Friday, January 8, 2016

LePage And A Possible Run For King's Senate Seat

While out and about running errands yesterday, I was listening to Howie Carr on the radio when Maine's Governor Paul LePage came on as a guest.  He was asked if he might run for Angus King's U.S. Senate seat in the future.  Mr. King ran as an Independent and won the seat vacated by Republican Olympia Snow in 2012 and currently caucuses with the Democrats.

Anyway, LePage answered that he was seriously thinking of running for the seat after his term limited stint as Maine's Governor is finished. 

LePage was also asked if he still backs Chris Christie for president.

He replied that of course he has to remain loyal to his pal who helped tremendously with funding and other support in his run for a 2nd term as Governor.

So though he said he'd back him, I didn't hear real conviction in his voice. In fact, LePage sounded like it was more about a sense of loyalty and obligation vs passionate support for his fellow GOP governor. Which leads me to wonder who REALLY likes and will vote for...


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