Friday, April 28, 2017

Further Outings At FNC

Ever since Murdock's sons have taken over FNC, they've been slowly but surely getting rid of many of those employees with a conservative bent and who are older.

Consequently, they've been gradually replacing those who were there from the beginning and helped make the station extremely successful with younger,  more centrist or even left leaning recruitments. Many of which originate from NBC News, who is in lock step with the likes of the NYT's, WaPo, MSNBC, etc.

Rumors are now flitting about that the next to go might be Sean Hannity. I certainly hope not.

Who will be next? Judge Janine, Napolitano, Steve Doocy? Won't be surprised.

If FNC ends up going liberal like I think it is, I'm so out of there. I now have a subscription to CRTV, an online conservative station which I watch now and again. But if Fox goes rogue, it'll be my new 24/7 go-to station for news.

Below is a link to an article by the Hollywood Reporter which has been following the changes at Fox News. Read on if interested.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

UC Berkely Refuses To Offer Protection For Ann Coultier To Speak

UC Berkley's hypocrisy seems to know NO bounds.

How so?

It has refused to provide a safe space and protection for Conservative Writer and Journalist Ann Coultier to speak at its campus.

No doubt however, that it would have no problem allowing Left Wing pundits the same right. And do so with enthusiasm.

I'm disgusted. But also saddened for the students of UC Berkley who now live in an echo chamber where freedom of speech and opposing views are not allowed.

The bottom line is that the Left feel threatened by Conservatives and do NOT want them speaking at their campuses.


Because they might just open the minds of their students to ways of thinking that would alienate them from Liberal thought and thus they would lose control.

All of the above is going to backfire at some point and the general public will have had enough. I can't wait.

Tax Cut Bill, R&R ObamaCare & Sanctuary Cities

The Trump administration has come up with a tax cutting plan. The basics are as follows:

Cut the 7 income brackets to 3, thus creating 10%, 25% & 35% brackets.

Cut corporate and small business taxes from 35% to 15%

Create a one time 'tax holiday' to encourage companies to bring trillions of dollars back to the U.S.

Eliminate the alternative minimum and estate taxes

The plan would also double the standard deductions for married couples. In other words couples could take a deduction of $24K versus $12K

Last, the plan would eliminate all tax deductions with the exception of the following: mortgage interest, charitable giving and retirement savings.

If the Dems refuse to cooperate, the GOP may use the reconciliation process with a simple majority vote. This is not permanent however. But at least it would get the bill on the books with hopes that by doing so, the economy will take off and consequently keep the tax changes in place.

Will be interesting to see how it all pans out.

Meanwhile, it appears that the Freedom Caucus (ie conservatives),  the Tuesday Morning Group (moderate section of the GOP) and the POTUS may have come to an agreement in regards to R&R ObamaCare. A vote is expected as early as this Friday or Saturday.

Last, a 9th Circuit Judge has blocked an Executive Order by President Trump to withhold federal funding from Sanctuary cities. Attorney General Jeff Sessions stepped in and said the POTUS' EO was well within his power. But District Court Judge Orrick (Obama appointee) refuses to cooperate and issued a preliminary injunction for San Francisco and the County of Santa Clara.

Trump tweeted in response that he will take his fight re: Sanctuary Cities to the Supreme Court.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Great Idea On How To Pay For The Wall

"Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill calling for the use of $14 billion seized from cartel drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to be used to pay for the President’s border wall between the U.S. and Mexico."

To read more, click on the link to the Breitbar article below.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Mark Levin's Take On The Bill O'Reilly Ouster

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Bill O'Reilly's Departure From Fox News & More

Incredibly shocked to learn of Bill O'Reilly's firing yesterday. But then again, not so much.

Ever since James and Lachlan (Rupert Murdock's sons) moved into their powerful positions as Executive co-Chairs, I've noticed a subtle and gradual shift at Fox News.

Little by little the older, more conservative hosts/pundits seem to be given less and less prime time exposure, while the younger and more moderate ones take center stage.

In addition, many of these younger and newer Contributors are former Obama staff and/or are affiliated with the three major networks.

