Monday, February 8, 2010

Local Caucus tomorrow night!

Can't believe our local caucus is tomorrow night! Email has been busy, phone's been ringing off the hook and deadlines are fast approaching. Tomorrow morning will be busy with set up.

And what a caucus it'll be tomorrow night. A chowder supper, silent auction and just about all the candidates running for governor and other state offices will be there. New officers will be nominated as well as delegates to the Maine State Convention. Exciting!


Blogger charles wick said...

Who are the Republicans runnung for Governor in Maine. I hope at least one is viable. Here in RI we have no one who is viable. (The present Gov's communications director? Oh boy.)We have one good firey candidate (Steve Laffey) who has been rebuffed as not civil enough I guess. Linc Chafee (aka the missing link) our former senator has bailed out to be an independent (who will sit down with the state employee unions! ). I think we are going to file for bankruptcy at this rate.
My observation is Maine does not need another "civil" moderate Republican who will cave in to the state employee and town employee unions. You are only a few paces behind us on the road to insolvency. The unions want nothing less.

February 9, 2010 at 7:49 AM  
Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Hey Charlie. Good to hear from you! Just posted all about the caucus and answered some of your questions.

As for Rhode Island, viable candidates, bankruptcy, etc. We seem to be only slightly luckier than R.I. in that there hasn't been any talk YET of Maine going bankrupt though there are plenty of cuts in store. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing :).

Our roster of viable candidates is actually pretty impressive. I could live with any of them, especially after Baldacci and the current slate of Dems in office. They've done more to chase away business, encourage out of stater's to move here and collect welfare and are taxing us to death. And lets not forget Dirigo Health Insurance which is a disaster and running deficits. Yet still they continue to throw money at it.

Most of our candidates have worked successfully in the private sector and understand budgets and what attracts business. They all seem to have some pretty solid plans to stimulate growth in Maine. But its easy to talk a good game, not easy to score big and follow through. So we'll see how things turn out.

Good luck down there in RI and keep us posted!

February 10, 2010 at 7:45 AM  

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