Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Obama's Speech
What a snore Obama's speech was. I could barely keep my eyes open, so I can't remember much of what was said. But I do know, as sure as I sit here blogging, that no matter what he said or promised, nothing will change. He'll just cloak his ambitions in more favorable language to the public in order to try and disguise his ambitions. Its what he does.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Local Politics
Looks like our small, party causcus to be held in early February will have just about all of the candidates running for office attend. Each will get the chance to talk directly to the voters. And the voters will get the chance to ask questions directly of the candidates. This is the American way!
Cable TV, Talk Radio, and the Internet
I'm convinced that if it weren't for Fox News, conservative talk radio and the internet ie new media, Scott Brown might not have won Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in MA. Sure, he had the right message, tapped into the general public's anger and frustration with the current administration, and was the right candidate at the right time. But helping him along was the new media who gave him an outlet to get his message out. The Boston Globe and local old media printed out right lies about Brown, slanted their coverage and was clearly in the bag for Coakley. But obviously, the majority of people weren't buying what they had to sell...
Which leads me to ponder who is in charge of either party these days? Since I am a conservative, living in a very liberal state, I know that I, along with others get most of our information about candidates or legislation from talk radio, Fox News, the internet and C-SPAN. I can't imagine having to rely on old media. Nor could I rely on getting it from our representatives in office. So the new media has moved in and filled the vacum and have done so brilliantly, all while making a ton of money!
What about the Democratic party? Who is in charge there? I'm thinking the unions, old media and various interest groups. Certainly not their leaders as nothing has really been accomplished with their majority ruling. The party is now fractured and if you pay attention and listen to their pundits, they're no longer all on the same side.
So who is the luckier of the two parties as far as leadership goes? The Repubicans or the Democrats?
I say the Republicans. Why? Because though our elected officials have not been stellar, upfront or innocent of influence peddling with special interest groups and lobbyists, we have free enterprise on our side ie the new media. They are the representatives of our party now. They give voice to our concerns and have even gotten into the business of educating us about history, laws, etc. I've learned more from Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, various Fox News shows and C-SPAN (also a private company) about whats going on in DC than from anywhere else.
And since private businesses won't make money unless it has something the public wants, it'll continue on this path. They have tapped into a public that is hungry for information and also for a venue in which to voice their opinions about what they want and need. They have also tapped into the hunger for leadership, since it seems our elected officials would rather play games down in DC rather than deal with their constituency.
But the old media continues to lose ground on a daily basis as it refuses to acknowledge that they are catering to the left which is only about 20% or less of the public. They'll continue to lose, while we continue to win.
So here's to the new media for taking a leadership role in republican/conservative politics by giving an outlet and voice to the majority of us who are right of center. They saw a need and filled it. Everyone benefits. And that's a good thing, as Martha would say.
Which leads me to ponder who is in charge of either party these days? Since I am a conservative, living in a very liberal state, I know that I, along with others get most of our information about candidates or legislation from talk radio, Fox News, the internet and C-SPAN. I can't imagine having to rely on old media. Nor could I rely on getting it from our representatives in office. So the new media has moved in and filled the vacum and have done so brilliantly, all while making a ton of money!
What about the Democratic party? Who is in charge there? I'm thinking the unions, old media and various interest groups. Certainly not their leaders as nothing has really been accomplished with their majority ruling. The party is now fractured and if you pay attention and listen to their pundits, they're no longer all on the same side.
So who is the luckier of the two parties as far as leadership goes? The Repubicans or the Democrats?
I say the Republicans. Why? Because though our elected officials have not been stellar, upfront or innocent of influence peddling with special interest groups and lobbyists, we have free enterprise on our side ie the new media. They are the representatives of our party now. They give voice to our concerns and have even gotten into the business of educating us about history, laws, etc. I've learned more from Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, various Fox News shows and C-SPAN (also a private company) about whats going on in DC than from anywhere else.
