Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stimulus Question

The following is a letter written to the Editor of the local newspaper that I thought was stunning in its simplicity and meaning:

Dear Editor,

Last Friday, while watching TV, I heard a government official say that you could go to and see how many jobs were created in your home town as a result of the Administration Stimulus Package.

So I went there and typed in "04538." Here is the summary of what I found:

Funds Awarded: $754,150,000
Funds Received: $158,730,000

Contracts 0, Amount $0, Jobs Reported 0.
Grants 5, Amount $383,924, Jobs Reported 0.
Loans 0, Amount $0, Jobs Reported 0.

Then I typed in "04537".

Contracts 0, Amount 0, Jobs Reported 0.
Grants 2, Amount $3,820,900, Jobs Reported 0.
Loans , Amount $1,439,000, Jobs Reported 0.

So I am wondering, how do I get one of these $383,924 jobs?

The letter was then signed by the writer.

The above epitomises and brings into focus the falsity of statements and promises made by the current administration. Where has all the stimulus and tarp money for that matter, gone? Whose pockets is it lining? How is it being spent? Where are all the new jobs it was supposed to create?

I'm betting that if someone from each town went to website to check things out, they'd find the same thing that the towns reported above.

There has got to be accountability. Currently there is none. Time for everyone to pay attention to local and national politics and get involved. Run for office, support good candidates for the 2010 and 2012 elections, donate money and most of all pay attention to what's going on. The devil is in the detail as the above writer has proven. We need to clean house. Now.


Blogger charles wick said...

It is all part of the big lie process they are engaged in. The Politburo in the White House thinks a campaign of propaganda and disinformation will do it for them. They think the people are stupid and ,just like the 60s, need to be educated. Then they will see the light and come around. Not so. All the baloney, even if coming from the apparently sainted Plouffe will do them no good.
I watched the interviews with Brown voters and they were not a likely bunch. Very much the usual Bristol County , MA crew from Fall River etc, and to a man they (and to a woman,too) were very much up on the situation and objected most to the spending, spending spending. Barney Frank better watch out!

January 25, 2010 at 6:26 AM  
Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Good to hear from you Charlie! Gotta agree with everything you said...

As for Barney Frank. I think he's out of there next go round!


January 31, 2010 at 4:44 PM  

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