Friday, February 26, 2016

Speaking Of Trump ...

Here's a link to an article written by the Weekly Standard titled 'Nine Tales Of Trump At His Trumpiest'. It's a stinging piece that pokes holes in Trump's façade.  Even if you're Donald fan, it'll make you think twice about voting this guy into the oval office ...

Rubio & Cruz Go After Trump In A 'HUGE' Way At Last Night's Debate

Wow, what a debate last night! It was nothing short of an out and out brawl of insults and challenges between the top 3 candidates Rubio, Cruz and Trump.

If you missed out, here's a brief, 1 minute video that about sums up how things went.

More when time allows...

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Mike Lee's 'Restoring Internet Freedom Act'

Senator Mike Lee of Utah has introduced the 'Restoring Internet Freedom Act' which in his words
'will repeal the FCC's net neutrality rules and set the stage for more comprehensive reforms of federal technology policy.' Why is this bill so important? Read on...

Apple Vs The FBI Continued ...

Here's a link to an excellent article by the CATO Institute about the conflict between Apple and the FBI's request to unlock the San Bernadino terrorist's/shooter's iPhone for perusal and the long term and wide reaching affects of doing so.

Meanwhile, Putin Watch & Latest News

Just heard about and read a few articles about the recent activity of Vlad Putin of Russia. Seems he's taking charge of recent ceasefire efforts in Syria. Interesting. Here's a link to the UK Guardian's take on the situation:

Putin has also made moves in Turkey. Below is an excerpt from a Washington Examiner article on the subject:

"Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plans in the Middle East are becoming clearer. In a bid to exact revenge on Turkey and in an attempt to split the NATO alliance, Russia is rapidly building up pressure on NATO’s southern flank. The new Russian satellite state of Armenia on Turkey’s northeastern border is now hosting a massive Russian troop build up with the recent signing of an air defense agreement between Russia and Kremlin. Along with the buildup of Russian air assets in Syria, Russia selling Iran billions in sophisticated weapon systems, and Russia’s support of Kurdish units along Turkey’s southern border, Mr. Putin has encircled Turkey in a classic pincer movement."

For the entire article, click on the link below:

Last but not least, here is a link to another article, this one written by Bloomberg about the oil industry in Putin's Russia and what's happening there. No doubt there's trouble in paradise and Vlad's looking for answers:

GOP Debate Tonight

The last GOP debate before Super Tuesday will be held tonight at the University of Houston, TX on CNN at 8:30. Wolf Blitzer will moderate.

Five remaining candidates remain ie Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Carson. Should be quite the interesting battle, especially between the top 3. No doubt it'll get ugly. Especially between Trump and Cruz.

But how about between Trump and Rubio? Will The Donald now attack Rubio since he's moved up the political ladder to number #2 and/or #3 spots in recent races and polls? Or will Trump just continue to attack Cruz? I suspect that if The Donald does not attack Rubio tonight, it's because Rubio may be on his short list for VP or maybe a cabinet post should he win the nomination. Food for thought...

As for Kasich and Carson.

Not quite sure why they're still hanging on. Could it be they're hoping for VP slots? Or to take votes/delegates away from any of the top 3 and thus gain a bit of power and influence should things get iffy at the convention and their delegates are needed to solidify a win?

Bottom line is that tonight's debate, in relation to Super Tuesday is gonna be "HUGE" as The Donald would say. It could make or break any of the candidates with the possible exception of Teflon Don. All it takes is one slip-up, an accusation by a competitor that sticks or a very poor performance in general to lessen the chances of a win in any of the states.

Remember Benghazi

       The poem below was written by an anonymous Marine Corps Officer.  Like September  11th,  we  should never forget what happened  in Benghazi either ...


We’re the battling boys of Benghazi ,
no fame, no glory, no paparazzi !
Just a fiery death in a blazing hell,
defending our country we loved so well.
It wasn’t our job, but we answered the call, fought to the Consulate and scaled the wall.
We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate
Led them to safety and stood at the gate.
Just the two of us and foes by the score,
But we stood fast to bar the door.
Three calls for reinforcement, but all were denied,
So we fought and we fought and we fought ’til we died.
We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,
But Barack and Hillary didn’t give a damn.
Just two dead Seals who carried the load
No thanks to us…we were just
“Bumps In The Road” .