Now ...  nothing wrong with keeping up with the times, wanting to expand your audience to include the next, younger generation and those with opposing views. After all Fox News touts itself as Fair and Balanced. Gotta at least somewhat live up to that moniker.

However, with this change is a subtle but no less major shift in opinion and coverage, where a more politically correct atmosphere echoing the NYT's, WaPo, NBC, ABC, CNN is becoming more prevalent.

And why is the above happening?

Could have something to do with James and Lachlan taking over.

My research shows that Lachlan votes Democrat and supported Hilary Clinton. While James leans moderate Republican.  So it makes sense that they may be trying to move the channel more to the center or even to the left in order to reflect their own biases.

Thus getting rid of Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly.  What could provide more justification, not to mention a politically correct reason, for the brothers to oust these two, than the sexual harassment  issue? How does one ever truly fight the 'he said, she said' battle and win?

However, with the above being said, it's interesting that neither O'Reilly or Ailes ever fought against or denied outright (that I know of) the accusations of sexual harassment in a public way.

So maybe they are true.

Or it could be possible that they knew they didn't have a prayer in the court of public opinion and thus quietly settled out of court in order to avoid a media circus, even though the accusations might have been false.  
I tend to think the truth is somewhere in the middle.

That O'Reilly & Ailes have probably acted inappropriately, but never thought in a million years they'd get called to the carpet because of their powerful positions. If there was rape or any serious physical abuse going on, no doubt we would have known about it a long time ago.

Regardless of whether the firing of Ailes and O'Reilly was justified or not, FNC is no longer the station it used to be. And in some ways, by both Ailes and O'Reilly getting the boot, they are a reflection of that change and also of what's to come.

Whether these changes are organic or manipulated by the brothers who now run it, I'm not really sure.

But gone seems to be the cutting edge reporting.

I'm finding shows like Sharyl Attkisson's Full Measure much more informative and hard hitting.

Also watching more of CRTV,  the conservative online news channel with shows hosted by Mark Levin, Michelle Malcolm, etc. These anchors all used to be regular contributors to FNC. But for whatever reason, they're rarely seen anymore.

Could it be that Internet tv is slowly becoming the wave of the future and thus will eventually fill the need for a conservative voice that Fox now seems to be gearing away from?

As I always say, only time will tell.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Trump Report Card

Short, easy to read article from Lifezette listing promises made by President Trump during the campaign trail and which promises have been kept so far, promises broken and promises most likely to be kept and on and on.

"DC Corruption Is Worse Than You Think"

So says GOP Congressman Ken Buck from Colorado in his book 'Drain the Swamp: How Washington Corruption is Worse than you Think'.

Here's just one disturbing tidbit of info from his interview with the Daily Signal.

“One of the things that I found startling when I got here (DC) is that you have to pay dues to be on a committee,” Buck said.

During the time he served on the House Judiciary Committee, Buck said he had to pay periodic dues of $200,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign committee of the House of Representatives.

Now, as a member of the House Rules Committee, Buck’s periodic dues are $450,000.

The obligation to pay dues, Buck said, forces members of Congress to hold fundraising receptions and encourages corrupt influences from special interest organizations who attend the fundraisers.

“Who comes to those receptions with checks?” Buck said. “Lobbyists, special interests that want something in return. So there is a game that goes on that you owe the party money and you are expected to vote with the chairman and you are expected to help special interests groups in Washington, D.C.”

We've all heard about the corruption with lobbyists and the pay to play back and forth. But I had no idea that the NRCC REQUIRES that dues be paid in order to be on a committee. It's really no different than having to pay an Initiation Fee to get into a tony country club. Except this is a form of government extortion upon itself!

The above is crazy! And what's even more nuts, is that NO ONE has ever talked about it until now.  Not our elected officials, the media, talk radio, no one. Gotta be the best kept secret from the PUBLIC ever as far as politics goes.  

To read more click below:

Three Cheers For Jim Jordan (OH-Rep)

At the end of my rant is a link to another informative article in re: ObamaCare from the Daily Signal. It highlights Jim Jordan, Founder and Head of the Freedom Caucus, a conservative group within Congress.

