Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Netflix Original 'House of Cards' Has Nothing On Bill & Hilary

Check out this interview with Linda Tripp by the UK's Daily Mail about the Clintons. Very juicy and fun reading. Not to mention that it might just be the last straw that breaks the camel's back and keeps Hilary from winning the Democratic nomination for president. One can hope : ).


State of Maine Rep Karen Gerrish's Newsletter

Here's a link to Karen Gerrish's Newsletter about what's happening in the Maine state legislature. Her blog is informative, easy to read and to the point. No political jargon to weed through. Thanks Karen!


God Help Us!

In Africa today, President Obama said that he think he's a "pretty good president." So good, indeed, that if he ran for a third term, he "could win." But he cannot, he acknowledged, because it's against the law.

"I am in my second term," Obama said. "It has been an extraordinary privilege for me to serves as president of the United States. I cannot imagine a greater honor or a more interesting job. I love my work, but under our Constitution, I cannot run again. I can't run again. I actually think I'm a pretty good president. I think if I ran, I could win. But I can't. So there's a lot that I'd like to do to keep America moving, but the law is the law, and no one person is above the law, not even the president."

Obama Gun Grab

In the words of Rahm Emmanuel, "Never let a crisis go to waste". That's exactly what President Obama plans to do according to an article written by the Washington Times in response to all the recent violent shootings. By the way, this quote was originally coined by Winston Churchill. If he could only see who has taken it on and for what purposes, I'm sure he'd be rolling in his grave.

Anyway, here are a couple of paragraphs taken from the article to help clarify how Obama plans on going about taking away guns;

"The Obama administration is pushing to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own disability payments — a move the NRA is calling the “largest gun grab in American history.”

"The push is intended to integrate data for the first time from the Social Security Administration into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), OutdoorHub reported. Beneficiaries who have been declared incompetent to manage pension or disability payments and assigned a fiduciary could then potentially lose their right to bear arms."

First,  this is in direct conflict with our Constitution and the 2nd amendment where we, as American citizens, have the right to bear arms. Second, it opens the door for more targeting of those who may be in opposition to governmental goals, not to mention an invasion of our privacy.

Basically this will lead to government hacks, who would be obligated to the powers that be ie their bosses (and for whatever nefarious purposes or motives) to make powerful decisions about our competency as well as our freedom to bear arms.

This is crazy and no doubt another power grab by the Obama Administration leading to more government control over our society and us as individuals. I just hope there are some elected officials still out there who will take steps to prevent this from happening. I won't hold my breath.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Great Idea For The Upcoming GOP Debate

Just finished reading an article written by Sarah Westwood of the Washington Examiner where she complains about the process FoxNews will be using for the upcoming GOP presidential debate to be held August 6th. No doubt the article gives food for thought. But even more compelling was a post made by a commenter in response to the article. 

"James John Locander
16 candidates. Mix them up randomly then using the same forum broadcast debates over two consecutive nights with 8 candides each. We can evenly judge all the candidates and the ratings bonanza for two nights should please FOX."
Great idea and maybe one FoxNews as well as the others who will be hosting future debates might want to consider.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Pentagon Asks Armed Citizens To Stand Down

As reported by Yahoo News ... "The Pentagon asked that concerned armed citizens not stand guard at military recruiting offices, saying it can handle security on its own after a shooting rampage."

The article then went on to say the following:

"Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has promised a review of security measures but the military has resisted arming troops at home."

My guess is nothing will change at our recruiting offices. I hope I'm wrong.

Thousands Rally in NYC Against Iran Deal

Odd that I haven't heard much about the rally in the news, the internet or even talk radio. Very interesting...


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Ted Cruz speech on the Floor

Incredible speech by Ted Cruz in regards to the TPA bill. Impressive. Take a listen:


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Iran Deal Simplified

Here's a link to an excellent piece by the Weekly Standard on the basics of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Says what we get vs what the Iranian's get. Very short.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Israel & Saudi Arabia Unite

Interesting article about how Israel & Saudi Arabia are uniting against the current Iranian deal. Also included are 2 video's worth watching. Different perspective on U.S. politics when reading news stories written by an outside source.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Iran Nuclear Deal

An nuclear deal has been reached by the US and Iran.

Here's what President Obama had to say about the deal: "Today after two years of negotiation the United States together with the international community has achieved something that decades of animosity has not: a comprehensive long-term deal with Iran that will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon," Obama said from the White House, with Vice President Joe Biden at his side.

John Kerry's, (Secretary of State) spin on the deal says " Iran's nuclear facility would be turned into a research center that will have daily inspections and include scientists from other countries."