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Maine GOP Presidential Election Caucus To Be Held March 5th

Here is a link to a list of caucus sites in the state of Maine by county:

Apple Vs The Feds

Here is a link to a letter written by Apple's CEO Tim Cook to its' customers in regards to the Feds request for Apple to hack into the San Bernardino iPhones.  Well worth taking a few minutes to read. Especially for those not in the technology sector. I know it helped me understand why Apple is refusing to help more than it already has. Very interesting...

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

5 Reasons Why 78% Of American Public Suspect ...

Foul play in Justice Scalia's death. This is the headline to an article by BuzzPo. Makes sense, though I'd like to think it's nuts ...

Latest Presidential Polls

Here's a link to the Real Clear Politics latest presidential polls taken after the most recent debate.

Trump continues to lead by wide margins, while Rubio and Cruz battle for second place. Kasich is still in the race in some polls, while Bush's numbers continue to drop, though in one poll he's not doing so bad. Carson seems to be all over the place giving him just enough hope to stay in the race. I imagine all the candidates will continue on to Super Tuesday even if they do poorly in South Carolina's primary Saturday.

And Trump Calls Competing Candidates Liars???

Just read this article from the Washington Examiner where The Donald says former GOP Senator, Tom Coburn called Ted Cruz a liar. Coburn denies every having done so.  I think the Trumpster projects his own actions onto others who pose a threat to him. Click on the link below to read the whole article:

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

1960 Resolution Passed By Dems In Regards to Supreme Ct. Nominations

The following are statements made by David Bernstein of the Washington Post in regards to a 1960 Resolution passed by the Dems. I can't believe no major news outlet has mentioned this. Also not noted by many is Chuck Schumer's statements included below in a video, followed by text.

"Thanks to a VC commenter, I discovered that in August 1960, the Democrat-controlled Senate passed a resolution, S.RES. 334, “Expressing the sense of the Senate that the president should not make recess appointments to the Supreme Court, except to prevent or end a breakdown in the administration of the Court’s business.”  Each of President Eisenhower’s SCOTUS appointments had initially been a recess appointment who was later confirmed by the Senate, and the Democrats were apparently concerned that Ike would try to fill any last-minute vacancy that might arise with a recess appointment."

The GOP opposed this, of course. Hypocrisy goes two ways. But the majority won. As it should this time.

Update: Don't forget Chuck Schumer

During a speech at a convention of the American Constitution Society in July 2007, Schumer said if any new Supreme Court vacancies opened up, Democrats should not allow Bush the chance to fill it “except in extraordinary circumstances.”

Here are Schumer's exact words:

“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer said, according to Politico. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.” During the same speech, Schumer lamented that he hadn’t managed to block Bush’s prior Supreme Court nominations."

Notably, when he made his remarks in 2007, Bush had about seven more months remaining in his presidential term than Obama has remaining in his.

Food for thought ...

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Who Won Last Night's Debate?

Here's a link to polls taken of debate watchers by CBS after it aired. Very interesting...

South Carolina GOP Brawl

The 9th Republican presidential debate, hosted by CBS took place last night in Greenville, SC.  And what a doozy it was.

Like many debates, it started out cordial, plus there was mention of the recent passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia by all the candidates along with condolences.

Then the knives came out and it was one attack after another, mostly between Jeb Bush and Donald Trump and/or between Trump and Cruz.

Trump blamed 911 on Jeb's brother, George W. and of course Jeb defended him. The Donald also berated Bush for spending millions on his campaign with no positive results. That Jeb is a loser while he, the Trumpster spent little and was winning. This went on for quite awhile.

Bush also attacked The Donald about his stance on foreign affairs in regards to Syria, ISIS and how Trump thought Russia could take the lead in fighting terrorism, etc. Bush thought The Donald's take on this was naïve.

Mr. Trump also said how he thought George W. should be impeached over his role in the Iraq War. That he misled the country about weapons of mass destruction. The back and forth went on and on.

Cruz jumped on The Donald saying how he would appoint liberal judges to the Supreme Court for all his talk of conservatism. The Trumpster in retaliation attacked Cruz,  called him a liar and mentioned his dirty tricks in regards to Ben Carson. Cruz shot back with the following:

“I will say it is fairly remarkable to see Donald defending Ben after he called him pathological and compared him to a child molester, both of which were offensive and wrong.”

Trump said he was only quoting Carson's book.

The Donald was also asked about his use of profanity. He defended it basically saying he's been misquoted. That he plans on refraining from such language in the future.

