Friday, December 22, 2017

Vegas Shooting News

It's almost 3 months since the largest mass shooting in American history has happened in Las Vegas and still no definitive answers. Not from the FBI or the local police. Something is SOOOO not right.

In fact, as you'll read in the link provided below from Fox News,  the FBI is saying they won't or can't release any info till around the incident's 1 year anniversary. That they need the time to continue investigating. Are they really that slow? If so, that's crazy!

Could this stall and crawl process have something to do with politics or possibly protecting Mandalay Bay for whatever reason?

I'd love to have some answers. Hoping  a courageous investigative reporter will step up to the plate and see what can be learned ...

Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Merry Christmas To You And Yours Too Mr. President!

Trump Triumphs!

Here's a link from the Washington Examiner that sums up all of Donald J. Trump's accomplishments during his first year as president of the United States. Quite astonishing once you see it all in black and white.

My favorites are the recent tax cuts passed, the nomination of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, pulling out of various deals where America contributes more than it gets back and helping our Vets.

One issue that's not really mentioned in the article is how much Trump has exposed the Main Stream Media, the characters in the DC Swamp and the Dems for who they really are.

Though I've always suspected a certain of corruption took place in the halls of congress and other branches of government,  I had no idea just how bad it really was/is.

Same with the MSM. I've known there was bias, but it never occurred to me that ABC, NBC, CNN, WaPo, NYT's and on and on would actually lie to the American public in order to promote their issues, a candidate, or whatever.

In closing, I want to thank  Donald Trump for all he's done and accomplished and exposed during his first year of the presidency. May God continue to bless him now and throughout the years to come.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Thank You Judicial Watch

Here's the opening paragraphs taken from a Washington Free Beacon piece that just adds to the long  list of political chicanery that went on during the Obama Administration in regards to Hillary Clinton.

Gotta love Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch. They never give up ...

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton struck a deal with the State Department while serving in the Obama administration that allowed her to take ownership of records she did not want made public, according to recently released reports."

"Clinton and her then-deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin were permitted to remove electronic and physical records under a claim they were "personal" materials and "unclassified, non-record materials."

If you read the entire article (link below) you'll see there's PROOF that a lot of the records taken by Hillary and her minion, Abedin, were indeed classified, etc.

The drip, drip, drip of information exposing the corruption of the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton, the State Department, the FBI, the CIA and God only knows where else in DC is slowly adding up.

One can only hope that there's someone left in the arena who has the gumption, power and courage of their convictions to bring justice to those who did not serve WTP but only themselves...

Friday, December 1, 2017

Don't Be Fooled By Reports Of Flynn Ruining Trump

When I first read reports earlier today that Michael Flynn (Nat'l Security Advisor for 25 days during the early Trump Administration days) had been directed by Trump to make contact with the Russians and thus are now at legal risk of possibly being charged with collusion , I was stunned. I didn't know what the heck to think. But my gut told me, nah, gotta be fake news. I just didn't and/or couldn't believe Trump would do such a thing.

Well, I was relieved to find out my instincts were right.

Here's the scoop from Rush Limbaugh. Somewhat lengthy piece but really worth taking the time to read.

Bottom line if you don't have the time to read Rush's monologue, is that Flynn is charged with a process crime ie he lied to some very important people. Nothing more. No collusion. No Trump crimes. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zip. Even the FBI, said back almost a year ago, that there was no collusion between Flynn, Trump and/or the Russians. And there isn't. But the MSM is playing things like there is and that Trump's in major trouble and on and on. B.S. Totally.

One more thing.

The timing of this story is meant to deflect from the successful passing of major Tax Reform and Tax Cuts, all the Dems going down for sexual misconduct and the new highs reached by the Stock Market.

Call Senator Susie Collins

and ask her to vote for Tax Reform and Tax Cuts ... 202-224-2523. You may get a recording but will be able to leave a voicemail with your message. Don't let her be one of the few Senators that prevent the bill from passing! Even John McCain is gonna vote YES!