CNN says the following "The essential idea behind the deal is that in exchange for limits on its nuclear activities, Iran would get relief from sanctions while being allowed to continue its atomic program for peaceful purposes."

The above all sounds wonderful on the surface. But let's get to the details of the deal.

The New York Times noted that "an arms embargo would remain for 8 years and a similar ban on the purchase and sale of missiles would be removed in 5 years."

They also state and I'm paraphrasing,  that bans could be removed even sooner if the International Atomic Energy Agency decides Iran is not a threat.

Okay. Who is a part of the IAEA? Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia, U.S., European Union itself and, you guessed it Iran. Read further...

How would this process work?

According to Fox News "The agreement requires international inspectors to ask Iran's permission first, after which Iran has 14 days to decide whether to grant it. If not, the same group of nations that struck the deal, IAEA would have another 10 days to make the decision. Basically giving IRAN  24 days to drag out the process."

Please note that none of the officials, nor the NYT, FoxNews or CNN stated that Israel, Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern countries were not part IAEA or the negotiation process. Odd. Especially since Israel is a major ally of ours, so I researched their thoughts on the deal.

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared the historic nuclear agreement reached between Iran, the U.S., and five other world powers on Tuesday "to be a catastrophe". This quote was taken from the Huffington Post.

In contrast, The Times of Israel interviewed top U.S. aid, Ben Rhodes, US Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and he dismissed the notion by Netanyahu that "a better deal is obtainable". Rhodes assured "we will have anytime, anywhere access to the nuclear facilities".

What Rhodes left out was that the process of inspecting Iran's facilities would have to go through the International Atomic Energy Agency first, of which Iran is a part of and would give them up to 24 days notice!

Fast forward to the U.S. Congress having to approve the deal.

As further noted by Fox News,  congress will have 60 days to review and vote on the agreement. The Iran deal is labeled an 'Executive Agreement' meaning that President Obama could easily veto any opposing vote and that could be the end of the story.

Mr. Obama sure loves his 'executive powers'. Think back to many other actions taken by him where he bypassed congressional approval. But that's a topic for another day...

Bottom line is that Obama has made his deal, will veto any vote that tries to quash it and at the end of the day, he will get his way most likely.

My guess, as a lay person/blogger trying to make sense of what goes on politically and cares about our country -  is that this really isn't a deal. It's a concession to Iran, made to LOOK like a deal that will result in peace with this country and within the Middle East.

However, with Iran being on the IAEA,  which has been billed as its watch dog, it will actually make it easier for this country to carry on with its nuclear plans.


They'll now have the inside scoop on everything going on within the agency since they'll be a part of it. Thus they'll know exactly 'what the enemy' is up to and consequently figure out how to carry on and covertly mask their nuclear propagation.  The adage 'keep my friends close and my enemies closer' seems to be a perfect fit for Iran...but maybe for us too. At least I hope so.  Somehow I think Iran definitely got the better end of the stick. Only time will tell.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

A Little Humor ...

Clarion Call

The mainstream media, as well as establishment Republicans have dissed Mr. Trump, called him names, degraded and marked him off as an embarrassment and a buffoon but The Donald fights on. And maybe we should all learn a lesson from this.

A recent  CNN poll has him 2nd only to Bush for the GOP nomination. His numbers are also very high in a poll taken just yesterday, I believe, by Rasmussen in regards to his stance on immigration, the border and sanctuary cities.

Who knows how Mr. Trump will continue to do down the road. As I've said before, it's pretty early in the game. But I do know that the GOP might want to take note that The Donald is connecting with a lot of everyday voters. How? By tapping into the anger and frustration on the immigration issue and speaking openly and clearly about it. If he's connecting with voters and by many accounts he is, why does the GOP want to shut him up? Why do they consider him an embarrassment when he is just saying out loud what so many average Americans think and feel?

The major reason is they think he's alienating Hispanics. That they need this vote in order to win the nomination. They're probably right. However, I wonder if there's been any direct polling of this community to see how they feel?

Regardless, could it be that Mr. Trump should be seen a clarion call to other GOP candidates that if they too speak up in a direct, honest manner about issues important to the American public, they will better represent them and also rise in the polls? Or is he really just the flavor of the month that'll eventually flame out?

Originally when The Donald announced he was going to run, I was surprised. He'd been talking about doing so for years. I honestly thought it was just a publicity stunt or a marketing tool to increase ratings for his tv show and/or boost his image.  Or that maybe he just liked the sound of his own voice and the sight of himself on tv or on the stage.

Now I'm not so sure either is the case.