Adding to the brawl, Rubio and Cruz rehashed the whole immigration issue. Nothing new was said and it didn't get ugly like the dust ups with The Donald and others.

As for Kasich and Carson. Both performances were milquetoast. Though I liked Kasich's thoughts late in the debate about how all this fighting between the GOP candidates only sets things up  for Hillary and a possible win on her part.

The winner?

Rubio. He did not repeat mistakes from the last debate. Kept his cool. Was incredibly sharp with stats and knowledge on foreign affairs and remained cool, calm and collected. While the others were brawling, Rubio, for the most part, stayed out of it. And when he did jump in, he eloquently stood up for George W in regards to 911 and thanked God he was in office at the time and not Al Gore. Loud applause followed.

The loser?

Definitely Trump. He came off as nasty, argumentative and childish with his personal attacks, lashing out and calling Bush and Cruz liars. I did not feel he had a true grasp of foreign policy and like always, he continued to make grand statements about how he would fix this, that and the other thing but never offered solid solutions or details on how he would do so.

Overall, it was an interesting debate and definitely not boring, thanks to The Donald's combative style, blunt speech and bombastic ways. But I also credit Bush, Cruz and Rubio for providing interesting takes on various topics, holding their own and fighting back.

Who should drop out next?

No doubt, Ben Carson. Once he started whining and crying about dirty tricks, etc. his poll numbers have plummeted and show no signs of improving.

Only time will tell about the rest.

US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Dies

Last night, while watching the early news before heading out, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was announced to have passed away in his sleep while in Texas.

Scalia was a stalwart conservative, an originalist and a brilliant guy. He left behind 9 children, many grandchildren and his wife Maureen.

This is a sad moment in time but also a historical one.

Things are already heating up with who will get to nominate the next Supreme Court Justice.

President Obama,  while making a condolence speech later in the evening just before the GOP debate,  made it clear that he had every intention of choosing Scalia's replacement. However, Mitch McConnell, GOP Senate Majority Leader announced that it's up to the next president to make this decision.

No doubt there's an epic battle ahead between President Obama and the Democrats and the House and Senate Republicans in regards to the above. How things will turn out is anyone's guess. But whomever gets to make this monumental choice will have the ability to possibly change the course of history that will affect us all...

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Last Night's GOP Debate & Latest Presidential Polls

Here is a link to the most recent Real Clear Politics presidential polls taken for both the Dems and the Reps. Very interesting to see different results for the same days but by different polling companies.

Meanwhile, I wish I had more time to write about last night's debate but things are quite busy. So here's a short take on it.


I loved the fact that there was very little in-fighting between the candidates other than the jabs from Christie pointing out to the audience, Rubio's tendency to repeat talking points over and over again.

Speaking of Christie. I thought he had a great performance.

As for Rubio? I think he started out well but then Christie kept at him and he did not do himself any favors. That's too bad as I thought he had real potential. Not so sure now.

I thought Cruz did quite well, especially with how he handled the Carson/dirty tricks issue when questioned. His response was perfect and I think put the whole thing to rest with neither Carson nor Trump continuing to harp about it.

Bush, Kasich and Carson did fine. Didn't blow it but didn't give outstanding performances either.

In regards to Carson.

I kind of felt sorry for him. First, when called to the stage, he just stood in the backroom oblivious that it was his turn to step into the limelight. I also noticed that the moderators only called on him 3 times. That was a tiny percentage when compared to the amount of air time the other candidates received. Last, when he WAS called on, he seemed somewhat out of it. Not sharp at all. Think his time may have run out.

As for The Donald.

The more I see and listen to him, the less I like him. In the beginning, though I was never for Trump to start out with, I appreciated the attention he garnered to the GOP presidential race, his seemingly lack of pretense and bold, un-pc statements. But that's gotten old. His constant referring to how well he's doing in the polls, the size of his audience at rallies and the many statements about how he's going to do this, that and the other thing without any details or strategy to back things up is blaringly evident now. Anyone can make promises...

Bottom line. If I had to pick a clear winner I'd say it was a toss up between Christie and Cruz. Both seemed to be on their game, gave articulate and detailed information about how they would accomplish their objectives and just looked presidential, confident and like leaders.

One last point. I was quite disturbed that Carly Fiorina was not allowed on the stage.  So much so that I wrote ABC, the RNC and signed a petition asking that Fiorina be included in the line up. And now I just learned that the powers that be at ABC would not even allow Fiorina to purchase ad time during the debate. What the heck is going on here?

