Friday, February 19, 2010


Continuing to watch CPAC on Michele Bachman, Congresswoman from Minnesota just finished a rousing patriotic speech. She told stories about historical, unsung heroes who gave their lives for freedom. Incredibly moving.

Before Michele spoke, a doctor, whose name I did not get, spoke about health care reform and was very informative. Unfortunately I was late to the game and only heard a few lines of what he had to say. But what I did hear was that the AMA only represents 17% of our doctors. That the AMA does not speak for the majority in the medical profession as the Obama administration would have us believe.

The doctor also offered a few other suggestions such as hospitals posting their fees visably for all to see. And in combination with tort reform, no fault insurance. I wish I was able to hear the entire speech and comments from the panel, which I gather were all in the medical profession. Maybe I'll be able to hunt it down. Nothing like hearing from doctors who really understand the healthcare industry vs a bunch of eggheads operating out of D.C.


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