Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jobs, jobs, jobs

While out and about yesterday and listening to the radio, I've heard over and over again on the news that Obama is doing townhall-like meetings with 'the little people' to discuss how we need jobs, jobs, jobs. Well, duh !

There doesn't need to be townhall meetings to discuss the subject. All Obama, Pelosi, Reid and members of the house and sentate need to do is cut taxes. Its as simple as that.

Cut corporate taxes, income taxes, capital gains taxes, etc. If he were to announce doing so I could almost guarantee that the American public would gain such a pyschological lift, that the economy would soon pick up in anticipation. Companies large and small would have confidence and increase production and hire more people. More people with jobs would start spending more, revenues would increase, which would more than make up for any loss from cutting taxes and we'd be on the upswing.

But that's either too simple for Obama to understand or he really does get it and his true purpose is NOT to increase jobs and turn the economy around, but just the opposite? Could it be he'd rather keep us down, so we'll look more and more to the government for help?

Whatever the case is, I hope the powers that be wake up and change their course. Cut taxes across the board and the U.S. economy will soar once again. Or stay the course and watch things get worse and worse...


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