Wednesday, January 13, 2016

POTUS State Of The Union Speech

Would love to hear from those who watched Obama's speech as I did not. At least not most of it.

However, I did tune into C-SPAN's coverage before Obama entered the House to watch the pre-game show. And what great people watching. Interesting to see who had camped out in order to obtain aisle seats so they could shake hands with the president and be seen on live tv doing so. Who glad handed who. And who bowed and scraped to who.

Also interesting,  was watching Joe Biden and new Speaker of the House Paul Ryan interact on stage  before the POTUS showed up. You would think they were the best of friends for the most part, though there were times when Ryan folded his arms across his chest as if to ward off any further contact. One could only imagine what might have been said.

Finally it was show time and the first notable to show up was Michele Obama.  She walked in with a glittering smile and plenty of attitude.

Next were military heads, supreme court justices (not all) and various other dignitary's who were announced and greeted with applause.

Then the star of the show appeared and  president Obama himself arrived. He smiled a lot, shook a zillion hands, hugged and then made his way up to the podium.

That's when I changed the channel and watched  Big Bang Theory.

However, during commercials now and again, I did tune in to watch the president and also to see if his speech was over. When doing so, I'd listen a few minutes, would become disgusted and often found myself shouting at the tv. Consequently I decided that I was better off watching a sitcom versus listening to over an hour's coverage of lecturing by someone I don't agree with on anything.

Once I knew the speech was over, I watched Governor Nikki Haley's response. I was not impressed. In fact, I was quite disappointed and finally shut off the tv for good. And that was the end of that.

Again, would love to hear from those who actually watched the entire speech (if there are any of you out there!) and get your take. Surely there must be at least one or two of you!


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