Thursday, February 23, 2017

Watch The Conservative Political Action Conference On TV or Live Stream!

CPAC is a wonderful, informative and action packed event held annually. For four days one can watch and/or listen to the movers and shakers of the conservative world. This year President Trump will speak along with Kellyanne Conway, Mike Pence, Steve Bannon, Reince Preibus, Ted Cruz, Betsy DeVos , Governor, LePage of Maine just to name a few. The list goes on and on. Most of which can be watched on either CSPAN 1 or 2 on tv or via livestream..

Here's the agenda and list of speakers from the opening till the closing.


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace

Watched Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace today.

NEVER have I seen him so unprofessional toward a guest as he was towards Reince Preibus, Trump's Chief of Staff. It was disgraceful and NOT fair and balanced.

What he kept harping on was Trump's quote that the "media is the enemy of the American people",
Wallace seemed to take it as a personal attack on him. Neither Karl Rove,  Chuck Lane who were both on his guest panel or Wallace, for that matter,  really seemed to understand what Trump meant by this comment. Thus all took it as a huge mistake on Trump's part and berated it.

Understandable. How so?

They all live and exist in that NYC/DC bubble, away from the average person and have no real connection with the American people.

Not only did Wallace continue to harp on this topic, he was incredibly rude and I would say, outright hostile toward Preibus. I watch this show almost every Sunday and never have I seen him so unhinged.

Bottom line.

Trump was talking about the massive amount of bias in the Main Stream and Establishment Media toward him. Which in turn causes them to often report non-factual news that is not double and tripled checked and thus misleads and misinforms the American people. Thus the Media has become the enemy of the American people since WTP are not always getting correct information about what is going on with him, his administration and the news in general. 

Makes total sense to me!

So why can't the MSM understand Trump's statement? My thoughts on the topic in addition to them living in the NYC/DC bubble,  are that they haven't the ability to look objectively at themselves and see that they are at fault in any way in regards to news reporting. Plain and simple.

Also watched Full Measure with Sharyl Attkinson and Face The Nation. Sharyl's show is excellent. Lots of investigative reporting on important topics and not once does she appear biased. Nor does she make herself the story. It's all about content. More about her shows in the future.

John Dickerson of FTN also interviewed Reince Preibus and asked the same questions as Chris Wallace did.  However, Dickerson was polite, he listened and did not become unhinged, rude or bullying. Had no problem with how he handled the interview whatsoever.

Face The Nation is still on as I write and of course CNN's State of the Union comes on after FTN. More to watch, so I need to enter this blog and get back to watching more of the political talking heads.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Trump To Hold Rally Tonight @ 5:00pm In Florida

9/11, Watergate & Pearl Harbor

Take a look at this minute and a half video of recent headlines by the MSM describing happenings in the Trump Administration. This is what our POTUS has to deal with day in and day out.

Put together by the Washington Free Beacon.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Today's Press Conference By President Trump

Best press conference ever. The Donald did a fantastic job and put many in their place, in a low key, funny but meaningful way.

To watch, click here:

Why Do Doctors Continue To Prescribe Opioids When They Know They Are So Addictive & Dangerous?

I have been asking and thinking about the above question a lot over the last few years. And even more so lately.


More and more I keep hearing about the dangers of opioids. The  addiction problem and the steady flow of deaths by overdose of these drugs.  Many of which are prescribed by doctors for pain control.

In fact, the problem with opioids has become an epidemic of sorts.

Yet doctors continue to prescribe these drugs knowing the dangers versus recommending safer alternatives.


Having a bit of time today, I decided to do some research to see if I can find the answer. And I did.

It's all about money. Plain and simple. It's about insurance companies refusing to pay for alternative solutions for pain management because opioids are cheaper.

For details, here is a link to an excellent article by Business Insider. Please note that there were/are many other articles on the same topic, most of which back up what this one says. However, the Business Insider one is the most detailed and articulate in explaining the issue.

Steve Gern

Retired marine. Please watch...

Sunday, February 12, 2017

George Soris Is A Terrorist

Interesting essay by Jack Wheeler about another form of terrorism other than ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc. Well worth taking the few minutes to read.

Thanks C&BB for originally forwarding...

Interesting Quote & Food For Thought

"If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel' ”.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Appeals Court Rules Against POTUS RE: Temp Immigration Ban

In other words, the temporary restraining order from the 9th district court remains in effect. Thus Trump's executive order for a 90 day moratorium on immigrants from 7 Middle Eastern countries is nil and void. For now anyway.

I'm hoping the POTUS lets the above stand, at least temporarily. NOT because I agree with the decision but because he and his administration could use some time to regroup and think things through before making their next move.

Tweets, Titles, Tax Cuts & Tall Tales

Man oh man, are the MSM and the Dems after The Donald. I thought the nastiness might possibly subside after awhile, but nope. I'm now convinced more than ever that it's going to continue and only get more vicious and ugly as the Left see their power in jeopardy.

Every day I watch, listen to and read about what's going on politically. And every day is a soap opera of drama and Tale Tales reported by the media and opposing politicians. Not to mention the Tweets by our POTUS trying to refute them all.

So what am I talking about?

Here are a few examples.

