Three Cheers For Jim Jordan (OH-Rep)
At the end of my rant is a link to another informative article in re: ObamaCare from the Daily Signal. It highlights Jim Jordan, Founder and Head of the Freedom Caucus, a conservative group within Congress.
What I found particularly interesting, is that Jordan sets up Town Hall meetings with his constituents on a regular basis when he's home in Ohio. Informs them of what's happening in Congress, what's up for a vote, answers questions one on one and actually listens.
He also seems to retain his beliefs in conservatism and doesn't get caught up in the DC bubble.
An example is his vote against the first R&R OCare bill.
President Trump was NOT happy about the Freedom Caucus's opposition to it. He even partially blamed them for it not coming to a vote. But the bill would have given rise to premiums even higher than they currently are. Thus Jordan & his FC would not support it.
So instead of the POTUS being angry at the FC, he should be thankful as the bill would have been a disaster.
I think The Donald just wanted a quick win that he could crow about versus a bill that would truly help the average person by lowering premiums and deductibles.
Hate to say the above, but I think it's the truth.
But I digress.
What hit me most about the article was how Jim Jordan takes the time and has the guts to do the Town Hall meetings in the first place. I can't say the same for any of our elected officials ie Susie Collins, Angus King or Chellie Pingree.
I keep a sharp eye out for who might be holding Town Hall meetings and I can't say I've ever seen any of the above offering these.
Wait. I'm wrong. When it's election time, they sure as heck get out there and mix with the public. Other than that? Not at all.
Why not?
My guess is that they don't really want to mingle with their constituency.
It's too much trouble. Too much risk. They might get called to the carpet. There might be social media videos, pics and/or comments disputing or disagreeing with their stance on issues with the chance that all will be on full display for the media or anyone interested to access.
They'd much rather live in their protected bubble where they truly only interact with their fellow Congressman/Senators.
And if they do interact with their constituency, it's through aides and surrogates via email or phone calls.
I know cause I've tried contacting our Senators and Congresswoman and the only way to do so is via their website in email form or voicemail. Eventually you do get a response, but no doubt it's from a surrogate or aide. And God only knows if the Senator or Congresswoman ever actually reads or hears about messages left.
This is Not right. Not fair. Not American.
Bottom line is that Jim Jordan has proven over time that he keeps his word, is a true conservative and knows he really only answers to WTP who put him in office to begin with.
Wish we had the same in Maine...
What I found particularly interesting, is that Jordan sets up Town Hall meetings with his constituents on a regular basis when he's home in Ohio. Informs them of what's happening in Congress, what's up for a vote, answers questions one on one and actually listens.
He also seems to retain his beliefs in conservatism and doesn't get caught up in the DC bubble.
An example is his vote against the first R&R OCare bill.
President Trump was NOT happy about the Freedom Caucus's opposition to it. He even partially blamed them for it not coming to a vote. But the bill would have given rise to premiums even higher than they currently are. Thus Jordan & his FC would not support it.
So instead of the POTUS being angry at the FC, he should be thankful as the bill would have been a disaster.
I think The Donald just wanted a quick win that he could crow about versus a bill that would truly help the average person by lowering premiums and deductibles.
Hate to say the above, but I think it's the truth.
But I digress.
What hit me most about the article was how Jim Jordan takes the time and has the guts to do the Town Hall meetings in the first place. I can't say the same for any of our elected officials ie Susie Collins, Angus King or Chellie Pingree.
I keep a sharp eye out for who might be holding Town Hall meetings and I can't say I've ever seen any of the above offering these.
Wait. I'm wrong. When it's election time, they sure as heck get out there and mix with the public. Other than that? Not at all.
Why not?
My guess is that they don't really want to mingle with their constituency.
It's too much trouble. Too much risk. They might get called to the carpet. There might be social media videos, pics and/or comments disputing or disagreeing with their stance on issues with the chance that all will be on full display for the media or anyone interested to access.
They'd much rather live in their protected bubble where they truly only interact with their fellow Congressman/Senators.
And if they do interact with their constituency, it's through aides and surrogates via email or phone calls.
I know cause I've tried contacting our Senators and Congresswoman and the only way to do so is via their website in email form or voicemail. Eventually you do get a response, but no doubt it's from a surrogate or aide. And God only knows if the Senator or Congresswoman ever actually reads or hears about messages left.
This is Not right. Not fair. Not American.
Bottom line is that Jim Jordan has proven over time that he keeps his word, is a true conservative and knows he really only answers to WTP who put him in office to begin with.
Wish we had the same in Maine...
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