Thursday, February 9, 2017

Tweets, Titles, Tax Cuts & Tall Tales

Man oh man, are the MSM and the Dems after The Donald. I thought the nastiness might possibly subside after awhile, but nope. I'm now convinced more than ever that it's going to continue and only get more vicious and ugly as the Left see their power in jeopardy.

Every day I watch, listen to and read about what's going on politically. And every day is a soap opera of drama and Tale Tales reported by the media and opposing politicians. Not to mention the Tweets by our POTUS trying to refute them all.

So what am I talking about?

Here are a few examples.

Just over the last few days there have been several TALL TALES that Trump is back walking promised tax cuts, that his TWEETS are out of line, that his SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch is back stabbing The Donald and that Sean Spicer is in trouble and may lose his TITLE. 

The list goes beyond what I mentioned above. But I don't want to waste time on the smaller, less significant stuff ie stores dropping Ivanka's clothing line, etc.

Here's the truth.

From what I've learned, Trump is NOT back walking his Tax Cuts. In fact, he just announced this morning while meeting with airlines executives that he'll be announcing his plans in 2 to 3 weeks.

In regard to the POTUS' Tweets. Yes, he does tweet a bit too much about insignificant things.

Instead, he should focus more on policy versus the personal rather than making mountains out of mole hills. All that does is get him off message and gives attention to the Dems.  Not good. Stick with the issues Donald and the road to success will be yours.

However, I do like that the Trumpster tweets and that WTP can follow and respond as long as he sticks to policy. How democratic is that?


After watching and listening to Kelly Anne Conway, Trump's Counselor to the President  in regards to the rumors that Sean Spicer is walking on thin ice and may lose his position as either the Director of Communications or Press Secretary, there's no doubt that rumor is false. At least for now.

That being said, Conway did say that many are chomping at the bit and offering their communications services to the POTUS. And you know what? I think he could use additional help after seeing all the chaos the Dems and Press are constantly inflicting.


The whole narrative that Judge Neil Gorsuch called the President's judicial comments 'disheartening and demoralizing', is said to be misrepresentative of what was actually said between him and Senator Blumenthal, D-Ct.,  according to the POTUS in a Tweet. I believe The Donald as for the life of me, I can't imagine Gorsuch being that disrespectful and insensitive towards him. What does he have to gain by being so?

No doubt the above is part of a plan by the Democrats to try and drive a wedge between President Trump and his Supreme Court Nominee, Neil Gorsuch in order to sabotage his confirmation.

However, some think the opposite is true and that this is a strategy by the Trump people to make Gorsuch more appealing to the Dems so they'll confirm him. Really?

Bottom line.

POTUS Trump was and is the first person EVER in politics to point out Fake News in a very straight forward way and I admire him for doing so. It takes guts.

But maybe that's no longer  his job now. Maybe he should rely more on his aides to refute lies and innuendo, tell the truth and set the record straight as he's got much more important issues to attend to.

Whatever the case, no doubt it's going to continue to be a battle against those who wish Trump would disappear from the scene. I just hope and pray our side wins out, so POTUS Trump can make America Great Again.


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