What I found particularly interesting, is that Jordan sets up Town Hall meetings with his constituents on a regular basis when he's home in Ohio. Informs them of what's happening in Congress, what's up for a vote, answers questions one on one and actually listens.

He also seems to retain his beliefs in conservatism and doesn't get caught up in the DC bubble.

An example is his vote against the first R&R OCare bill.

President Trump was NOT happy about the Freedom Caucus's opposition to it. He even partially blamed them for it not coming to a vote. But the bill would have given rise to premiums even higher than they currently are. Thus Jordan & his FC would not support it.

So instead of the POTUS being angry at the FC, he should be thankful as the bill would have been a disaster.

I think The Donald just wanted a quick win that he could crow about versus a bill that would truly help the average person by lowering premiums and deductibles.

Hate to say the above, but I think it's the truth.

But I digress.

What hit me most about the article was how Jim Jordan takes the time and has the guts to do the Town Hall meetings in the first place. I can't say the same for any of our elected officials ie Susie Collins, Angus King or Chellie Pingree.

I keep a sharp eye out for who might be holding Town Hall meetings and I can't say I've ever seen any of the above offering these.

Wait. I'm wrong. When it's election time, they sure as heck get out there and mix with the public. Other than that? Not at all.

Why not?

My guess is that they don't really want to mingle with their constituency.

It's too much trouble. Too  much risk. They might get called to the carpet. There might be social media videos, pics and/or comments disputing or disagreeing with their stance on issues with the chance that all will be on full display for the media or anyone interested to access.

They'd much rather live in their protected bubble where they truly only interact with their fellow Congressman/Senators.

And if they do interact with their constituency, it's through aides and surrogates via email or phone calls.

I know cause I've tried contacting our Senators and Congresswoman and the only way to do so is via their website in email form or voicemail. Eventually you do get a response, but no doubt it's from a surrogate or aide. And God only knows if the Senator or Congresswoman ever actually reads or hears about messages left.

This is Not right. Not fair. Not American.

Bottom line is that Jim Jordan has proven over time that he keeps his word,  is a true conservative and knows he really only answers to WTP who put him in office to begin with.

Wish we had the same in Maine...

Thursday, April 13, 2017

R&R ObamaCare Update

According to the Daily Signal, looks like a lot of work is going on behind the scenes by both the Freedom Caucus and the more Moderate wing of the Republican party in order to repeal ObamaCare and replace with a new plan. There's even a bit of discussion going on with the Democrats.

Bottom line is that all participants are trying to come up with a plan that helps to both lower premiums, while still protecting those with pre-existing conditions.  Those involved hope to return from Spring Break near the end of April and fulfill their promise to R&R the ACA.

If successful, then it'll be on to cutting taxes.

Wouldn't it be great if the GOP could prove that they COULD work together for the benefit of the WTP?

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Obama: The Real Friend Of Putin

Below is a link to a short and precisely written piece by Rich Lowry which documents Obama's collusion with Russia and it's leader,  Vlad Putin and not Trump.

Read on:

One thing I'd like to say before clicking the publish link...

The Democrats always project onto others what they are up to.  As you'll see when reading the article, THEY were the ones who were wheeling and dealing with Russia. Not our POTUS.

Keep the above in mind every time a Dem opens their mouth and accuses the Republicans, our President or one of his Cabinet Members of some devious plot, crime or inhumane act.

Most likely it'll turn out to be that THEY are the ones' committing the acts.

But they're very clever with cover ups by accusing the opposing party of exactly what THEY are up to. This in turn, grabs the Media's attention and takes the heat off of them. Consequently they are able to carry on without further scrutiny.

Makes me wonder why all the Great Think tanks and political minds haven't noticed this...

Monday, April 10, 2017

Ayn Rand Revived

Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism and the Virtue of Selfishness extolled in her novels Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead  have found a current day audience.


Think Silicon Valley CEO's, a few politicians and even our own POTUS, Donald Trump.