Mr. Trump is putting his money where his mouth is and I'm beginning to think he's really serious, loves this country, sees it going down the crapper and wants to do something about it. Would I vote for him? I have no idea. But I am taking him more seriously and we'll see where that leads.

Whatever the case may be, The Donald has succeeded in starting a serious debate and discussion on immigration and sanctuary cities. That's a good thing and we should be appreciative. I wonder though, what topic he'll take up next, make his own, cause ire amongst so many of the establishment and put the spotlight on?

Bottom line is that  I have come to admire and respect The Donald for his gutsiness and flamboyant flair for gathering much needed honesty and attention to very important issues that both the Dems and the Republicans have avoided at best. Whether he'll continue on, flame out or be brought to his knees by opposing forces remains to be seen. As always with The Donald, it's never boring.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lois Lerner, DOJ and FBI Met to Target Obama's Opponents

Latest GOP Presidential Polls

Here's a link to Real Clear Politic's GOP Presidential Polls. If interested, there are additional polls for the Democratic side as well as for GOP candidates vs Democrat candidates. Fun to follow and monitor.

Btw, Bush continues to lead the field of the current 15 candidates. This surprises me. Guess it's all about name recognition at this point and he certainly has that. 

However, Scott Walker and John Kasich have yet to announce, so are not included. No doubt they'll bump some candidates even lower in the rankings. Kasich has set a date of July 21 and Walker, July 13th.

Last but not least, these polls do not include the impact of Donald Trump's recent comments on immigration, etc. Though I've heard from various sources that his numbers have risen. It'll be interesting to see RCP's next round and how much of an impact Kasich's and Walker's announcement make in addition to The Donald's numbers.

Bottom line is that these polls will become increasingly important if a candidate wants to be included in the first presidential debate to be held on  FoxNews in early August.  If you're NOT in the top 10 percentage wise, you're out.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Another Obama Power Grab ...

When will it end? Here's a link from an article by National Review in regards to how the Obama administration is yet on another mission to fulfill his 'transformation' of this country.  This time it's all about controlling the neighborhoods we live in. Scary, scary stuff. God help us.


IRS to Fine Small Businesses

"Small businesses can be fined up to $36,500 a year per employee by the Internal Revenue Service under a new regulation that went into effect on July 1 if they assist their workers with their health costs."

"This rule, which does not appear anywhere in the Affordable Care Act, mandates that employers who give their employees additional pay to compensate for medical expenses or health insurance purchases, but who do not offer any group health plan for their employees, will be fined $100 per day per employee, according to the National Federation of Independent Business. That adds up to $36,500 a year per employee up to a total of $500,000 in fines."

The above quote was taken from an article written by NewsMax .

When I read this last night, my jaw dropped. I thought, wow, this can't be. And why isn't it being reported? No doubt the timing of this was intentional. Holiday week. July 4th. Perfect period in which to sneak in a new regulation that no doubt would rile most if they knew about it.

But surely our Senators and Representatives knew or know about this? And what about the Media? I'm hoping I'll learn that our elected officials are working on eliminating this new provision or that the Media will catch on,  report about it and thus force our representatives to take initiative.

As President Obama's administration knows its' time in power will be coming to a close as the election cycle looms ahead, no doubt it's taking full advantage. Almost daily there is news of executive actions taken, regulations added, negotiations being held in secret and desperation to get a deal with the Middle East.  And who knows what else is in the works that we don't know about?

Bottom line is that this newest IRS regulation is just one of many I'm sure we won't learn about till after the fact.  I shudder just thinking about the consequences of it and all the other actions taken by this administration that have gone unreported, unnoticed or purposely ignored.

O'Reilly Rant

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hope this gal runs for office

Here's a link to a brief video by one sharp and articulate gal. I hope politics are in her future ...


Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Donald !

When there's more time, I plan on putting in my two cents about The Donald, his rise in the polls and those who are in major groaning mode about all the recent attention paid to this GOP presidential candidate.

Meanwhile, here's a link that provides some interesting reading. However, the best part is a picture of The Donald that will surely generate a few chuckles.  Sorry guys, but I just had to post this. Scroll down a bit once you arrive at the story and take a look :).


Greek Mess ...

Looks like the Greeks have said No to a EU bail out. Summit to be held to try and figure out where to go from here. Like I said, what a mess! Read on to learn more:


Health Insurance Rates to Increase

"WASHINGTON — Health insurance companies around the country are seeking rate increases of 20 percent to 40 percent or more, saying their new customers under the Affordable Care Act turned out to be sicker than expected. Federal officials say they are determined to see that the requests are scaled back."

The above is the opening paragraph from a NYT's article. Read on and see what's possibly in store for just about everyone:
