Sunday, January 17, 2010

Talk Show Round Up

Watched all the Sunday morning talk shows. Most were focused on the Haitian situation. Nice to see Bush and Clinton working together to benefit Haiti. They were together on a couple of shows.

Other agenda discussed was the senate race in MA. Surprizingly, mostly all of the left wing pundits thought the republican candidate Scott Brown has a good chance of winning. And if he does, it would be a disaster for them. Obama's supposed to arrive in Boston sometime today to put in a few words for Coakley. Very interesting race and its anyone's call at this point.

Chris Matthew's show asked everyone if they think Sarah Palin will run for president. Three out of four thought so. After seeing her on both O'Reilly and Beck, I wasn't very impressed. In fact I was quite disappointed. I had read Going Rogue and loved it, so was surprised at her performance. I don't see her as presidential material, but I'm guessing they'll be other venues where she could make a difference.

Another note about Matthew's show. This was the first time I watched in eons and I've got to say one really can't consider it a hard news show. Its more like a political gossip column. Fun to watch and listen to, but not very issue oriented or informative.

I'll watch Fox News Sunday at 6pm where they'll repeat their 9am show.


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