Wednesday, March 29, 2017

OCare Penalties

"Approximately 6.5 million taxpayers paid $3 billion in Obamacare penalties for not having health insurance in 2016, according to preliminary data from the Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen"

Wow. Just another form of taxation...

The good news is, is that President Trump has since signed an executive order easing the individual mandate requirement. People will now no longer be required to inform the IRS whether or not they have health care.

Still holding the hope that Trump & Co. will come up w/plan B and repeal the entire bill and create a new and better one.

The above info was taken from an article by the Washington Free Beacon. To read the entire piece click here:

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Weekly Std Piece Dated 2014 Re: Benghazi, Rogers, Nunes, etc.

Thought provoking article from way back in 2014 by the Weekly Standard that gives perspective on all that's going on today w/intelligence, surveillance, Rogers, Nunes. Wish I had more time to elaborate & comment. Maybe in my next entry.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

News Wrap Up

Boy, what a week it's been. Between the hearings of SCJ nominee Neil Gorsuch, the Nunes report confirming surveillance of Trump & Co. and the failure to repeal and replace O'Care, it's been one for the record books.

So before the next big political drama hits, I thought I'd write a bit about it all while there's still a minute or two to breathe!

First. About SC nominee Neil Gorsuch.

Though the Dems plan on filibustering his nomination, I don't think it will work to prevent his confirmation.

Yes, they'll make a big stink,  get a lot of press and make their base temporarily happy.  But in the end he'll be our next SC Justice.

How could he not? He's got incredible credentials,  is a constitutionalist and was able to withstand the grilling with a cool and calm demeanor.

If there were any dirty secrets known about him,  we would have heard by now.

So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that even if we have to go the Nuclear Option route, Gorsuch will be confirmed. Then we'll have a NON-ACTIVIST SCJ who will sit on the bench for years to come and do Antonin Scalia justice.


The Nunes bombshell that said, YES, Trump and Company have been surveilled.  I think there's a lot more to come out that will prove without a doubt that Obama's people are behind it all.

Of course, it's not going to be easy.

Already the Dems are planning on how to punish Nunes. 

And no doubt, they'll do their best to obsfucate any part they played in the process along with trying to protect Obama, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice & Co. All named by Trey Gowdy as possibly having involvement.

Then it'll go round and round for awhile.  In the end however, I'm pretty sure the veil will be lifted and justice will be served.


The failure of Paul Ryan to bring together the disparate factions of the republican party to a majority vote to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

My thinking is that it is not the major catastrophe the media are making it out to be. And though the Dems are jumping up and down in glee due to what they see as a win for them, they won't be for long.

If O'Care remains in place and implodes. Well so be it.

It may just be the slap in the face some need in order to get their rears in gear and finally fix things. Though this route would not be my preference, it may end up being the only way to repealing a plan that simply does NOT work.

What I'd truly like to see, once the dust settles a bit and before the ACA totally blows up, is a brand new plan.

One that COMPLETELY repeals the ACA. Tear it up. Burn it. And let it be just a blip in the history books.

Then put together a new bill that still takes care of those sincerely in need re: Medicaid/Medicare but gives more power to the states and then pretty much lets the free markets take over.

As I've written a million times before, competition is good.  It works for car, house and other forms of insurance, so why not health insurance? The less government's involved, the better and more efficient.

Will a complete repeal ever realistically happen?

Somehow I doubt it.

But we can at least try and come as close to getting rid of as many mandates, penalties, government interference and control and subsidies as possible. Which will then let people buy plans across state lines, have health savings accounts or devise whatever  plan works best for them and their wallets.

Isn't that the American way? Freedom of choice and not having the government dictate what you can and can not do in every aspect of your life?

Friday, March 24, 2017

Congressman Nunes Interview On Hannity

Worth watching this 8 minute interview of Nunes by Hannity on Fox News in regard to the surveillance of President Trump & Co.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Nunes Confirms Surveillance Of Trump & Co.

According to a press conference yesterday and Heat Street,  House Intel Chairman, Nunes has said the following about surveillance in regards to Trump & Co.:

 "I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition."

"Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports."

Reports also said that the information was "legally brought to him (Nunes) by sources who thought we should know it". Nunes did not give any details on who the sources are.

