Saturday, July 11, 2015

Clarion Call

The mainstream media, as well as establishment Republicans have dissed Mr. Trump, called him names, degraded and marked him off as an embarrassment and a buffoon but The Donald fights on. And maybe we should all learn a lesson from this.

A recent  CNN poll has him 2nd only to Bush for the GOP nomination. His numbers are also very high in a poll taken just yesterday, I believe, by Rasmussen in regards to his stance on immigration, the border and sanctuary cities.

Who knows how Mr. Trump will continue to do down the road. As I've said before, it's pretty early in the game. But I do know that the GOP might want to take note that The Donald is connecting with a lot of everyday voters. How? By tapping into the anger and frustration on the immigration issue and speaking openly and clearly about it. If he's connecting with voters and by many accounts he is, why does the GOP want to shut him up? Why do they consider him an embarrassment when he is just saying out loud what so many average Americans think and feel?

The major reason is they think he's alienating Hispanics. That they need this vote in order to win the nomination. They're probably right. However, I wonder if there's been any direct polling of this community to see how they feel?

Regardless, could it be that Mr. Trump should be seen a clarion call to other GOP candidates that if they too speak up in a direct, honest manner about issues important to the American public, they will better represent them and also rise in the polls? Or is he really just the flavor of the month that'll eventually flame out?

Originally when The Donald announced he was going to run, I was surprised. He'd been talking about doing so for years. I honestly thought it was just a publicity stunt or a marketing tool to increase ratings for his tv show and/or boost his image.  Or that maybe he just liked the sound of his own voice and the sight of himself on tv or on the stage.

Now I'm not so sure either is the case.

Mr. Trump is putting his money where his mouth is and I'm beginning to think he's really serious, loves this country, sees it going down the crapper and wants to do something about it. Would I vote for him? I have no idea. But I am taking him more seriously and we'll see where that leads.

Whatever the case may be, The Donald has succeeded in starting a serious debate and discussion on immigration and sanctuary cities. That's a good thing and we should be appreciative. I wonder though, what topic he'll take up next, make his own, cause ire amongst so many of the establishment and put the spotlight on?

Bottom line is that  I have come to admire and respect The Donald for his gutsiness and flamboyant flair for gathering much needed honesty and attention to very important issues that both the Dems and the Republicans have avoided at best. Whether he'll continue on, flame out or be brought to his knees by opposing forces remains to be seen. As always with The Donald, it's never boring.


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