Wednesday, July 8, 2015

IRS to Fine Small Businesses

"Small businesses can be fined up to $36,500 a year per employee by the Internal Revenue Service under a new regulation that went into effect on July 1 if they assist their workers with their health costs."

"This rule, which does not appear anywhere in the Affordable Care Act, mandates that employers who give their employees additional pay to compensate for medical expenses or health insurance purchases, but who do not offer any group health plan for their employees, will be fined $100 per day per employee, according to the National Federation of Independent Business. That adds up to $36,500 a year per employee up to a total of $500,000 in fines."

The above quote was taken from an article written by NewsMax .

When I read this last night, my jaw dropped. I thought, wow, this can't be. And why isn't it being reported? No doubt the timing of this was intentional. Holiday week. July 4th. Perfect period in which to sneak in a new regulation that no doubt would rile most if they knew about it.

But surely our Senators and Representatives knew or know about this? And what about the Media? I'm hoping I'll learn that our elected officials are working on eliminating this new provision or that the Media will catch on,  report about it and thus force our representatives to take initiative.

As President Obama's administration knows its' time in power will be coming to a close as the election cycle looms ahead, no doubt it's taking full advantage. Almost daily there is news of executive actions taken, regulations added, negotiations being held in secret and desperation to get a deal with the Middle East.  And who knows what else is in the works that we don't know about?

Bottom line is that this newest IRS regulation is just one of many I'm sure we won't learn about till after the fact.  I shudder just thinking about the consequences of it and all the other actions taken by this administration that have gone unreported, unnoticed or purposely ignored.


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