I'm thinking the earlier piece I posted from InfoWars was right on the money. But odd, how practically no news agency, channel, website, etc. published or talked about this article. I only learned about it from a tweet by a somewhat obscure news source.

Makes me wonder how much the media actually knows but often DOESN'T report, for whatever reasons. Even when the lights are apparently green to do so...

No doubt there's more to this story as the plot thickens.

Current O'Care Replacement Bill

As of 10 am this morning, here is what has been agreed upon according to Yahoo News:

"The replacement plan would rescind the taxes created by Obamacare, repeal a penalty against people who do not buy coverage, slash funding for the Medicaid program for the poor and disabled, and modify tax subsidies that help individuals buy plans."

However, things are changing minute by minute.

At 11 am, the Freedom Caucus is supposed to meet  to discuss the bill. Hopefully, they'll have an impact and convince Trump, Ryan and others to make additional changes such as allow purchasing plans across state lines.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

ObamaCare Light

The current ObamaCare Light bill before congress will not change the fact that the GOVERNMENT will still play a huge role in our health care via tax credits, regulations, mandates and subsidies.

Do We The People really want bureaucrats still somewhat in control of a large portion of our lives?

I know I don't.

How about you?

Let's hope that President Trump, Speaker Ryan, the Freedom Caucus and others can work together to move forward to completely repeal OCare and replace it with much more of a free market plan. Sort of like we have with car and homeowners insurance. Competition has always shown to bring down prices. So why not with health insurance?

We could still keep Medicaid and Medicare intact to help those who truly need it. But those who don't, will most likely find a plethora of choices, prices, etc. IF the market was let loose to compete.

If the above doesn't happen and soon, I think we're doomed to repeat history and the cost of health insurance & premiums will continue to rise.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Cruz On Face The Nation

Here's an 8 minute video of Ted Cruz on Face The Nation. He discusses Trump's tweet about wire tapping & the current bill in regards to ObamaCare.

Gotta agree with him.

Higher Maine Taxes Coming Our Way

"As of Jan. 1, 2017, households earning $200,000 or more are subject to a 3% surcharge to raise funds for education. It comes top of the 7.15% regular income tax rate for everyone, putting the top marginal rate at 10.15%. That's a new high for Maine and No. 2 in the nation after California, which applies its top 13.3% rate only after $1 million."

The above is an excerpt from an excellent article by Mainebiz which was recommended reading by local  Maine GOP Rep, Stephanie Hawk.

Now you may breathe a sigh of relief if you're not in that income bracket, thinking the tax won't affect you. So why be concerned?

But it may affect your quality of life down the road as more professionals leave the state that are counted on ie doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, etc. or small business owners and/or tourist industry related entities decide to get out of Dodge in order to escape the higher taxes. They might think of moving to Florida or next door to our neighbor, New Hampshire. Neither state has an income tax and NH doesn't have a sales tax either.

Btw, the above was approved via Question 2 by a slight majority of Mainer's. Now we're going to pay the price.

My bet is the people who voted Yes didn't even think of the possible repercussions down the road. They probably thought that they were just helping Maine children get a better education.

We'll see if that happens.

To learn more and read the entire article, click the link below.

Gorsuch Hearing

Currently watching the hearings in re: Neil Gorsuch , Trump's pick for the Supreme Court.

So far, Gorsuch has been nothing but polite, charming, respectful and completely unflappable.

Of course the Dems are trying their best to browbeat and find a weak link in which they can grab onto in order to thwart Gorsuch's future position on the Supreme Court.

Not going to work.

Gorsuch is way too smart, cool under fire and refuses to bow down to partisan politics. He's all about following the law and the constitution.

Hear. Hear.

Trump Plants Aides In Cabinet To Root Out Saboteurs

The above title was taken directly from an article by WND.

Happy to learn that POTUS has people in various departments to be his eyes and ears in order to get accurate reports of what's happening and also to be sure his agenda is NOT sabotaged by holdovers from the Obama Administration.

Smart move.

To read the entire piece, click here:

Monday, March 20, 2017

Trump Proved To Be Right About Surveillance

Here's a link to an article by Info Wars which confirms what Trump MAY have been tweeting about.  Of course, in this day and age of fake news, who the heck knows. But looks to me like the info provided is legitimate. Read on...

