This fits in with the statistical fact that the majority of people in America are to the right of center and are getting tired of the left trying to shove liberal politics down the collective throat. So they turn to sources which provide right leaning news and coverage and gives voice to their concerns. And it all starts with Drudge.

Fox News, talk radio and Drudge are on our side and I'm darn glad they are. Where would we be without them? As we head into another election cycle which I think will be historical, these organizations will take leadership roles by providing an outlet for conservative candidates and ideals. And the Drudge Report will be leading the parade in its own unassuming and quiet, but powerful way.

Monday, February 15, 2010

As the World Turns ...

So much to pay attention to, so little time. For quite awhile I've been stewing about the influence of the Drudge Report on the general public, the media and of course, the White House. After following things closely and lots of pondering, I have some thoughts I'll write about when time permits. Stay tuned ...

Meanwhile lots a-brewing everywhere. Evan Bayh's decision not to run for senate... Hayworth to challenge McCain ... Iran coming closer to a dictatorship... and Global Warming/Climate Change fast becoming a farce...

How to keep up with it all? More to come...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Abbott Wins Straw Poll

Steve Abbott, candidate for Governor of Maine has won several stroll polls at various caucuses by a pretty good margin. Of course this is only the beginning, so its anyone's guess who'll be our next governor. I'll be happy with any of the candidates as they're all qualified!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Great Caucus !

Last night's caucus turned out to be a wonderful success. We had very good turnout by both voters and candidates alike, the chowder was excellent and we now have a cohesive party committee to keep things running in our small neck of the woods. Also nice is the full slate of delegates and alternate delegates that will be attending the
Maine state convention in early May. In years past, this hasn't always been the case.

While enjoying chowder, the candidates and voters got a chance to exchange ideas and talk about the issues. Gubenatorial candidates Steve Abbott, Bill Beardsley, Paul LaPage, Matt Jacobson, Peter Mills, and Les Otten all spoke or had representatives. David Trahan (state senator) and Linc Sample (running for district 61) also attended and got up to say a few words.

The door is still open as to who I plan on voting for, but so far my favorites are Abbott, LaPage and Jacobson. I had a nice, long chat with Jacobson and liked what Abbott had to say. I'd be happy with either one. LaPage wasn't able to make it but I did hear him speak at the Lincoln County Caucus and was very impressed. What an incredible rags to riches life story he has.

All in all last night's caucus was a true story of democracy in action. Not to mention that it was a heck of alot of fun!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Local Caucus tomorrow night!

Can't believe our local caucus is tomorrow night! Email has been busy, phone's been ringing off the hook and deadlines are fast approaching. Tomorrow morning will be busy with set up.

And what a caucus it'll be tomorrow night. A chowder supper, silent auction and just about all the candidates running for governor and other state offices will be there. New officers will be nominated as well as delegates to the Maine State Convention. Exciting!

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Arena

One of the best political blogs/message boards I've come upon in a long time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jobs, jobs, jobs

While out and about yesterday and listening to the radio, I've heard over and over again on the news that Obama is doing townhall-like meetings with 'the little people' to discuss how we need jobs, jobs, jobs. Well, duh !

There doesn't need to be townhall meetings to discuss the subject. All Obama, Pelosi, Reid and members of the house and sentate need to do is cut taxes. Its as simple as that.

Cut corporate taxes, income taxes, capital gains taxes, etc. If he were to announce doing so I could almost guarantee that the American public would gain such a pyschological lift, that the economy would soon pick up in anticipation. Companies large and small would have confidence and increase production and hire more people. More people with jobs would start spending more, revenues would increase, which would more than make up for any loss from cutting taxes and we'd be on the upswing.

But that's either too simple for Obama to understand or he really does get it and his true purpose is NOT to increase jobs and turn the economy around, but just the opposite? Could it be he'd rather keep us down, so we'll look more and more to the government for help?

Whatever the case is, I hope the powers that be wake up and change their course. Cut taxes across the board and the U.S. economy will soar once again. Or stay the course and watch things get worse and worse...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Local Caucus Around the Corner

Next Tuesday is the local caucus for my neck of the woods. A wonderful event is being planned that I hope will bring out voters and the general public to participate.

It'll open with a great chowder supper free to the public. Shortly after dinner, we'll get a chance to listen to just about all of the candidates running for governor as well as those running for local offices. Questions will be welcome. A silent auction will also take place with gift certificates offered to local restaurants and businesses. This is a fundraiser for the local republican party.

Afterward those of us registered to vote will caucus. We'll elect officers of the caucus, a chairman and secretary, then elect town committee officers, county committee delegates, ballot clerks and delegates and alternates to the Maine State Convention to be held in May.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Favorite Quote

Guess who said the following ...

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."