Friday, September 15, 2017

Conservative Ben Shapiro Speaks At UC Berkely

So glad to learn that young Conservative Ben Shapiro's speaking gig at UC Berkely turned out to be a positive experience for the most part. No major rioting. No ANTIFA with masked faces inciting violence.

How was this accomplished?

UC Berkley made it a point to get the word out that there would be zero tolerance in regard to violence. That police would be on guard and were given the freedom to use pepper spray should things get out of hand. They also kept protestors in separate locations. Used barricades. Also no weapons were allowed inside the venue. And no masks either.

What a shame that any venue has to go to such lengths in order to insure a peaceful event, but this is the day and age we live in. Better safe than sorry...

Hopefully, other universities and colleges will learn from UC Berkley and book speakers with differing points of view. But also let it be known that those speakers along with their audience will be respected and protected from anyone who wants to incite violence.

After all. This is America. Land of the free. Home of the brave. And should remain so...


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