Sunday, February 7, 2016

Last Night's GOP Debate & Latest Presidential Polls

Here is a link to the most recent Real Clear Politics presidential polls taken for both the Dems and the Reps. Very interesting to see different results for the same days but by different polling companies.

Meanwhile, I wish I had more time to write about last night's debate but things are quite busy. So here's a short take on it.


I loved the fact that there was very little in-fighting between the candidates other than the jabs from Christie pointing out to the audience, Rubio's tendency to repeat talking points over and over again.

Speaking of Christie. I thought he had a great performance.

As for Rubio? I think he started out well but then Christie kept at him and he did not do himself any favors. That's too bad as I thought he had real potential. Not so sure now.

I thought Cruz did quite well, especially with how he handled the Carson/dirty tricks issue when questioned. His response was perfect and I think put the whole thing to rest with neither Carson nor Trump continuing to harp about it.

Bush, Kasich and Carson did fine. Didn't blow it but didn't give outstanding performances either.

In regards to Carson.

I kind of felt sorry for him. First, when called to the stage, he just stood in the backroom oblivious that it was his turn to step into the limelight. I also noticed that the moderators only called on him 3 times. That was a tiny percentage when compared to the amount of air time the other candidates received. Last, when he WAS called on, he seemed somewhat out of it. Not sharp at all. Think his time may have run out.

As for The Donald.

The more I see and listen to him, the less I like him. In the beginning, though I was never for Trump to start out with, I appreciated the attention he garnered to the GOP presidential race, his seemingly lack of pretense and bold, un-pc statements. But that's gotten old. His constant referring to how well he's doing in the polls, the size of his audience at rallies and the many statements about how he's going to do this, that and the other thing without any details or strategy to back things up is blaringly evident now. Anyone can make promises...

Bottom line. If I had to pick a clear winner I'd say it was a toss up between Christie and Cruz. Both seemed to be on their game, gave articulate and detailed information about how they would accomplish their objectives and just looked presidential, confident and like leaders.

One last point. I was quite disturbed that Carly Fiorina was not allowed on the stage.  So much so that I wrote ABC, the RNC and signed a petition asking that Fiorina be included in the line up. And now I just learned that the powers that be at ABC would not even allow Fiorina to purchase ad time during the debate. What the heck is going on here?


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