I first read Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead at the age of 15. Both novels were life changing to say the least... and in a very positive way.

Though I don't agree with Rand 100% (I am not an Atheist), her basic belief in free markets, excellence and following your dreams are areas we have in common.

That there are current-day believers in powerful positions, gives me hope that there are still movers and shakers in the world who believe in individual freedom and will fight the collective/globalist mentality that has now become so prevalent.

The article below which inspired this blog is by the Guardian. And though it clearly seems to have a certain amount of disdain for Rand's philosophy as stated in the last paragraph. It's still worth a read.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Trump's Missile Strike In Syria

Did not see this coming.  Was it the right thing to do? Not sure yet.

On the one hand, I like that Trump showed the world that the U.S. is back and taking a stand on certain issues.

On the other, I hope the strike doesn't escalate & end up miring us in another war that might include regime change and nation building.

Here's a link to an informative interview of SOS Rex Tillerson by John Dickerson of Face The Nation earlier this morning.

Interesting Website & Trump News

Just discovered this website that offers some interesting articles in regard to POTUS Trump, along with some inside scoop. Thought I'd pass it on.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Maine Restaurant Workers Show Up @ Tip Credit Hearing

"I was in awe Wednesday morning."

"Just after 8 a.m., the halls of the Burton M. Cross Building began filling up with hundreds of Maine restaurant workers preparing for public hearings on a flurry of bills that would roll back provisions in Question 4 and reinstate the tip credit. They all wanted a chance to tell their story and push back against the out of touch Maine People’s Alliance and the union interests that threaten their livelihoods."

"I’m no regular in Augusta, but I’ve never seen anything like it. The place was packed, and the grassroots organized Restaurant Workers of Maine easily outnumbered the MPA slacktivists 10 to 1. Bangor Daily News reporter Chris Cousins remarked on Twitter “I have never, ever seen the parking lots around the State House as packed as they are today.”

"But despite the lopsided support for the Restaurant Workers of Maine in Augusta on Wednesday, the Maine media spewed its own narrative."

The above excerpt was taken from the Maine Wire. To read the entire article click below.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

No Wonder Obama & Co. Continues To Get Favorable Press

Just heard via talk radio about the incestuous relationships between the former Obama Administration and the Main Stream Media (MSM). Blew me away. Had no idea.

So I decided I had to confirm for myself.

Here's what I learned after combing the internet

Susan Rice, former NSA to President Obama is married to Ian Cameron, ABC News Executive Producer.

Ben Rhodes, former Deputy National Security Advisor to President Obama is the brother of CBS News President, David Rhodes

CNN Deputy Bureau Chief Virginia Mosely is married to Obama's former Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Tom Nide

ABC's News & Univision reporter Matt Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan,  Obama's former Deputy Press Secretary

ABC's President, Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama's former Special Advisor,  Elizabeth Sherwood

ABC's News Correspondent Claire Shipman is married to Obama's White House Press Secretary Jay Carney

The list goes on and on.

Talk about collusion and nepotism.

No wonder NONE of the above television stations are talking about the current Susan Rice surveillance cover up.

If they are, they're insisting that there's either nothing to see here and to move along.  OR they are defending what Rice did by repeating Rice's own talking point that she did not order intelligence officials to spy on the Trump team.

Another semantics game.

Makes complete sense now WHY the MSM has and will continue to cover up for Obama and his minions.

The dishonesty and lack of integrity that has now taken over a huge portion of the media and journalism since Obama took office is mind boggling.

Susan Rice: Unmasked

Well now.

We're finally getting down to the nitty gritty about the whole surveillance issue ie Trump's tweets claiming he was wire tapped.

Turns out that Susan Rice, NSA to former President Obama is the one who called for the unmasking of POTUS and his team members. The plot is truly thickening. And Trump is turning out to be correct if you ignore the silly semantics games the MSM has been playing.

Why Medications Cost So Much

Here's a link to a eye opening article which exposes why so many medications we take have become so expensive.

Just ignore the last paragraph where it basically says this is why we should have single payer health care. All else is very enlightening.