GOP & DEM Debate News, Hillary & FoxNews Sunday
After all was said and done, I can't say there was a definitive winner. Each candidate had something of value to offer. Each had their ups and downs, pros and cons. And as I've said many times before, any of the contenders on the GOP side would make a better president than Hillary or Bernie.
However, with the above being said, I have to say I was rooting for Cruz but was a bit disappointed. I thought he had a perfect opportunity sans The Donald, to rise in stature, take charge and become the winner of the debate. That did not happen. His performance wasn't the worst, but it certainly could have been better.
As for the absence of Mr. Trump.
Didn't bother me one iota. In fact, it left a lot more time and oxygen for the other candidates to make their points and debate issues.
Btw, I've read that the debate had way more eyeballs watching than were tuning into The Donald's fundraiser for the Vets. Normally I wouldn't even bring this up cause who wouldn't want money raised for our wounded warriors? But since Trump along with the MSM kept touting how his absence would ruin ratings for Fox, how no one would watch without The Donald being there, we now know it didn't. Fox News' debate 'trumped' The Donald's event by a large margin.
Also, of the $6 million raised at Mr. Trump's rally, $1 million was donated by The Donald (thank you Mr. Trump), another by good buddy, Carl Icahn. Once all is said and done, the funds raised goes into the Trumpster's private foundation and not directly to Vets. Just wanted to make that point. I'll be curious to see how Mr. Trump disburses the $6 million to the various Vet organizations.
Btw, recently heard rumors that there will be 4 more additional Democratic debates in the future. That Hillary's been asking for them, Bernie has agreed and now it's up to the Democratic National Committee to close the deal. It'll be interesting to see when these debates will take place and where.
As for Hillary and the email issue. Things are getting worse. CNN reported the following:
"The State Department announced Friday that it will not release 22 emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton because they contain "top secret" information, the highest level of government classification".
Hasn't Mrs. Clinton stated ad nauseum that none of her email on her personal server was classified??? Also mentioned in the CNN piece was the fact that several of these emails were between herself and President Obama. I would imagine that's pretty serious stuff and would definitely be deemed classified.
Also in regard to the Hillary email scandal, it's been said that the "DOJ & FBI are "Super Pissed Off" at the Obama White House over the Clinton investigation". Read the full story here:
No doubt the plot is thickening, the knives are sharpening and the drip, drip, drip of a 'death by a thousand cuts' strategy to reel Hilllary in and ruin her chances of election is continuing. By whom? Not sure. However, I do know that there's much more to the story and some day it's all going to come out. As I've said before, the House of Cards series has NOTHING on the Clintons...
Last, I watched Fox News' interviews this morning with Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. There's no doubt the treatment of each candidate for president was handled differently. Chris Wallace who conducted the interviews challenged Cruz relentlessly while he practically bowed and scraped to The Donald. It was quite disturbing to watch. What happened to Fox News' mantra of 'fair and balanced'???
One interesting tidbit also in regard to Fox News. I don't know how much of this is just coincidental or not, but according to Media Matters, the Frank Luntz focus groups often seen on Fox News, is in the tank for Rubio. Why do they say this? According to the article, Rubio has hired Frank Luntz in the past. Definitely food for thought if you watch Fox at all. Here's a link to the MM article:
Bottom line.
This is one of the most interesting, challenging and game changing elections I've ever experienced. With 24/7 tv & cable coverage, access to the internet for fact checking, blogs to read, talk radio to listen to and town hall meetings being held by candidates that are covered by C-SPAN, there's a lot to sift through and digest. Makes my head spin sometimes!