Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Establishment Vs The Insurgent Candidate

I need to vent.

I am growing incredibly frustrated and weary of the establishment republicans Reince Priebus, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, etc. endlessly trying to undermine the Insurgent candidate Donald Trump during this very important and pivotal presidential race.

Are they so far removed from the average voter that they can't see that many are sick and tired of the establishment types and are looking for someone who shows true leadership, has some guts and the courage of their convictions vs the milquetoast versions they endorse? Think Romney and McCain. They did not win in 2008 or 2012. So doesn't that show we need to change the type of candidate we should support?

Even if you don't like The Donald, why not learn something from him?

Lest anyone think I'm a Trump fan, I am not.

However, I am thankful to him for all the attention he's brought to the GOP presidential race and also to some pretty important issues facing us today such as border security, immigration, terrorism, the lack of services and care for Vets and our failing economy and status in the world. No other candidate has been able to grab the people's attention like he has.

Trump has also busted the censorship that political correctness has brought upon us. And censorship keeps the masses under control of those in political power. When that line is crossed, as Trump has done over and over again, that threatens the establishment's power and they do NOT want to give that up.

Thus the trashing and undermining of Donald Trump.

Again, Trump is not my guy. I lean toward Ted Cruz.

But if he were to become the nominee, I would support him. No doubt about it. Why? Cause the thought of Hilary or Bernie in charge is just too depressing to imagine. So I hope the establishment will support him should he win the nomination versus messing around at the convention and putting a GOP win in jeopardy.

Okay, I'm done venting.


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