Thursday, February 25, 2016

GOP Debate Tonight

The last GOP debate before Super Tuesday will be held tonight at the University of Houston, TX on CNN at 8:30. Wolf Blitzer will moderate.

Five remaining candidates remain ie Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Carson. Should be quite the interesting battle, especially between the top 3. No doubt it'll get ugly. Especially between Trump and Cruz.

But how about between Trump and Rubio? Will The Donald now attack Rubio since he's moved up the political ladder to number #2 and/or #3 spots in recent races and polls? Or will Trump just continue to attack Cruz? I suspect that if The Donald does not attack Rubio tonight, it's because Rubio may be on his short list for VP or maybe a cabinet post should he win the nomination. Food for thought...

As for Kasich and Carson.

Not quite sure why they're still hanging on. Could it be they're hoping for VP slots? Or to take votes/delegates away from any of the top 3 and thus gain a bit of power and influence should things get iffy at the convention and their delegates are needed to solidify a win?

Bottom line is that tonight's debate, in relation to Super Tuesday is gonna be "HUGE" as The Donald would say. It could make or break any of the candidates with the possible exception of Teflon Don. All it takes is one slip-up, an accusation by a competitor that sticks or a very poor performance in general to lessen the chances of a win in any of the states.


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