And since private businesses won't make money unless it has something the public wants, it'll continue on this path. They have tapped into a public that is hungry for information and also for a venue in which to voice their opinions about what they want and need. They have also tapped into the hunger for leadership, since it seems our elected officials would rather play games down in DC rather than deal with their constituency.
But the old media continues to lose ground on a daily basis as it refuses to acknowledge that they are catering to the left which is only about 20% or less of the public. They'll continue to lose, while we continue to win.
So here's to the new media for taking a leadership role in republican/conservative politics by giving an outlet and voice to the majority of us who are right of center. They saw a need and filled it. Everyone benefits. And that's a good thing, as Martha would say.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Stimulus Question
The following is a letter written to the Editor of the local newspaper that I thought was stunning in its simplicity and meaning:
Dear Editor,
Last Friday, while watching TV, I heard a government official say that you could go to and see how many jobs were created in your home town as a result of the Administration Stimulus Package.
So I went there and typed in "04538." Here is the summary of what I found:
Funds Awarded: $754,150,000
Funds Received: $158,730,000
Contracts 0, Amount $0, Jobs Reported 0.
Grants 5, Amount $383,924, Jobs Reported 0.
Loans 0, Amount $0, Jobs Reported 0.
Then I typed in "04537".
Contracts 0, Amount 0, Jobs Reported 0.
Grants 2, Amount $3,820,900, Jobs Reported 0.
Loans , Amount $1,439,000, Jobs Reported 0.
So I am wondering, how do I get one of these $383,924 jobs?
The letter was then signed by the writer.
The above epitomises and brings into focus the falsity of statements and promises made by the current administration. Where has all the stimulus and tarp money for that matter, gone? Whose pockets is it lining? How is it being spent? Where are all the new jobs it was supposed to create?
I'm betting that if someone from each town went to website to check things out, they'd find the same thing that the towns reported above.
There has got to be accountability. Currently there is none. Time for everyone to pay attention to local and national politics and get involved. Run for office, support good candidates for the 2010 and 2012 elections, donate money and most of all pay attention to what's going on. The devil is in the detail as the above writer has proven. We need to clean house. Now.
Dear Editor,
Last Friday, while watching TV, I heard a government official say that you could go to and see how many jobs were created in your home town as a result of the Administration Stimulus Package.
So I went there and typed in "04538." Here is the summary of what I found:
Funds Awarded: $754,150,000
Funds Received: $158,730,000
Contracts 0, Amount $0, Jobs Reported 0.
Grants 5, Amount $383,924, Jobs Reported 0.
Loans 0, Amount $0, Jobs Reported 0.
Then I typed in "04537".
Contracts 0, Amount 0, Jobs Reported 0.
Grants 2, Amount $3,820,900, Jobs Reported 0.
Loans , Amount $1,439,000, Jobs Reported 0.
So I am wondering, how do I get one of these $383,924 jobs?
The letter was then signed by the writer.
The above epitomises and brings into focus the falsity of statements and promises made by the current administration. Where has all the stimulus and tarp money for that matter, gone? Whose pockets is it lining? How is it being spent? Where are all the new jobs it was supposed to create?
I'm betting that if someone from each town went to website to check things out, they'd find the same thing that the towns reported above.
There has got to be accountability. Currently there is none. Time for everyone to pay attention to local and national politics and get involved. Run for office, support good candidates for the 2010 and 2012 elections, donate money and most of all pay attention to what's going on. The devil is in the detail as the above writer has proven. We need to clean house. Now.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Supreme Court Ruling
This is big. No longer will there be restrictions on how much privately owned companies can donate to candidates running for public office. The law will require transparancy as I understand it, so the American public will be aware of what corporation is giving how much to which individual running for office. Many Dems oppose this ruling. That must mean its a good thing!
Raise the Limit on Spending to $1.9 Trillion ???
"The record increase in the so-called debt limit is required because the budget deficit has spiraled out of control in the wake of a recession that cut tax revenues, the Wall Street bailout, and increased spending by the Democratic-controlled Congress. Last year's deficit hit a phenomenal $1.4 trillion, and the current year's deficit promises to be as high or higher."