Friday, February 5, 2016


No doubt C-SPAN is worth tuning into if you're a political junkie. No commercials. Unbiased coverage of political events, elections, congressional hearings, wonderful one-on-one interviews of politicians and pundits without the 'gotcha' attitude and call-in sessions, where the average person can phone in and voice their opinions.

Check it out if you haven't done so already:

Another GOP Debate Tomorrow Night

Watch the 8th GOP debate of the presidential election season to be held tomorrow night, February 6th on ABC at 8pm. Should be a barn burner! On a side note. Carly Fiorina is battling to be included. No reason she shouldn't be.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Trump Lets Loose With The F Bomb

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Trump Loses It

Watching Trump on Greta Van Susteren's show on Fox. She asked about the feud between he and Cruz. The Donald went ballistic. Clearly Cruz's win in Iowa has gotten to him and he's angry as heck. Gone is Trump's brief period of graciousness during his concession speech when Cruz took first place in Iowa. No doubt in my mind that The Donald is becoming unglued...

U.S. Debt Rises To $19 Trillion

The U.S. debt level has risen to a new high. Consequently a hearing by the House Financial Sub-Committee on Oversight & Investigations will be held to discuss  'Unsustainable Federal Spending and the Debt Limit'. At the heart of the matter of course is social security, Medicaid/Medicare, Obamacare and out of control federal spending. Whether this meeting will actually accomplish anything, who knows. I highly doubt it. But one can hope something good will come out of it that'll help put a stop to the craziness.

Iowa Votes!

Round one ended Monday night with the results of the first ballots cast in the race for president in the state of Iowa. The final results according to the Wall St. Journal report as follows:

Cruz 27.7%; Trump 24.3%; Rubio 23.1%; Carson 9.3%; Rand Paul 4.5% and on down the line.

On the Dem side of things, Hillary won at 49.9% and Bernie came in at 49.6%. O'Malley .06%.

Huckabee and O'Malley have since dropped out of the race.

What a night it was with political pundits chatting incessantly about the race on all the cable networks. Clips of Iowans' were shown caucusing, changing precinct vote numbers were presented at the bottom of your tv screen and of course there were videos highlighting last minute campaign speeches.

With all the non-stop tv coverage, not one pundit that I can remember,  forecast the definitive win of Ted Cruz at any point in the race. If they thought he had a chance, they really didn't say so or downplayed it. As a result, the victory was a surprise to some, a disappointment to many and a relief to others. Everybody thought Trump had it all wrapped up.

Here's an interesting take about how Cruz won the state of Iowa, why Trump lost and Rubio taking 3rd place. So far it's the only piece I've read that seems to have any objectivity about the race.

On the Dem side, Hillary inched out Bernie via coin tosses.  Think about that. A coin toss possibly deciding who the next president of the United States will be. Of course that's a bit of hype on my part, but still. How arbitrary and crazy it is that something so serious could be decided by something as inane and simple as the toss of a few coins ...

Now  the race has moved onto New Hampshire. A totally different animal from Iowa. Watching and listening to coverage will again be a fascinating look into American politics and how the media plays a role in trying to affect AND project who will grab the brass ring.

Will Cruz hold his momentum and once again surprise the pundits? Will Trump have learned some valuable lessons from his 2nd place finish? Could Rubio possibly take the lead? What about Kasich who has been steadily, non-stop campaigning in NH and has been polling at 2nd place in some cases? Stay tuned. The game is only beginning...

Monday, February 1, 2016

Feds To Cut Border Monitoring

Can't believe this is happening in light of all the recent attention given to the border with the public clearly wanting stricter controls and a wall built...

Recent Presidential Polls From Real Clear Politics

Here's the most recent presidential polls. Wow ... Guess we'll know how accurate they are by tomorrow sometime.

Info For Contacting Our Senators and Reps

Here's a link that provides info on how to contact Maine's U.S. Senators and Reps.

Open Letter To Two Senators

Hi all. A friend forwarded a copy of this well written letter by a dying military Vet to two Senators. It's about the state of affairs in our government. It was originally written in 2013 but is still relevant today. I'd say even more so. Definitely worth the two minutes to read and pass onto your Senators and Reps...

Btw, I double checked the authenticity of the letter on a fact checking site and it's the real McCoy and was sent to the two Senators mentioned.