Thursday, November 16, 2017

Repealing of OCare Mandate Included In Senate Tax Reform Bill

Senator Tom Cotton deserves credit for bringing Republicans around to a daring, controversial, and politically brilliant idea: repealing Obamacare’s individual mandate through the Republican tax overhaul.

 Cotton “brought Obamacare repeal back from the dead,” Politico reports. He rallied his fellow Republican lawmakers behind the idea by showing them how the tax savings from ending the individual mandate could be used to broaden the tax cuts without blowing past debt limits imposed by Senate rules, according to Politico.

Far from complicating tax reform efforts, the inclusion of the repeal simplifies it. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the repeal will save the government $338 billion over the next decade. That made room for the expansion of child tax credits, local property tax credits, and small business tax credits without offending the sensibilities of deficit hawks.

The above is an excerpt from a Breitbart article. To read the full article, click the link below.

Btw, I absolutely LOVE the idea of including the repeal of the OCare mandate. Way to go Tom Cotton!


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