Just over the last few days there have been several TALL TALES that Trump is back walking promised tax cuts, that his TWEETS are out of line, that his SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch is back stabbing The Donald and that Sean Spicer is in trouble and may lose his TITLE. 

The list goes beyond what I mentioned above. But I don't want to waste time on the smaller, less significant stuff ie stores dropping Ivanka's clothing line, etc.

Here's the truth.

From what I've learned, Trump is NOT back walking his Tax Cuts. In fact, he just announced this morning while meeting with airlines executives that he'll be announcing his plans in 2 to 3 weeks.

In regard to the POTUS' Tweets. Yes, he does tweet a bit too much about insignificant things.

Instead, he should focus more on policy versus the personal rather than making mountains out of mole hills. All that does is get him off message and gives attention to the Dems.  Not good. Stick with the issues Donald and the road to success will be yours.

However, I do like that the Trumpster tweets and that WTP can follow and respond as long as he sticks to policy. How democratic is that?


After watching and listening to Kelly Anne Conway, Trump's Counselor to the President  in regards to the rumors that Sean Spicer is walking on thin ice and may lose his position as either the Director of Communications or Press Secretary, there's no doubt that rumor is false. At least for now.

That being said, Conway did say that many are chomping at the bit and offering their communications services to the POTUS. And you know what? I think he could use additional help after seeing all the chaos the Dems and Press are constantly inflicting.


The whole narrative that Judge Neil Gorsuch called the President's judicial comments 'disheartening and demoralizing', is said to be misrepresentative of what was actually said between him and Senator Blumenthal, D-Ct.,  according to the POTUS in a Tweet. I believe The Donald as for the life of me, I can't imagine Gorsuch being that disrespectful and insensitive towards him. What does he have to gain by being so?

No doubt the above is part of a plan by the Democrats to try and drive a wedge between President Trump and his Supreme Court Nominee, Neil Gorsuch in order to sabotage his confirmation.

However, some think the opposite is true and that this is a strategy by the Trump people to make Gorsuch more appealing to the Dems so they'll confirm him. Really?

Bottom line.

POTUS Trump was and is the first person EVER in politics to point out Fake News in a very straight forward way and I admire him for doing so. It takes guts.

But maybe that's no longer  his job now. Maybe he should rely more on his aides to refute lies and innuendo, tell the truth and set the record straight as he's got much more important issues to attend to.

Whatever the case, no doubt it's going to continue to be a battle against those who wish Trump would disappear from the scene. I just hope and pray our side wins out, so POTUS Trump can make America Great Again.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Ted & Bernie

Just a head's up for anyone interested. Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders will debate on CNN tomorrow night (Feb 7th) at 9pm. Should be VERY interesting!

Almost Impossible To Fire Federal Employees Regardless Of Conduct

Saturday, February 4, 2017

DOJ Asks For Federal Stay To Honor Trump's Immigration Admissions

Below is an article by the Washington Examiner in regards to a Seattle judge/ court that is blocking President Trump's temporary ban on refugees coming from 7 countries designated as harboring terrorists.

Sanctuary Cities Recieve Billions In Federal Funds

"Sanctuary cities receive over $27 billion each year from the federal government, giving President Donald Trump significant leverage over cities such as New York and San Francisco to enforce immigration law, according to a new report."

The above was taken from an article by the Washington Free Beacon.  Interesting and fact filled.

To continue reading, click here:

Friday, February 3, 2017

Trump And The Opposition

So much to write about, so little time.

First, I want to praise President Trump for his fearlessness with already putting into action many of his campaign promises when there is so much opposition coming from every direction.

Day after day he is ridiculed, lied about and mocked. Yet he carries on and with gusto!

Consequently, I'd like to say what a great role model he is, even with his sometimes crazy tweets and off the wall remarks.

How so?

He truly seems to have the courage of his convictions. So many of his predecessors did not. When the going got tough, they got going. They backed down. Compromised. Gave in. Looked the other way.

But not The Donald. So far, he continues to fight on against incredible odds.

The last president who exhibited this trait was Ronald Reagan. He also took a constant beating from the press and opposition but stood his ground regardless.

However, I think the current antagonistic forces are even worse against Trump than they were for Reagan. I honestly wonder how he can take it day in and day out. And it's only been two weeks!

Next, I want to write a bit about the opposition.

Why the violence at protests? Why the constant vitriol in Congress? Why the fake news by much of the media?

The answer?

They know they are losing their power and are desperately trying to hold onto it.

However, I think they are cutting off their noses to spite their faces.

I think it's all going to backfire on them.

Especially when the 2018 mid term elections come up.

Those Democrats who don't bother to show up for cabinet confirmation hearings or to vote on a bill or got ugly and name called Trump will regret it. They are making a huge mistake.

How so?

They are underestimating We The People who put Trump into office in the first place. They're underestimating our resolve that who we elect should do what we elected them to do. That we're sick and tired of politicians and ones who promise one thing and do another.

We put up with 8 years of President Obama and now it's our turn and we're backing The Donald 100%. And I don't see that changing no matter how hard the opposition tries.

So let the Democrats, Progressives and Liberals continue to cut off their noses, despite their face. All they're doing is digging their own graves. And I'm fine with that