Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Peter Mills and Local politics

Attended the Lincoln County Republicans meeting tonight at the Edgecomb Town Hall. Peter Mills, candidate for governor spoke. He wasn't charismatic, but he made alot of sense. I liked him. I don't know that he has what it takes to win. But I give him credit for running.

Met Linc and Sarah Sample. Linc is related to an old BBH shipbuilding family. His roots run deep. He is quietly passionate about the constitution and I believe he is an idealist. He is running for local office.

There was a representative of the Young Republican's group. He couldn't have been more than early 20s. His organization is struggling, but he seems determined to make it work. They've planned a gubernatorial debate in the Spring.

There were many new candidates running for office who got up and spoke. None of which were involved with politics before. They were ordinary citizens. They decided to run for public office in order to try and make a difference. One has got to admire that.


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