Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Drudge Report and Political Influence

The Drudge Report has got to be one of the most influential websites and news sources of the New Media in the world. Its compendium of headlines, links to news stories, columnists and other media outlets is one stop shopping for anyone covering politics, the weather and whats happening. With the click of a mouse anyone from a lowly blogger such as myself, to the president of the U.S. or our worst enemies over in the Middle East can access news and information on whatever topic of interest. But it is Matt Drudge who decides WHICH stories or links are to be posted to the site. He chooses, along with Andrew Breitbart what's important and/or newsworthy and therein lies the key to Drudge's power.

By highlighting or headlining a story he is able to drive the coverage of what the rest of the media report, whether it be New Media or old. There truly is no other news source quite like it. Yes, there are newspapers, tv stations, magazines, bloggers and talk radio but no one else holds the sweet spot that Drudge does. He's fast, he's driven and he's not afraid to be controversial. Consequently, his is the go to site for everyone else. This makes for one heck of a powerful influence in the political arena.

If one is to doubt Drudge's ability to drive stories or coverage of any given topic, note what headline's take priority on his homepage on a regular basis. Then watch and or listen to the cable tv outlets, talk radio, mainstream media, the newspapers, other news websites and bloggers. Chances are they'll mention headlines taken directly from the Drudge Report (though they usually don't credit the source). Rarely will you hear a cutting edge story or newsworthy item that hasn't been first on Drudge.

Why write about this? I find it fascinating that along with Fox News and talk radio (both conservative outlets) Drudge is the third leg in the successful takeover of power and news coverage from the Old Media. Drudge is a conservative. But as I've mentioned in a blog awhile back, conservative news outlets would not be successful UNLESS there are people who want to buy what they have to sell. This fits in with the statistical fact that the majority of people in America are to the right of center and are getting tired of the left trying to shove liberal politics down the collective throat. So they turn to sources which provide right leaning news and coverage and gives voice to their concerns. And it all starts with Drudge.

Fox News, talk radio and Drudge are on our side and I'm darn glad they are. Where would we be without them? As we head into another election cycle which I think will be historical, these organizations will take leadership roles by providing an outlet for conservative candidates and ideals. And the Drudge Report will be leading the parade in its own unassuming and quiet, but powerful way.


Blogger charles wick said...

Great post Melanie! Drudge desrves a lot of credit for the tipping point that has been brought on by the heroic Scott Brown. There is a real cascade now of empowered voters who because of the information make available by Drudge, and especially Fox no longer are willing to accept the Dems lies and socialist propaganda.
Drudge links to the London papers which very often give important backstory to world events that are papered over by our mainstream media.
I noted today that the great rejoicing that Obama had captured the second in command at the Taliban was not such a great thing after all. Apparently the guy was cooperating with the CIA to negotiate a resolution in Afghanistan, and it is suspected that the Pakistani ISI, who are Taliban sympathizers set him up to get rid of him against our wishes. That came from London. I have not heard it here. Drudge is great.

February 19, 2010 at 5:42 AM  
Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Hi Charlie,

I like reading the UK papers also. They give great perspective about the happenings here.

Btw, very interesting tale about the Taliban guy!

February 19, 2010 at 9:08 AM  

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