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Secret Service Laptop Stolen From Car

I can't believe a Secret Service Officer would leave their laptop in their car parked outside their residence overnight. How dumb is that? What were they thinking?

Or maybe they purposely left it in the car for a particular person to come and steal in order to give access to information stored.

Interesting that some of that info stored were the floor plans of Trump Tower...

Read on.

It's About Time

"A group of leading senators is calling on newly installed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to immediately launch an investigation into efforts by the Obama administration to sway foreign elections by sending taxpayer funds to "extreme and sometimes violent political activists" that promote leftist causes, according to a copy of the letter.

The lawmakers disclosed multiple conversations with foreign diplomats who outlined active political meddling by the Obama administration's State Department, including the use of taxpayer funds to support leftist causes in Macedonia, Albania, Latin America, and Africa.

A portion of this State Department funding appears to have gone to organizations supported by the controversial liberal billionaire George Soros, according to the letter, which was authored by Republican Sens. Mike Lee (Utah), Jim Inhofe (Okla.), Thom Tillis (N.C.), Ted Cruz (Texas), David Perdue (Ga.), and Bill Cassidy (La.)."

The excerpt above was taken from a Washington Free Beacon piece.

Wouldn't it be absolutely LOVELY to finally see JUSTICE served against OBAMA and his leftist agenda?

The day will not come soon enough for me...

To read the entire article, click here:

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sharyl Attkinsson On Fox N Friends

Here's a brief discussion with Sharyl Attkinsson in regards to government wire tapping type surveillance. Sharyl, a former CBS reporter, who now has her own show Full Measure which airs Sunday mornings, has been spied on herself by the Feds. She knows of what she speaks.

Trump Rally & Interview With Tucker Carlson

Just a brief note to say how good it was to see POTUS Trump at his TN rally and also chatting with Tucker Carlson on Fox. Was just what the Doctor ordered to combat the constant negative press about him day in and day out. No doubt The Donald is a fighter and plans to keep doing so. The MSM, the Left and even his own party are not getting him down. Keep on, keeping on Mr. President.

POTUS Trump To Slash Many Fed Agencies, etc.

Here's an article by the Washington Post which lists federal agencies and programs that Trump wants to eliminate.

I say 'Go For it'! Lots of unnecessary gobbly gook costing the American tax payer money.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Trump Rally Tonight

For anyone interested, POTUS Trump will hold a rally tonight that will be televised at 6:30 CST or 7:30 EST. He will also be interviewed by Fox News' Tucker Carlson at 9 tonight.

Haven't heard from The Donald in awhile, so should be worth watching.

Media Rankings

Interesting post by the Drudge Report on where the various social media/news apps, websites, etc. rank in regards to viewership for the month of February.

Fun to see which sites command the most viewers.

Check it out.

SEIU'S Fraudulent Tactics & Practices

On a daily basis I receive excellent and well researched articles from the Daily Signal, a branch of the conservative think tank, Heritage Foundation.

This one, about the SEIU's fraudulent tactics and practices used to sign members up, vote in elections and collect dues is a true eye opener. Always suspected there was a lot of funny business going on with them, along with other union groups, but this particular article really brings it all home. Well worth the few minutes reading.

Thank you Heritage Foundation for all you do.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals"

Once you read the rules below,  you'll see that there's almost no doubt former President Obama tried his best to use Alinsky's Rules For Radicals in order to gain control of the American people and its' government in order to create his version of utopia. Unfortunately he's been somewhat successful.

Now President Trump has to do his best to try and reverse the damage Obama's legacy has brought.

No doubt our current POTUS has his work cut out for him, especially with turning things around in our health care system.

Here's a bit about Alinsky and his Rules For Radicals.

Saul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 - June 12, 1972) was an American
community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the
founder of modern community organizing. He authored the book, “Rules for Radicals”.

In his book, he details the 8 levels of control that must be obtained in
order to create a social state.

The first is the most important.

