Thursday, July 9, 2015

Latest GOP Presidential Polls

Here's a link to Real Clear Politic's GOP Presidential Polls. If interested, there are additional polls for the Democratic side as well as for GOP candidates vs Democrat candidates. Fun to follow and monitor.

Btw, Bush continues to lead the field of the current 15 candidates. This surprises me. Guess it's all about name recognition at this point and he certainly has that. 

However, Scott Walker and John Kasich have yet to announce, so are not included. No doubt they'll bump some candidates even lower in the rankings. Kasich has set a date of July 21 and Walker, July 13th.

Last but not least, these polls do not include the impact of Donald Trump's recent comments on immigration, etc. Though I've heard from various sources that his numbers have risen. It'll be interesting to see RCP's next round and how much of an impact Kasich's and Walker's announcement make in addition to The Donald's numbers.

Bottom line is that these polls will become increasingly important if a candidate wants to be included in the first presidential debate to be held on  FoxNews in early August.  If you're NOT in the top 10 percentage wise, you're out.


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