Sunday, February 14, 2016

US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Dies

Last night, while watching the early news before heading out, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was announced to have passed away in his sleep while in Texas.

Scalia was a stalwart conservative, an originalist and a brilliant guy. He left behind 9 children, many grandchildren and his wife Maureen.

This is a sad moment in time but also a historical one.

Things are already heating up with who will get to nominate the next Supreme Court Justice.

President Obama,  while making a condolence speech later in the evening just before the GOP debate,  made it clear that he had every intention of choosing Scalia's replacement. However, Mitch McConnell, GOP Senate Majority Leader announced that it's up to the next president to make this decision.

No doubt there's an epic battle ahead between President Obama and the Democrats and the House and Senate Republicans in regards to the above. How things will turn out is anyone's guess. But whomever gets to make this monumental choice will have the ability to possibly change the course of history that will affect us all...


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