1) Healthcare: Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty: Increase the Poverty level as high as possible. Poor people
are easier to control, and will not fight back as long as you are
providing everything they require to live.
3) Debt: Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. In this way, taxes
must increase, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control: Remove the ability for citizens to defend themselves from
the Government. In that way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare: Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing,
and Income).
6) Education: Take control of what children read and to what they are
taught in school.
7) Religion: Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools.
8) Class Warfare: Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This
will cause more discontent, and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with
the support of the poor.

"Life is a gift, Freedom is a responsibility." - unknown

"Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions." -- Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Thursday, March 9, 2017

The American Health Care Act

#1 Amazon Best Seller In Political Humor

Just purchased the Number #1 Best Selling book  in the Political Humor category on Amazon, titled  'Reasons To Vote For Democrats': 'A comprehensive Guide' written by Yale graduate Michael J. Knowles.

Though I won't receive it for a few days, I already know exactly what's in it ie absolutely nothing but blank pages. Will make a great fan in the summer and a very quick read when wanting something light and breezy.

Also thought it would make a great coffee table book for my Democrat friends when visiting.

Tee Hee.

Repealing & Replacing ObamaCare

We'll know if what Congress and POTUS come up with in regards to repealing and replacing ObamaCare is a good plan when the Freedom Caucus approves. Think Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jim Jordan and Rand Paul, etc.

Watching and waiting...

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

From Russia With Love ...

"On February 28, Russian military expert Viktor Baranetz, a retired colonel and former defense ministry spokesman, published an article in the Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda titled Trump-Pump-Pump And Our Big Bang.
In the article, Baranetz asserted that Russia has asymmetrical responses to the increase in the U.S. military budget.
According to Baranetz, Russia is "quietly 'seeding' the U.S. shoreline with nuclear 'mole' missiles" that "dig themselves in and 'sleep' until they are given the command" to detonate.
However, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed these claims.
In response to a journalist's question on Baranetz's article, Peskov said: "This sounds strange, to say the least, and so I would suggest that you not take newspaper reports like this seriously."
The above quote was taken from an article written by the Middle East Media Research Institute.
The quote caught my eye because a few weeks ago, while enjoying looking out to sea off the coast of Maine, a relative and I noticed HUGE sprays of white water shooting way up into the air, along with a moving object of some sort along the distant horizon. The water must have shot up hundreds of feet in order to be seen and noticed from such a distance. It was truly quite the dramatic scene.
Was it a whale breaching? No. They're don't hang around the coast of Maine in the dead of winter.
A couple of HUGE rogue waves? No. The spray that shot up hundreds of feet was way too high for that.
At the time we were stunned by what we were seeing and couldn't look away even for a few seconds in order to grab a camera and take pictures. Then it stopped and nothing...
 No doubt in my mind that something VERY unusual happened during the 5 minutes or so that the event took place.
Once back home, I couldn't stop thinking about it.
Consequently,  I did some research. I learned that at the time, Russian vessels were spotted off the coast of Maryland and then Connecticut. Could it be possible that what we witnessed was one and the same and went unreported?
Nah. I was letting my imagination get the best of me. 
Consequently, I consoled myself with the thought that the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard located to the south along the Maine/NH border was conducting an exercise of sorts with one of their submarines.
But then I saw this article and am having second thoughts...
To read more, click on the links below.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

New WikiLeaks Document Dump

We are now living in the world of George Orwell's 1984 with the ability of the government to tap into your smart phone, your computer and even your 'smart car' without a warrant or any type of permission. Worse yet, is they can now even record your conversation via your Samsung tv AFTER it's shut off.


Here's a link to the WikiLeaks article.

Trump's Revised Travel Ban

Trump's revised temporary travel ban blocking entry of citizens from the designated 'terrorist safe havens' of Iran, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia & Sudan will NOT include the following:

  • Lawful permanent residents as well as diplomatic, NATO, and U.N. personnel.
  • Foreign nationals admitted after the effective date of the executive order.
  • Individuals with a visa valid on the date of the executive order.
  • Dual nationals travelling on a passport issued by a non-designated country.
  • Individuals already granted asylum or refugee status before the effective date of the executive        order

  • In addition, the revised ban excludes Iraq. The reason? According to reports,  the Iraqi government has agreed to a stronger vetting processes.

