Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Maine's New Health Care Tax

Here's a brief article explaining a new health care tax re: ObamaCare starting in 2018 unless voted against.


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Why Has Health Care Gotten So Expensive?

Here's a brief, 2 1/2 minute video that explains things put together by Prager University.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Three Cheers For Susan Reitman Of Rockland, Maine !

Susan Reitman of Seavey Lane in Rockland said Monday she won't take down the signs on her property and won't pay a fine for allegedly violating a town ordinance regarding the size and number of signs on private property.

Woman fights to keep Trump signs on her property. For the full story, check out the link below.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Facebook & Politics

While checking my Facebook page this morning, I came across a post by Maine's Senator Angus King in regards to the current Grahm/Cassidy Bill.

I decided to ask him to please think it over and vote for the above bill.

Mentioned how I tried OCare. Was cheap at first. Fast forward a few years later,  my premiums tripled in price, my deductibles skyrocketed and it doesn't cover some of the name brand Meds I take (generics didn't work or had awful side effects).

Basically I've been paying for catastrophic insurance but at a very high premium.

Well, you would have thought I was asking Senator King and his supporters to vote for the devil. The vitriol and negative comments from the left side of the aisle were non-stop and some were downright nasty.

So sad that we can no longer have respectful discourse between two differing parties...

What has this world come to ???

Call Senator Collins

And urge her to pass the current Grahm/Cassidy bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare. It's not the bill of our dreams, but at least it'll help somewhat and keep us from going down the Single Payer route.

Senator Collins' Augusta office number is 622-8414. Please call and ask her to vote for the Grahm/Cassidy bill.

If not familiar with this current bill, here's a link to a short and to the point article by Business Insider that explains it simply without a lot of political speak.


Monday, September 18, 2017

What do the The Emmys, Pro Football, Broadway, Musicians, College Professors All Have In Common?

Bashing our POTUS Donald J. Trump whenever they get the chance.

The straw that broke the camel's back was last night's production of the Emmy's where many of the rich and famous decided to add their demeaning commentary about our President.

Forget that all of the above are either in the field of entertainment or teaching our children.

They've decided that it's imperative that they weigh in with their personal opinions of how awful, disgraceful, uncouth and on and on our current President is.

Does anyone REALLY want to listen to political commentary while enjoying escapist movies, tv shows, sports, concerts and/or plays? I know I don't. I just want to relax and forget about the real world for a little while.

As for Professors and Universities spouting forth their political ideology. Shame on them. They're supposed to teach the facts and/or show all perspectives on a subject matter. They are NOT there to impose their personal beliefs onto others.

Of course all of the above seem to think that their opinions really matter and that THEY are the arbiters of what's is right and/or wrong.

I'm so sick of it all, that often I turn to the Home and Garden Channel to escape these days. Or maybe a good old fashion movie from the 40s or a tv series enjoyed long ago where NOTHING political was espoused. Just pure, good entertainment with maybe a few laughs too.

Okay. I'm done venting. Thank you for reading...

Hillary And Vlad

More often than not I've said to friends that if you really want to know what Hillary's up to, along with many of the liberal Democrats, just look at what they accuse others of.

It's called projection. If not sure what the psychological term projection means. Here's a short version.

You project onto others what you, yourself either think or do. 

That's what I think has been happening all along in regards to the Dems push for a Special Counsel to look into possible collusion between the Trump Administration and the Russians.

In other words, they've been projecting and thus deflecting BIG TIME the very actions that Hillary and the Clinton Foundation are guilty of.

For more, here's a link to Conservative Review.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Conservative Ben Shapiro Speaks At UC Berkely

So glad to learn that young Conservative Ben Shapiro's speaking gig at UC Berkely turned out to be a positive experience for the most part. No major rioting. No ANTIFA with masked faces inciting violence.

How was this accomplished?

UC Berkley made it a point to get the word out that there would be zero tolerance in regard to violence. That police would be on guard and were given the freedom to use pepper spray should things get out of hand. They also kept protestors in separate locations. Used barricades. Also no weapons were allowed inside the venue. And no masks either.

What a shame that any venue has to go to such lengths in order to insure a peaceful event, but this is the day and age we live in. Better safe than sorry...

Hopefully, other universities and colleges will learn from UC Berkley and book speakers with differing points of view. But also let it be known that those speakers along with their audience will be respected and protected from anyone who wants to incite violence.

After all. This is America. Land of the free. Home of the brave. And should remain so...

Tucker Carlson On DACA

Wonder what the heck is going on with the whole DACA thing?

