Sunday, February 19, 2017

Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace

Watched Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace today.

NEVER have I seen him so unprofessional toward a guest as he was towards Reince Preibus, Trump's Chief of Staff. It was disgraceful and NOT fair and balanced.

What he kept harping on was Trump's quote that the "media is the enemy of the American people",
Wallace seemed to take it as a personal attack on him. Neither Karl Rove,  Chuck Lane who were both on his guest panel or Wallace, for that matter,  really seemed to understand what Trump meant by this comment. Thus all took it as a huge mistake on Trump's part and berated it.

Understandable. How so?

They all live and exist in that NYC/DC bubble, away from the average person and have no real connection with the American people.

Not only did Wallace continue to harp on this topic, he was incredibly rude and I would say, outright hostile toward Preibus. I watch this show almost every Sunday and never have I seen him so unhinged.

Bottom line.

Trump was talking about the massive amount of bias in the Main Stream and Establishment Media toward him. Which in turn causes them to often report non-factual news that is not double and tripled checked and thus misleads and misinforms the American people. Thus the Media has become the enemy of the American people since WTP are not always getting correct information about what is going on with him, his administration and the news in general. 

Makes total sense to me!

So why can't the MSM understand Trump's statement? My thoughts on the topic in addition to them living in the NYC/DC bubble,  are that they haven't the ability to look objectively at themselves and see that they are at fault in any way in regards to news reporting. Plain and simple.

Also watched Full Measure with Sharyl Attkinson and Face The Nation. Sharyl's show is excellent. Lots of investigative reporting on important topics and not once does she appear biased. Nor does she make herself the story. It's all about content. More about her shows in the future.

John Dickerson of FTN also interviewed Reince Preibus and asked the same questions as Chris Wallace did.  However, Dickerson was polite, he listened and did not become unhinged, rude or bullying. Had no problem with how he handled the interview whatsoever.

Face The Nation is still on as I write and of course CNN's State of the Union comes on after FTN. More to watch, so I need to enter this blog and get back to watching more of the political talking heads.


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