Monday, April 17, 2017

"DC Corruption Is Worse Than You Think"

So says GOP Congressman Ken Buck from Colorado in his book 'Drain the Swamp: How Washington Corruption is Worse than you Think'.

Here's just one disturbing tidbit of info from his interview with the Daily Signal.

“One of the things that I found startling when I got here (DC) is that you have to pay dues to be on a committee,” Buck said.

During the time he served on the House Judiciary Committee, Buck said he had to pay periodic dues of $200,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign committee of the House of Representatives.

Now, as a member of the House Rules Committee, Buck’s periodic dues are $450,000.

The obligation to pay dues, Buck said, forces members of Congress to hold fundraising receptions and encourages corrupt influences from special interest organizations who attend the fundraisers.

“Who comes to those receptions with checks?” Buck said. “Lobbyists, special interests that want something in return. So there is a game that goes on that you owe the party money and you are expected to vote with the chairman and you are expected to help special interests groups in Washington, D.C.”

We've all heard about the corruption with lobbyists and the pay to play back and forth. But I had no idea that the NRCC REQUIRES that dues be paid in order to be on a committee. It's really no different than having to pay an Initiation Fee to get into a tony country club. Except this is a form of government extortion upon itself!

The above is crazy! And what's even more nuts, is that NO ONE has ever talked about it until now.  Not our elected officials, the media, talk radio, no one. Gotta be the best kept secret from the PUBLIC ever as far as politics goes.  

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