Jeff Sessions announced not too long ago that the Trump Administration was going to rescind it. I took that to mean, that it was OVER for the Dreamers.

But now Trump seems to have made a deal with Chuck and Nancy for an amnesty of sorts for the so-called Dreamers.

I'm confused and will be very disappointed in Trump if the above deal goes through.

As I previously wrote, doing a deal with the Devil (in this case Schumer & Pelosi) will not benefit the American people or the current administration. In fact, it would be a huge mistake. I hope and pray that the Donald doesn't go through with it.

Here's an excerpt from Tucker Carlson's excellent monologue from his show last night on the whole DACA issue via Breibart News that explains it all.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

What's Happening In Maine

Here's a link to State Rep Stephanie Hawk's weekly update on what's happening in Maine.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Benghazi Revisited

Eye opening article from Breitbart about what really happened at Benghzi. All I can say is Wow ...


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Make Congress Live With ObamaCare

The Rescinding Of DACA

'The Trump administration is rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and will phase it out over the next six months, leaving the fates of Dreamers in the hands of Congress.'

"To have a lawful system of immigration that serves the national interest. We cannot admit everyone who would like to come here. It's just that simple," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said at the Department of Justice, announcing the administration's decision Tuesday. He did not take any questions."
'The Justice Department recommended to the Department of Homeland Security and the White House that the DHS should begin "an orderly lawful wind down, including the cancellation of the memo that authorized this program," according to Sessions.'
The above are opening paragraphs taken from an article by ABC news. To read the entire story, click the link at the end of this blog.
Moving on.
I agree 100% with the Trump Administration's decision to can DACA and close the border to further illegal immigration regardless of age or who it is.

Let people come into the U.S. LEGALLY just like our ancestors did. However, it would be great if we could find a way to make it faster and easier to do so.

I know quite a few people personally who over the last 10 years or so have come to the U.S. legally. But it took most of them YEARS to get their legal ducks in a row in order to do so. It is not an easy or timely process.

In this day and age of technology, there really should be no excuse for those wanting to come here and be productive citizens, to have to wait so long and jump through endless government hoops.

Streamline the process. Maybe hire private companies to help. If we can put men on the moon, spy on millions of fellow Americans via the NSA, create miracle drugs to prolong our lives,  etc. we should be able to come up with an efficient way for immigrants to make their way here, without it taking years to do so.

Just my two cents.


Trump Makes A Deal With The Devil ....

Though I understand WHY Trump worked out a short term debt limit deal with the Dems (wanted funding re: hurricane Harvey & now possibly  Irma), doesn't mean I have to like it or think it's great decision on his part for the long haul.

That being said, what the heck else is he supposed to do when the GOP leadership in both the House and the Senate act like their hands are tied with just about every piece of legislation the POTUS pushes?

I'm thoroughly disgusted and that's why there hasn't been a whole lot of blogging lately. It's a form of punishment to watch the day in and day out of the foot dragging, do nothing Congress. So I somewhat took the summer off.

I  mean the GOP has the House, the Senate and the Presidency and yet what the heck have they actually accomplished legislatively so far?

Has R&R of OCare happened? What about funding for the wall? Will true tax relief/cuts ever occur?

I'm thinking that the GOP leadership may continue to sit on their hands and do nothing. All while putting up a good front like they're TRYING their best to move things forward. When in fact, they really don't want to pass bills that cut taxes, fund the wall, fix OCare. Why? I'll get to that later...

I'm not saying ALL of the GOP has this mindset. God only knows the Freedom Caucus has done their best to try and put forth good bills and there are other legislatures who want to accomplish things.

It's the leadership of Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan who I blame. They've managed to push through Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court Justice position. So why not other agenda?

I'll tell you why. Lobbyists. Donors. And behind the scene deals that have already been made.

Supporting Gorsuch was a piece of cake cause it didn't affect their relationships with said parties, who in turn fund their campaigns, etc.

But I digress.

By the GOP leadership not working with President Trump to get things done, it'll continue to force him to cut more deals with the Dems.

Who in turn will gladly work with him, give the POTUS a bit here and there of what he wants, but in the end screw him, along with the GOP.

As a bonus, the Dems will then get to say how they worked with the POTUS when the GOP couldn't or wouldn't. This will appeal to a lot of voters and who knows what will happen come the midterm elections. The GOP may lose seats. Though I certainly hope not. Stay tuned.

For details of the recent debt limit deal referred to, here's a link to Bloomberg's piece.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Diamond And Silk @ Press Conference

They are so right on the money and funny as all heck.  Just scroll down the Facebook page to watch! Lasts about 2 minutes.