"A White House policy statement said the increase "is critically important to make sure that financing of federal government operations can continue without interruption and that the creditworthiness of the United States is not called into question."
The above was taken from an article by Yahoo.
While it seems all of us have to make spending cuts to our budgets due to difficult economic times, then why not the government? What makes them so special? They got themselves into a mess and put our credit rating into question by making poor decisions, spending too much, bailing out companies that should have been left alone, yet we, the American public should foot the bill for these people and not QUESTION IT ???
The article continued: "Republican Sen. John Thune of South Dakota immediately offered an amendment to end the bank and Wall Street bailout, officially known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. Thune would prohibit further expenditure of TARP funds and would require that all funds paid back be used to retire debt."
Way to go Thune! Lets see if they pass the amendment.
"A White House policy statement said the increase "is critically important to make sure that financing of federal government operations can continue without interruption and that the creditworthiness of the United States is not called into question."
The above was taken from an article by Yahoo.
While it seems all of us have to make spending cuts to our budgets due to difficult economic times, then why not the government? What makes them so special? They got themselves into a mess and put our credit rating into question by making poor decisions, spending too much, bailing out companies that should have been left alone, yet we, the American public should foot the bill for these people and not QUESTION IT ???
The article continued: "Republican Sen. John Thune of South Dakota immediately offered an amendment to end the bank and Wall Street bailout, officially known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. Thune would prohibit further expenditure of TARP funds and would require that all funds paid back be used to retire debt."
Way to go Thune! Lets see if they pass the amendment.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
WOW ! He pulls it off !
I am walking on air right now with the win of Scott Brown. I think his election sends a loud and clear message to the liberals in charge that we don't like what's happening in DC. Maybe those in power will now listen to what their constituents want and no longer turn a deaf ear. Only time will tell. But for now, I want to believe that this election has made a difference.
Locally, Dean Scontras has officially announced his run to represent the First District of Maine. He's a good guy and I'll support him in any way I can.
Locally, Dean Scontras has officially announced his run to represent the First District of Maine. He's a good guy and I'll support him in any way I can.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Same Old, Same Old
Just read an article on Drudge from the National Journal. George W. Bush is being blamed for how poorly Martha Coakley is doing in the senate race. Geez, was Bush to blame for original sin too? How about Haiti's earthquake? Maybe he's to blame for today's snowstorm.
The Dems have got to come up with something new rather than the same old, same old.
The Dems have got to come up with something new rather than the same old, same old.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Local Politics
Just got off the phone with the local Republican Committe Chair and Platform member and things are heating up...
Also watched Coakley and Obama on NECN at Northeastern U (my alma mater) try to gin up votes. There were a few hecklers that had to be hauled out, but other than that no big deal. I'm thinking Scott Brown has a real chance at taking old Ted's senate seat :).
Also watched Coakley and Obama on NECN at Northeastern U (my alma mater) try to gin up votes. There were a few hecklers that had to be hauled out, but other than that no big deal. I'm thinking Scott Brown has a real chance at taking old Ted's senate seat :).
Robo Call
Just received my first political robo call a few minutes ago. Basically they wanted to know if I was a registered republican. Was I going to vote in the primaries? And which candidate did I plan on voting for, for governor? The line was disconnected before I got a chance to see who was sponsoring the call. Too bad. Would love to know which candidate was behind it!
Talk Show Round Up
Watched all the Sunday morning talk shows. Most were focused on the Haitian situation. Nice to see Bush and Clinton working together to benefit Haiti. They were together on a couple of shows.
Other agenda discussed was the senate race in MA. Surprizingly, mostly all of the left wing pundits thought the republican candidate Scott Brown has a good chance of winning. And if he does, it would be a disaster for them. Obama's supposed to arrive in Boston sometime today to put in a few words for Coakley. Very interesting race and its anyone's call at this point.
Chris Matthew's show asked everyone if they think Sarah Palin will run for president. Three out of four thought so. After seeing her on both O'Reilly and Beck, I wasn't very impressed. In fact I was quite disappointed. I had read Going Rogue and loved it, so was surprised at her performance. I don't see her as presidential material, but I'm guessing they'll be other venues where she could make a difference.