    Bottom line is that the ban will give the Department of Homeland Security time to revise and update the screening process in order to tighten controls over who gets into the country and may want to harm us.

    No doubt the Dems, the Left and MSM will find something wrong with the above, but most likely it won't legally be contested. Just complained about.

    Monday, March 6, 2017

    Comic Relief

    Here's a 40 second or so video of Diamond and Silk, Big TIME Trump supporters, talking about the possibility of an ObamaGate! Gotta love these gals.

    Sunday, March 5, 2017

    Mark Levin 'The Great One'

    Excellent 7 minute or so segment on Fox N Friends of Mark Levin talking about the whole wire tapping accusation made by POTUS Trump yesterday.

    A must watch!

    ObamaCare Light In The Future?

    So far, from reading many articles and listening to opinions of those I admire and respect in the political realm, it looks like the Establishment section of Congress are keeping their new ObamaCare plan secret. Why?

    Because it's ObamaCare light and NOT a completely new plan as promised by many.

    Those who are true conservatives will most likely not vote for it. And I hope The Donald will not support it IF this is truly the case.

    But when thinking about it further, why does the government have to get involved at all with health care?

    Why not let the free market take over like it does with car and homeowners' insurance? In both of these areas, we have multiple choices and can pick and choose what best works for us. So why not do the same with health care?


    Because then the politicians, lobbyists and D.C. would lose control, power & influence.

    Plus those on the Left would make a huge stink about it, saying how people NEED government regulations in control in order to protect the American public. And those on the Establishment GOP side would be too afraid to disagree, for fear of retaliation by the Dems.

    But maybe the public would LOVE the idea of freedom of choice IF the messaging and narrative was done correctly and in a positive way.

    So why do the Republicans always let the Democrats take over and control the narrative?  Why not be bold, throw out ObamaCare completely and let the markets take over?

    As of yet, I haven't heard one voice suggest the above. Not even Rand Paul or Ted Cruz. I wonder why not??? Are they also afraid of retaliation at the ballot box because the Dems have convinced them and all others holding publically elected office, that that would be the case?

    Food for thought...

    Guest Line Up For Sunday Morning News Shows

    Want to know who will be appearing on which political talk show on Sunday mornings? The link below will provide guest lists for Fox News Sunday, Meet The Press, This Week, Face The Nation and State Of The Union. Helps with deciding which shows to watch and/or DVR.

    Saturday, March 4, 2017

    Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

    Just a few minutes ago POTUS Trump tweeted that his wires were tapped at Trump Towers by Obama people while running for president. Wow. Can't imagine The Donald would put this out there if it wasn't true!

    House of Cards has NOTHING on current day politics. NOTHING.

    Here's a link to Trump's twitter feed and see for yourself what he's saying...

    Thursday, March 2, 2017

    CIA Knows Who's Leaking Re: Russian Fiasco

    "CIA officials know who has been leaking classified information to The New York Times and The Washington Post, and the officials have passed that information on to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, according to a former U.S. attorney for President Ronald Reagan."

    "Joseph diGenova, the former U. S. attorney for the District of Columbia under Reagan, told LifeZette that in private conversations with CIA officials they confirmed they have the names of alleged leakers and have given the names to the U.S. Department of Justice."

    Of course, now we know WHY the Dems want Session's out of the DOJ.

    To read the full article, click here:

    The Dems Are At It Again...

    I don't think there's a day that passes where the LEFT isn't plotting and/or planning about how to bring President Trump and his administration down. It's endless. It's relentless. It's disgusting. And they're not going away.

    The latest? That Jeff Sessions, head of the DOJ has been in touch with the Russians when he shouldn't have been. As a consequence, they are now asking him to step down.

    Even some Republicans are insisting on this.

    When will it all end? And who's next on the hit list?

    For the full story, here's an article by the NYT's. However, take it with a grain of salt as we all know it's not beyond them or other MSM outlets to print and report inaccurate stories or as The Donald blatantly calls it, Fake News.

    Wednesday, March 1, 2017

    POTUS Trump Speaks To Congress

    If you happened to miss last night's speech by POTUS Trump to Congress, here's a C-SPAN link. Best speech ever and truly presidential! Last about an hour and well worth watching. You'll feel a bit more optimistic about the future for doing so.