Monday, January 25, 2010

Cable TV, Talk Radio, and the Internet

I'm convinced that if it weren't for Fox News, conservative talk radio and the internet ie new media, Scott Brown might not have won Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in MA. Sure, he had the right message, tapped into the general public's anger and frustration with the current administration, and was the right candidate at the right time. But helping him along was the new media who gave him an outlet to get his message out. The Boston Globe and local old media printed out right lies about Brown, slanted their coverage and was clearly in the bag for Coakley. But obviously, the majority of people weren't buying what they had to sell...

Which leads me to ponder who is in charge of either party these days? Since I am a conservative, living in a very liberal state, I know that I, along with others get most of our information about candidates or legislation from talk radio, Fox News, the internet and C-SPAN. I can't imagine having to rely on old media. Nor could I rely on getting it from our representatives in office. So the new media has moved in and filled the vacum and have done so brilliantly, all while making a ton of money!

What about the Democratic party? Who is in charge there? I'm thinking the unions, old media and various interest groups. Certainly not their leaders as nothing has really been accomplished with their majority ruling. The party is now fractured and if you pay attention and listen to their pundits, they're no longer all on the same side.

So who is the luckier of the two parties as far as leadership goes? The Repubicans or the Democrats?

I say the Republicans. Why? Because though our elected officials have not been stellar, upfront or innocent of influence peddling with special interest groups and lobbyists, we have free enterprise on our side ie the new media. They are the representatives of our party now. They give voice to our concerns and have even gotten into the business of educating us about history, laws, etc. I've learned more from Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, various Fox News shows and C-SPAN (also a private company) about whats going on in DC than from anywhere else.

And since private businesses won't make money unless it has something the public wants, it'll continue on this path. They have tapped into a public that is hungry for information and also for a venue in which to voice their opinions about what they want and need. They have also tapped into the hunger for leadership, since it seems our elected officials would rather play games down in DC rather than deal with their constituency.

But the old media continues to lose ground on a daily basis as it refuses to acknowledge that they are catering to the left which is only about 20% or less of the public. They'll continue to lose, while we continue to win.

So here's to the new media for taking a leadership role in republican/conservative politics by giving an outlet and voice to the majority of us who are right of center. They saw a need and filled it. Everyone benefits. And that's a good thing, as Martha would say.


Blogger Unknown said...

Great blog Melanie

January 28, 2010 at 8:17 AM  
Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Thanks Al !

January 28, 2010 at 6:21 PM  

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