Another note about Matthew's show. This was the first time I watched in eons and I've got to say one really can't consider it a hard news show. Its more like a political gossip column. Fun to watch and listen to, but not very issue oriented or informative.
I'll watch Fox News Sunday at 6pm where they'll repeat their 9am show.
Other agenda discussed was the senate race in MA. Surprizingly, mostly all of the left wing pundits thought the republican candidate Scott Brown has a good chance of winning. And if he does, it would be a disaster for them. Obama's supposed to arrive in Boston sometime today to put in a few words for Coakley. Very interesting race and its anyone's call at this point.
Chris Matthew's show asked everyone if they think Sarah Palin will run for president. Three out of four thought so. After seeing her on both O'Reilly and Beck, I wasn't very impressed. In fact I was quite disappointed. I had read Going Rogue and loved it, so was surprised at her performance. I don't see her as presidential material, but I'm guessing they'll be other venues where she could make a difference.
Another note about Matthew's show. This was the first time I watched in eons and I've got to say one really can't consider it a hard news show. Its more like a political gossip column. Fun to watch and listen to, but not very issue oriented or informative.
I'll watch Fox News Sunday at 6pm where they'll repeat their 9am show.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Ronald Reagan
One of my fav quotes from my hero, Ronald Reagan is :
There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect. What an incredible man. And the Dems said he was a dunce. History I'm sure will prove different.
There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect. What an incredible man. And the Dems said he was a dunce. History I'm sure will prove different.
Friday, January 15, 2010
MA Senate Race
Woah .... Latest polls show Brown ahead of Coakley by 50% to 46%. This is too good to be true. But one can hope!
Scott Brown
Signed up to make 'get out the vote' calls for Scott Brown who is running to fill Ted Kennedy's senate seat. If a republican can win in this very liberal state, it'll be a huge vote against the current administration and maybe the changing tide will become a tsunami in November's elections.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Peter Mills and Local politics
Attended the Lincoln County Republicans meeting tonight at the Edgecomb Town Hall. Peter Mills, candidate for governor spoke. He wasn't charismatic, but he made alot of sense. I liked him. I don't know that he has what it takes to win. But I give him credit for running.
Met Linc and Sarah Sample. Linc is related to an old BBH shipbuilding family. His roots run deep. He is quietly passionate about the constitution and I believe he is an idealist. He is running for local office.
There was a representative of the Young Republican's group. He couldn't have been more than early 20s. His organization is struggling, but he seems determined to make it work. They've planned a gubernatorial debate in the Spring.
There were many new candidates running for office who got up and spoke. None of which were involved with politics before. They were ordinary citizens. They decided to run for public office in order to try and make a difference. One has got to admire that.
Met Linc and Sarah Sample. Linc is related to an old BBH shipbuilding family. His roots run deep. He is quietly passionate about the constitution and I believe he is an idealist. He is running for local office.
There was a representative of the Young Republican's group. He couldn't have been more than early 20s. His organization is struggling, but he seems determined to make it work. They've planned a gubernatorial debate in the Spring.
There were many new candidates running for office who got up and spoke. None of which were involved with politics before. They were ordinary citizens. They decided to run for public office in order to try and make a difference. One has got to admire that.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Cont'd from an earlier post. Political Correctness has gone too far, unless you're a democrat, socialist, marxist, etc. Then it works to your advantage as it stops opposition dead in its tracks for fear of being ridiculed.
MA Senate Race
Watched the debate between candidates Scott Brown, Marth Coakley and Joe Kennedy (nope he's not related to THE Kennedy's). Very interesting. I'd say Scott Brown won but Joe Kennedy was pretty impressive even though I didn't agree with alot of what he said.
Monday, January 11, 2010
MA Senate Debate
Watching the MA debate for Ted Kenney's seat on NECN. Scott Brown, Martha Coakley and a third party candidate whose name has not been on the crawl are battling.