Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Massachusetts Factor

Scott Brown, newly elected MA Senator and Mitt Romney, former MA Governor and Presidential Candidate have both made news recently for what is seen by many Conservatives as being disloyal and traitorous to the ideology.

Brown's yes vote for the recent pared down jobs bill has caught the ire of radio talk show hosts, tea party members, bloggers, and people who believed he was a true Conversative. To say they feel betrayed is putting it mildly. Having just listened to Scott Brown on the Howie Carr radio show explain and defend his vote was informative and makes me think that many have not even read the bill. I confess I haven't read it myself, but right from the get-go I decided not to pass judgement as so many have done without learning more. And if what Brown has said about the bill is accurate, I don't have a problem with him voting for it.

According to the Senator, the bill provides tax credits for businesses hiring new people or purchasing new equipment and will not raise taxes. It was pared down from $87 to $15 billion and contains no pork. He said it was revenue and tax neutral. He also said that if the bill becomes laden down with pork once it reaches the House, he will not vote for it.

All of that sounds good on the surface, but I'll reserve judgement till I have more information.

The other piece of interesting news is Mitt Romney's support of Senator John McCain in the race to keep his Senatorial seat. On the one hand I can't imagine why he would even speak to the guy after the way McCain treated him during the 2008 Presidential race. McCain was incredibly mean spirited and petty. I know in order to be in politics one has to suck it up sometimes, compromise and bury the hatchet. That's the reality of the game. But I'm guessing the reason Mitt is backing McCain is all about keeping your enemies close. I can't imagine any other palatable reason. This strategy has worked well for Obama, having appointed Hillary Secretary of State and thus has kept her and Bill in check. Consequently I imagine it'll work for Romney if he runs in 2012 and McCain is relected. However, once again many Conservatives are not happy about Mitt's support and feel betrayed. I think he's just looking to the future and getting his ducks in a row. If so I think its a smart move and in the big scheme of things, not a bad move.

So here we have two Massachusetts pols playing the game as well as anyone. Only time will tell if either are true Conservatives or have, like many other Republicans, run on a Conservative platform but vote like a RINO. I hope the latter turns out NOT to be true, but they are from Massachusetts ...


Blogger charles wick said...

This is a most useful post. I was initially not happy that Brown had apparently joined the "ladies from Maine". But I see the bill was not oo bad. Also i suspect he is trying to inoculate himself against the inevitable claims by Dems that he is "extreme". So give him the benefit of the doubt.
I would prefer that Hayworth win, but I am a little uneasy after what happened in District 23 in NY: that is better any republican rather than split the vote to enable a dem. This is getting so interesting.
My law associate is very friendly with Mc Cain and ran his campaigns here in RI so I am not really hoping he loses. I just wish he wouldn't always try to butter up the liberal press with his "moderation". which i suspect is not his true nature. he has always been more right wing than he has gotten credit for, although admittedly no Hayworth.

February 24, 2010 at 5:40 AM  
Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Hey Charlie,

I first read about Brown's vote while on facebook and was initially taken aback. But I decided to reserve judgement, do a little research and see where that took things. Then I learned about the bill from the horse's mouth and why he voted for it and I thought ... okay, that's not too bad and makes sense ... and its only one of the many bills that Brown will vote on. If there seems to be a trend towards moderation, I'll be very disappointed and will feel like we've been taken.

Regarding McCain. I do not like the man at all. He's a butt kisser, too liberal and is a male version of the 'ladies of Maine' as you so well put it! I'd love to see him lose his seat and Hayworth take over. The only thing I admire about McCain is his service to our country. That's it.

Next event that should be VERY interesting is tomorrow's health care shoot out between the Dems and Reps. Wish I could watch on CSPAN but I'll be on the road. But youtube springs eternal :).

February 24, 2010 at 1:40 PM  

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