Thursday, December 21, 2017

Trump Triumphs!

Here's a link from the Washington Examiner that sums up all of Donald J. Trump's accomplishments during his first year as president of the United States. Quite astonishing once you see it all in black and white.

My favorites are the recent tax cuts passed, the nomination of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, pulling out of various deals where America contributes more than it gets back and helping our Vets.

One issue that's not really mentioned in the article is how much Trump has exposed the Main Stream Media, the characters in the DC Swamp and the Dems for who they really are.

Though I've always suspected a certain of corruption took place in the halls of congress and other branches of government,  I had no idea just how bad it really was/is.

Same with the MSM. I've known there was bias, but it never occurred to me that ABC, NBC, CNN, WaPo, NYT's and on and on would actually lie to the American public in order to promote their issues, a candidate, or whatever.

In closing, I want to thank  Donald Trump for all he's done and accomplished and exposed during his first year of the presidency. May God continue to bless him now and throughout the years to come.


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